August 9, 2006 Minutes


Place: Carpenter Library

Time: 6:30 pm

Date: August 9, 2006 (Minutes approved September 12, 2006)

Attendance: Bob Lemer, Mary Schelble and Director Leslie Vogt.

Acceptance of Minutes for July 12, 2006: Bob moved, Mary seconded.

Director’s Report: Reviewed and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report for July, 2006: accepted as presented, moved by Mary, seconded by Bob. Mary reviewed all timecards and signed checks.

Miscellaneous items:

The decision was made that the Director should revise the current permission slip for children under the age of 17 and also the internet policy as directed after discussion. The revised policies will be approved at the September meeting for immediate use. A go ahead was given to the Director to spend in the range of $300 to update the security for the Library computers and also to install wireless access to the internet for the public. This work will be done by Harry Pike, computer consultant.
The coin displays have not arrived. When that is completed, a letter will be sent to the Arnold Wells Family. They offered to pay for the coin displays and the offer was accepted.
The jugglers performed under a tent for the Old Home Day events.
The temporary building inspector met with the Director and Bob Lemer for a review of areas of concern. He felt the sink holes on the handicapped access side of the building should be reinforced with asphalt. The Director is working on having the work done on the sink holes and also the down spout.
New bookcases are on order and should arrive in late August/early September.
Letters are to be sent to Douglas Andrews, accepting his resignation as a trustee of the Library, and also one to Arlene Martin for her donation of $150 in memory of the Lawton Family for purchase of large print books.
Bob Lemer, Chairman, will call Art Morse, Chairperson of the Selectmen, to offer him the name of Bill Provencal as replacement to fill out Doug Andrews’ term of office as a trustee.
The final budget for the 06-07 year will be reviewed at the September meeting. The Director went over the changes she made to the budget in lieu of oil prices for the coming year and the Town’s 2% increase request. She also adjusted the budget for the current hours with removal of hours that would be for national holidays. It was moved that the library would be closed on those days since the public’s usage of the library is not great but we will start being open on Tuesdays in the near future. Fridays the library will close at 4 pm. This will bring the library’s open hours to 29 per week. These changes were moved to accept by Bob and seconded by Mary.
Mary Schelble noted that the trustees appreciated the work of the Director regarding the budget preparation and other work done because of storms and hot weather with the computers and fans being affected.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm. Next meeting: September 13, 2006

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Terese Schelble