August 7, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Ted Mitchell: As part of the beautification of Town Hall, I would like to remove all non-shrubs and add some shrubs at street level. In the future, I would like to build a stone planter and divide the perennials. (LK) I would suggest submitting a diagram of what you intend to do. (EN) This will give us an idea of what it is going to look like. Ted Mitchell: The reason I would like to divide the perennials now is because the Beautification Committee has an upcoming plant sale. (LS) I think the diagram would be a good idea.

Ted Mitchell: At the entrance to the Food Pantry in the back, there is a “tripping hazard. I am reluctant to ask Public Works to correct it as they have enough to do. I would be able to do that myself. Board agreed it was a good idea. Board also thanked him for the “great job with the flowers out front.”

Mike Brewster: The government has to got stop telling me what to do and I am not voting. He elaborated on the State spending child support monies and where the money is actually being used for. State is ripping us off.

He also noted that the State does not know how to operate/regulate the dam. They are causing the boards to be “chewed up” and it should be regulated correctly but they do not know how to do this. He explained the process that was used and noted that this is the incorrect process by which the dam should be regulated when necessary. It is “a dangerous situation.” The tannery knew how to regulate it but the State does not.

Fred Hast: I have a couple of questions. You have about 40% of the EDC members on this Board. How is the Park’n’Ride coming? (LS) We are continuing to talk to the State about it. Fred Hast: The Board should send a letter to them; it might get them to do something. Otherwise, we could build up the building and use it and get some taxes on it. (LS) I will check with Matt Monahan on this. Fred Hast: And get back to me? (LS) Yes.

Fred Hast: What about the tax deeded properties? How is that coming? Have you sold any of the others? You’ve got six, right? (PS) Yes, the Town Clerk is getting ready to provide a list for the next meeting for tax deeds.


(EN) Junkyard Renewal Application; (LS) Budget Information; (PS) Application for Veterans’ Credit, Tax Map U5, Lot 61, Notice of Intent to Cut, Tax Map R39, Lot 28, Application for Veterans’ Credit, Tax Map R37, Lot 9, Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R39, Lot 28, Resignation of Nancy Bates, Selectmen to Sign Deed for Sale of 4 Franklin Street, Selectmen to Schedule Public Hearing for Donation of Computers, Sewer Warrant Second Quarter 2012, Appointment of Fire Chief John DeSilva, Forest Fire Warden.


1. Selectmen Response to Hank Fitzgerald Letter (6/23/12) and Jim Pritchard Letter (7/13/12) Re: Fitzgerald Request that the Selectmen Schedule a Public Hearing for the Removal of Jim Pritchard from the Planning Board

Larry Konopka recused himself and was seated in the audience (6:15 P.M.)

(LS) Paul, do you have any more information on this? (PS) When the letters came into the Board suggesting we hold a Public Hearing to remove Jim Pritchard from the Planning Board, I discussed this with both parties, investigated further and sent the information to the Town Attorney. Jim Pritchard was asking that this matter be dismissed. Both parties wanted a resolution.

The Town Attorney’s opinion was that there was not adequate information to substantiate the allegations by Hank Fitzgerald. Board may want to consider not holding a Public Hearing on this matter and advise Hank Fitzgerald and Jim Pritchard of this.

(EN) Motion to not hold a Public Hearing regarding Hank Fitzgerald request for the removal of Jim Pritchard from the Planning Board. (PR) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (GL) Jim Pritchard is up for re-election in March.

(PS) I will let both parties know.

Larry Konopka returned and was seated on the Board. (6:18 P.M.)

2. Jim Pritchard – Thompson Road Improvements

(PS) The letter from Jim Pritchard deals with the Thompson Road Class VI road and notes that Town funds by Statutes is not supposed to be spent on Class VI roadways. If this occurs, it turns into a Class V road. This road was supposed to be improved by AHG. After a meeting with Clayton Wood, Larry Konopka, George Bachelder and myself concerning these issues, it was decided that CNHRPC should review the file and determine if there are any issues that need to be attended to. Clayton Wood and Matt Monahan will meet further on this (Friday, August 10th). I would be happy to respond to Jim Pritchard noting that the Board does not intend to spend any funds on Thompson Road.

(PR) Motion to approve having Town Administrator inform Jim Pritchard accordingly. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

PUBLIC HEARING (6:22 p.m.)

6:20 P.M.: Public Hearing Re: Cable Franchise Fee

(LS) read into the Minutes the Public Hearing Notice – Cable Franchise Fee. (See Attached.)

Clayton Wood, Chairman of the Cable Advisory Committee, gave a brief overview of the purpose of the committee in reference to the franchise agreement and the institution of a franchise fee for cable members for improved services to the Town which would include a government channel. This would cost an estimated $20,000 for implementation for personnel. He related “we need input from the Town to determine if the Town wants it.”

Public Input:

Len Smith: I called Metrocast to ask how many towns charge franchise fees anywhere in New Hampshire and was told that none of them do. Clayton Wood: As far as I know there are about thirty towns which are serviced by Metrocast and about nineteen of them charge franchise fees. Len Smith: Also, they do not separate services. We bundle our services. This would be only for Metrocast subscribers and that is all. I have never seen a 1% increase in anything. It always becomes a 5% increase, which I believe is the Federal limit. It should be noted that the incorrect day of the week was noted in the Public Hearing announcement and it was not on Channel 24. We watched all the ads on Channel 24 and it was not there. This issue needs a broader hearing than those here tonight.

(LK) That is why we scheduled the Public Hearing. We wanted your input on this.

Ed Vien: Call it what you will, but it is a tax on the services that I get. There are a lot of DISH users in Town and this is for the Metrocast subscribers only and is not a town-wide advantage. Most people do not watch meetings from home. If people want to get involved they come to the meetings and to the Town Meeting. The 1% increase will go to 2, then 3, then, 4 and then 5% increase. I will go to a satellite DISH before I pay this franchise fee. Metrocast will lose me as a customer. It is really not a big value to me. I think if people are truly interested in the meetings, they will come to the meetings. I do not want a new tax.

Faith Whittier: I am taken back by this. We have a high tax rate as it is for little services. I would like to know what percentage of the people would tune into this. I do not support it. I think many people did not know the purpose of this meeting tonight.

Shari Lynn Deane: Is this contract for four full years or until we reach the $20,000? Clayton Wood: It would be three years before we could be in full operation and the funds would have to be earmarked for specifics. We would not require $20,000 every year. Shari Lynn Deane: The person doing the recording of the government channel meetings would they be a Town employee? (LK) Yes.

Clayton Wood: We could make this as streamlined as possible. (LS) You are making it sound like we have already approved this. The purpose of this hearing was to see if the subscribers would want it and use it. We have not made a determination for approval and wanted input from the individuals who use the service. Clayton Wood: We were not thinking of going up to 5% increase.
(PR) I think that you have wrongly directed this to the subscribers. Clayton Wood: To make it clear, the Board of Selectmen has to make the decision on what we are recommending.

Len White: How many subscribers are there to Metrocast in Town? Clayton Wood: About 1,000. Len White: You might need another forum to address this with all the people. Clayton Wood: We had a hearing last June and no one showed up. It is a big group.

Faith Whittier: In the fast moving world individuals are moving to the internet and not TV. Have you considered this aspect of the issue? Clayton Wood: That is why we were working with the Consortium.

Adam Gauthier: Are you looking at roughly about $23,000? Clayton Wood: Roughly, yes. It would take about three years and the $20,000 is not an annual fee.

Faith Whittier: Are we locked in for ten years in the franchise fee? Clayton Wood: No. Metrocast has nothing to do with the fee; they merely collect it for the Town. Faith Whittier: So, the Board has total control once it is approved? (LK) The Board would notify the public. We are listening to you and we had some of the same concerns.

Al Douglas: I am a member of the committee and it should be noted that the committee can only recommend. Metrocast has nothing to do with the franchise fee, they only collect it. Towns around us are doing that and it is beneficial that we do it also.

Mary Thorpe: I came here tonight with a misconception. This is not being considered for the Town but for the Metrocast subscribers. Only these subscribers should be able to vote on this. It is only one channel and I do not see how it is an asset to the Town. Why not do it through the Website instead? Clayton Wood: The decision has to represent the Town. This part of it is just focused on the viewing. Mary Thorpe: But, not everyone will benefit from it. Clayton Wood: Metrocast offers services to the Town in good will. They have invested about $3,000 in Channel 24. (LK) Maybe we could work on some sort of plan. Mary Thorpe: I am not in favor of this. It is ridiculous.

Fred Hast offered some costs relating to the franchise fee. He noted that not all people can come to meetings and “I am disappointed with the turnout tonight. It is not really a good representation.”

Len Smith: A lot of people did not know about the meeting tonight. (PR) It is the same as with the Town Meeting, a lot of people do not come. Fred Hast: I am in favor of this as long as the money is in the proper place for it.

(LK) Let us take an informal count of those in favor/against the franchise fee:
Favor: 1 Opposed: Approximately 10.

Paul Richardson: It sounds like most people do not want to see the meetings. They are not very exciting.

Len Smith: It should be on the internet.

Faith Whittier: It is not fair to those who bundle.

Close Public Hearing 6:59 P.M.

Break 7:00 P.M. Resume: 7:05 P.M.

(PR) Motion to not consider the institution of a franchise fee. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (GL) I would have to pay about $49 additional per year and I will not support this. (LK) The public noted some good points. We could try to work on some other areas such as the Town Website, which is important. (LS) The reason that we wanted to discuss with subscribers was because of the increase in costs to be a member of the Consortium and we could not justify this without talking to you people.

(PR) Motion to approve not continuing with membership in the Consortium.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) It is costing too much money.


3. Adoption of Financial Management Plan for CBDG Project
4. Adoption of Code of Ethics for CBDG Administration

(PS) Actually, the next four items (No. 3, 4, 5, & 6) deal with the CBDG grant with Rustic Crust. This is similar to what was presented last time Town did this. The Chair should be authorized to sign.

(PR) Motion to approve the CDBG Financial Management Plan and the Codes of Ethics. (EN) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-1 (GL)

Discussion: (GL) In Item #4 of the Codes of Ethics, the way that it is worded:

4. Every effort will be made to actively recruit women/minority-owned businesses and to provide opportunities for local residents and businesses, consistent with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968.

(GL) Are we not actively trying to recruit all small businesses? (PS) Yes, but this is “cookie cutter” language. (LS) No. 1 (Codes of Ethics) sums it all up:

1. Goods and services shall be procured in a manner which maximizes free and open competition.

5. CBDG Authorization to Sign for Reimbursement

(PS) The individuals authorized to submit claims would be Larry Konopka, Linda Small, Cara Marston and myself (Paul Skowron).

(PR) Motion to approve CBDG Authorization to Sign for Reimbursement, Option B for reimbursement. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. CBDG Professional Services Agreement Execution

(EN) Motion to approve CBDG Professional Services Agreement and authorize Chair to sign. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Could we make sure that there are no costs to the Town? (PS) Yes.

7. Town Attorney Response Re: Snedeker Junkyard Storage of Antique Vehicles

(PS) As you will note in the response from Town Attorney, concerns antique vehicles being stored by Mr. Snedeker (junkyard operator). This was brought in by Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector and Eric Nilsson, Deputy Building Inspector and asking me to get clarification as to how antique cars relate to junkyard license renewals. Quoting Town Attorney, Jae Whitelaw:

“If Mr. Snedeker wishes to have antique vehicles stored on his property within the licensed junkyard area, he is to notify code enforcement when an antique is brought in, with a description of the vehicle and evidence of ownership, so that a record can be kept to make sure that he is not violating his license by not transferring out these vehicles.”

(PS) His other option would be in concert with State Statute noting that the property owner develops some other enclosure rather than the junkyard itself.

(EN) Could we send a letter to Jim Snedeker to this effect? (PS) I will write to him before the next Board meeting.

8. Junkyard License Renewal/Bruce Clattenburg/Pittsfield Salvage

(PS) Bruce Clattenburg has completed his application which is similar to the license and conditions as noted on the Richardsons’ renewal.

(EN) Motion to approve renewal of junkyard license for Bruce Clattenburg.
(GL) Second. (Motion and Second Withdrawn later in the meeting.)

Discussion: (PR) How are they classified as “Green Yards”? (PS) He has not been classified by the State as a Green Yard. The Richardsons’ are but he is not. (LS) It is not mandatory but on Item 2 it notes that “The licensee shall agree…” (EN) We should remove Line 2 since we cannot require he do this. (See Attached.)

Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector: I spoke with Bruce Clattenburg to explain that it is a voluntary to have him go Green Yard. I can give him his license and explain it is a voluntary thing. The State would come and evaluate this. We will let him know.

(PS) noted he would remove Items 2 and 3.

(EN) Withdraw Motion (GL) Withdraw Second.

(EN) Motion to approve renewal application for Junk Yard License for Bruce Clattenburg with removal of Nos. 2 and 3 from document. (GL) Second.
Carried 5-0.

9. Action on Recommended Abatement: Tax Map R37, Lot 7 ($35.00)

(PS) The owner came in because the mapping company truncated it in the past. This was taken up by the Board months ago and it has finally been concluded and the map has been revised. It concerns the Rotary Club receiving one tax bill instead of two.

(LS) Motion to approve recommended abatement Tax Map R37, Lot 7 for $35.00. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(GL) Hasn’t this property since been sold? It was in the newspaper last week. (PS) That is what motivated the subject before the Board.

10. Action on Recommended Abatement: Tax Map U3, Lot 129 ($1,443.57)

(PS) We may not like it but Fairpoint has filed for bankruptcy though still operating under the bankruptcy.

(LS) Motion to approve abatement Tax Map U3, Lot 129 for $1,443.57.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

11. Request of the Rotary Club of Pittsfield for the Use of the
Argue Recreation Area and the Consumption of Alcohol

(PS) The Rotary Club has requested the use of the pool area and also is requesting Board allow them to serve beer/wine in cups. I inquired of Chief Wharem on this and he has provided an E-Mail. In the past the Board has always granted permission to allow the use of the pool area as well as the consumption of alcohol. (See attached E-Mail from Chief Wharem as read into the Minutes by (PR).

(PR) Motion to approve Rotary Club use of the Town pool on August 15, 2012, 3:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(GL) Motion to not approve use of alcohol by Rotary Club at the Town Pool on August 15, 2012 per recommendation of Chief Wharem. (LS) Second.
Carried 5-0.

12. Application for Abatement Recommendation, Tax Map R24, Lot 1-7

(PS) There are two abatements on the Agenda and Avitar has reviewed them and recommended that there be no abatements on either property.

(LS) Motion to approve Avitar recommendation for no abatement Tax Map R24, Lot 1-7. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) It should be noted that this abatement was filed late.

13. Application for Abatement Recommendation,
Tax Map R22, Lot 1-40

(PS) Avitar has recommended that the assessed value be lowered but no refund is recommended.

(LS) Motion to deny abatement and approve lowered value assessment with no refund recommended. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EN) It should be noted that this also was a late filing.


1. Application for Veterans’ Credit, Tax Map R5, Lot 61

(LS) Motion to approve application for Veterans’ Credit, Tax Map R5, Lot 61. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Notice of Intent to Cut, Tax Map R39, Lot 28

(EN) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut, Tax Map R39, Lot 28.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Application for Veterans’ Credit, Tax Map R37, Lot 9

(LS) Motion to approve application for Veterans’ Credit, Tax Map R37, Lot 9. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R39, Lot 28 ($430.79)

(LS) Motion to approve Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R39, Lot 28 – $430.79. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Sewer Warrant Second Quarter 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Sewer Warrant Second Quarter 2012 – $96,575.54.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


14. Resignation of Nancy Bates

(PR) read letter of resignation of Nancy Bates into Minutes

(PR) Motion to accept resignation of Nancy Bates. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) to send letter of thank you.

15. Selectmen to Sign Deed for Sale of 4 Franklin Street

(PS) This is one of the properties acquired by tax deed which has been sold. Board needs to approve it, and authorize Chairman or Town Administrative to sign.

(LK) Motion to approve tax deed for 4 Franklin Street and authorize Town Administrative to sign this and any future tax deeds. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

16. Selectmen to Schedule Public Hearing for Donation of Computers

(PS) Soon after the new Fire Chief John DeSilva started, one of the things he asked about was computer hardware/software at the Fire Department. We had Certified Computer Service examine them (report forthcoming) and offered alternate upgrading system ($5-6,000). Delta Dental has donated three computers which has been reviewed by Certified Computer Service and they are satisfied that they are adequate and a Public Hearing needs to be scheduled for acceptance of the donation.

(LS) Motion to approve scheduling a Public Hearing on August 21st for donation of computers to Fire Department. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

17. Appointment of Fire Chief as Deputy Forest Fire Warden

(PS) Board needs to appoint John DeSilva as Deputy Forest Fire Warden and approve removal of Gary Johnson as Deputy Forest Fire Warden.

(LS) Motion to approve appointment of Fire Chief John DeSilva as Deputy Forest Fire Warden and approve removal of Gary Johnson from that position.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. E-Mail from Police Chief Robert Wharem Re: Wage for Meggin Dail
2. E-Mail from Police Chief Robert Wharem Re: Wages for P/T Police Officers
5. Part Time Wage Schedule for EMTs.

(PS) These items will be discussed in Non Public Session.

3. In-Law Apartment Permit (Revision requested by Eric Nilsson)

(EN) This is a revision of what we had previously. (PR) This is the new one versus the old one? (PS) Yes. Board requested (PS) to provide them with a copy of the “old” one. (PR) Is this the same inspection fee as would be with HSA?
Jesse Pacheco: There is no fee associated with this.

4. Lean Collaborative Summit

(PS) This is an avenue touched on by Jeff Freeze dealing with the Fire Department. The 2012 meeting is scheduled for August 10th and 11th with a fee of $350 per person. (PR) If I had more notice I would have considered attending. Should another meeting come along, please let me know.


1. Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization

(LS) In looking at the Budget through July, we are within 3-4% of what it should be. We are doing well and hopefully, will continue to do so.

2. Policy for Access to Town Property Pending
3. Policy for Recruitment/Employment to be Revised Pending
4. Policy for Employee Total Compensation Pending


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) We need to keep an eye on the hours of overtime. I realize one person is gone, but we do need to watch it. (LS) I agree with you.


1. Public Session Minutes of July 17, 2012

(PR) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of July 17, 2012 with one correction. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Correction: Page 2, Last Line should read: …..There are several former Building Inspectors within the Town that can offer you guidance.

2. Non-Public Session July 17, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of July 17, 2012.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


Ed Vien: A few meetings ago you noted that you would make some decisions as to what direction Town would take regarding the Fire Department and a full-time Chief. Has the Board decided yet? (PS) Some other matters have occurred and the Board has not discussed what the future action will be. We anticipate having closure on this within thirty days.

Maurice Wells: At the last meeting one of the Board of Selectmen mentioned the log book for the K-9 vehicle and the lettering on the vehicle. (PS) Log books were provided with the payroll. As far as the lettering, I have been advised that the Police Association is not prepared to spend $4,000 for lettering the K-9 vehicle.
Maurice Wells: Is that log book available to the public? (LK) We will look into that.

Maurice Wells: You approved the In-Law Apartment Form. (LK) This was not approved tonight. We were looking into updating the form. (PR) There is one in place already and we are looking into revising it.

Maurice Wells: I talked to Ron Vien about a month ago. With a new sewer hook-up, the Building Inspector should get the money before issuing the permit. (LS) Yes, that is right on the Permit. It has to be paid at the time of application.

Ed Vien: Just to give you a little history regarding in-law apartments. I was on the ZBA when we issued that. The concern was that there was no way to track this so a yearly record was to be developed for checking and if it was no longer applicable it was to be “gone.” It was just a tracking device. It is a good idea if it is used for what it was supposed to do.

Fred Hast: I have been listening to you people about Jim Pritchard and Thompson Road. I do not what you are trying to prove. He sued the Town of Pittsfield and sued the developer. The developer said he would improve the road to a Class V. What else is there to say? Why do you keep harping on that?

Fred Hast: The overtime for the ambulance is out of the ambulance fund and the left over goes back into the fund. This money cannot be used for anything else. (EN) We are not using it; we are just watching it. Fred Hast: The Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization – can I have a copy of that? (PS) noted that it is an attachment to a set of Minutes, and that a copy will be provided to him.

Marlene Snedeker: What is the Town asking concerning the antique cars? (PS) I will send you a letter concerning this and will outline all the recommendations. (PS) read into the Minutes, the paragraph from Atty. Jae Whitelaw concerning this recommendation. Marlene Snedeker: The antique cars are our own personal vehicles. (PS) I will get out a letter to Jim and will be asking for a response from him concerning this following his license renewal. Marlene Snedeker: So this will be applicable after his licensing is renewed? (EN) Yes, as long as everything is covered. Marlene Snedeker: I will have Jim do a list of what we are keeping. (EN) It will be on the Agenda on August 21st. Marlene Snedeker: So we will be receiving a letter soon? (PS) Yes.

Close Public Input

NOTE: (EN) I would like to work with Paul on the Junkyard application, license and renewal process.


(EN) Motion to go into Non-Pubic Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a). (GL) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:10 P.M.

Break 8:11 P.M. Resume in Non-Public Session at 8:14 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:40 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of August 7, 2012.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


5. Part-Time Wage Schedule for EMTs

(LS) Motion to approve proposed increases for part-time EMTs as requested by Fire Chief John DeSilva effective August 12, 2012. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.
(See Attached list.)


(EN) Motion to adjourn. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M

Approved: August 21, 2012

___________________________ ________________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on August 7, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on August 9, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes
Attachments (5)