December 1, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:30 P.M., by Linda Small, Chairman.


Linda Small (LS), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(LS) Encumbrances, 911 Address Log, CBDG Grant, Superior Court Update.


5:30 P.M. Budget Review – Police Department, Capital Expenditures, and Completion of Isolated Budget Accounts

(DM) noted that she did not necessarily agree with all of the lines in the Police Budget as presented at the last meeting, but did agree with the bottom line.
(EV) related that he had reviewed the budget as presented by Chief Wharem and “I kind of agree with (DM) regarding the bottom line,” but I think we need to be careful when we look at the budget situation to make sure that things are running properly and efficiently. This year the budget was lean and mean and next year if there are shortfalls, it will be up to the Chief to deal with them. (LS) So, (DM) and you have no problem with the bottom line? Both agreed they did not.
(FH) Certain items have gone up considerably and have been cut while other items have stayed the same. I do not like the idea that the DARE Program is being cut. (DM) noted that this will be funded through another part of the budget.
(FH) Expenses are going up but someday this level funded budget is going to hit us and it is really going to hurt. I saw this Town go through something similar years ago. We cannot stay level-funded forever – health insurance and retirement is going up, and up. We need to look to the future as well as the present.

(LK) Bob, can you manage your department with a level funded budget? Chief Wharem: “This year I can.” (LK) I will support your budget as presented. (DM) The only correction would be the copier. (LS) noted, “I would like to say that I have no problem with the bottom line, but I have done an analysis on this” (attached) and I am concerned about cutting out the part-time line. It is a matter of patrols on the streets. We would be losing about 70 hours of patrol hours a week once our officer is deployed and the part-timers have been cut. I was going to recommend increasing the part-time line. We have trained part-time employees and we need to use these part-time employees. It never was patrol hours that the Board recommended taking out, to do that you need to take out the administrative piece as well. You need to take faces and names out of this. We have four or five part-time officers equipped to go into patrol cars. Chief Wharem: “The reason I proposed the budget this way is because Officer Wilshire has been deployed.” Part timers can only work so many hours. My primary concern is that we have what we need to run the department. We are all police officers first and we all participate in patrol. We all go out and share patrol. Our first priority is to answer calls and then our other responsibilities. We spent a lot more money training officers than we did part-timers. I did make some cuts such as telephone. My officers are turning in their cell phones (Nextel) and using their own personal cell phones. We now have the ability to page them via their cell phones. I am using part-timers to allow officers holidays off. I think the budget is doable. It would not be good on a permanent basis but for this year, it will be okay.

(LS) Bob, what about next year to keep the same coverage on the streets without increasing the budget. It is not about the bottom line, but it is about stewardship. I cannot in good conscience approve of this budget without thinking about next year. Next year it is going to cost more money. There are officers out at night by themselves and that is a safety issue. I am not trying to fill hours lost, but put additional officers out there. This has nothing to do with the individual nor the face.

(LK) Bob, can you manage your department with the proposed level-funded budget as you submitted. Chief Wharem: “Yes.” (LK) Can you maintain public safety? Chief Wharem: “Yes.” (LK) Can you maintain safety in your department? Chief Wharem: “Yes.”

(LK) Motion to approve Chief Wharem’s Police Department budget as presented by Chief Wharem and the added cost for the copier of $1,392. (EV) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-1 (LS).

Discussion: (LS) We have not discussed the part-timers hours out on the street and we cannot compromise by using an open position to compensate.

After vote: (EV) noted, “I am a little disappointed about how this operation took place. I have discussed some of this with several people as to how this got out into the paper. Every time something negative occurs then the Concord Monitor grabs onto it and does harm to this Town. We have come to an agreement and will have to work six months now to get positive feedback. I would appreciate it if people would think before they write negative things about Pittsfield. Please come share it with this Board and let us try to work it out.” (LS) I would just like to add and say that this Board sees a lot more information on matters than the general public. The letters in the paper are one-sided.

(LS) noted that the capital expenditures and rest of budget would be addressed later in the meeting.


6:00 P.M. – Wright Pierce – Infiltration/Inflow Analysis

Mr. Tim Vadney, Wright Pierce distributed a Draft Infiltration/Inflow Analysis Report. He explained that this is actually a two-part project: I/I Analysis and GPS Mapping, which has been completed. He briefly described what this report entails and DES requirements and views on this matter. He explained how the study was accomplished and the problem areas involved. He noted that when the Permit is issued then Pittsfield can address what they are doing about the situation. He noted that the older part of the sewer system is a trouble area and that the data they have gathered is good data. (FH) noted an error on one of the maps and advised Mr. Vadney accordingly. Board agreed they would review and offer any changes, corrections, etc. that might be needed.

Mr.Vadney left at 6:07 P.M.


Action Items:

1. CNHRPC Zoning Re-Write

(PS) This was on the agenda at the last meeting and Board requested that this be put back on the Agenda for today to determine how to encumber funds for this purpose. After reviewing the budget there are two accounts for 2009 that can be used for this:

Account 01-4130-2-121 – Unexpended Office Assistant Position $ 5,500
Account 01-4240-1-120 – Building Inspector Wage Lines $12,000

Total: $17,500

(LK) I feel this is needed. The Planning Board has tried for years to update the Zoning Ordinances. The Master Plan has been updated and is coming through the Planning Board soon. Right now the Economic Development Committee is trying to encourage businesses to come to Town and we need to update the Zoning Ordinances. The Board has tried in the past but needs professional help now. It will take all of 2010 and hopefully can be presented to the Town by 2011.

(LS) This is the one piece that we are really lacking.

(LK) Motion to approve Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission to update the Zoning Ordinances for $17,500. (EV) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH).

2. Utility Pole License Petition 41-0267

(PS) This is for the installation of two utility poles. George has looked at it and agrees that it is okay.

(EV) Motion to approve Utility Pole License Petition 41-0267. (DM) Second.
Carried 5-0.

(FH) Aren’t they supposed to request this prior to the installation. Board noted that this is what is occurring.

3. Agreement Between the Town and School District – Re: Accounting Responsibility for the SRTS Grant

(PS) Board has been presented a Memo of Understanding regarding the grant for Safe Routes to School. The school had some reservations regarding doing the accounting for the grant. John Freeman, Mr. , CNHRPC, and I met and agreed on this arrangement. This process is clumsy but it is the only way that the DOT would agree to the Town doing the accounting. This grant is something that many feel is imperative to be done so if Town can get assistance, it is a good thing.

(EV) Motion to approve Memo of Understanding between School Board and Town regarding Safe Routes to School Grant and authorize Chairman of Board to sign. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. First Congregational Church – Property Tax Exemption Request

(PS) A letter and application has been filed by the First Congregational Church requesting BOS consider abatement of real estate taxes on property recently purchased and which will be used as a parsonage. (LS) When was the property purchased? (FH) Two to three months ago. (EV) We can abate it only for the period of time since they have owned it. (FH) You realize that we are talking about over $10,000 in tax revenue. (EV) Fred, we have no choice. (LS) noted that it will be reviewed yearly.

(LK) Motion to approve abatement of taxes from time of purchase of property
(43 Russet Drive, Pittsfield, NH) to present. (DM) Second. Carried: 5-0.

5. Belliveau Auctioneers/Bankruptcy Court Notice

(PS) This was given to me by the Police Chief to determine if Board would like to pursue claim in Bankruptcy Court for past private detail work. At this point, it is our only option. (LK) What would be the costs? (PS) There probably would be some filing fees. (LS) We can fill it out internally and submit it. (FH) Would there be any legal fees? (PS) Hopefully, it would not require attorneys to attend. The filing in the Small Claims Court allows us to proceed with this.

(EV) Motion to authorize (PS) to fill out application to Bankruptcy Court and file accordingly for Belliveau Auctioneers. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Auctioneer Proposal/Boermeester Property

(PS) After the last Board meeting, (FH) and I discussed with auctioneers.

(FH) noted that he had discussed with three auctioneers and the consensus was that auction would generate a higher bid than just a sealed bid. However, it was felt that selling the property at an absolute auction would attract more potential buyers which would not include a minimum bid. The auctioneer would do all advertising and would require a fee of 10% of the purchase price. Board discussed the sale and decided on a sealed bid. Paul to do.

(LK) Motion to approve a sealed bid which will include local advertising costs and administrative fees. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0 (FH) Abstain.

The advertising will include a minimum bid, administrative fees, cost of advertising fees and a deadline date. This will be accomplished after the holidays. The bid should note that after the down payment is accepted, a cashier’s check for the balance along with a determined deadline for entire payment is requested.

7. 2009 Parcel Count Submission

(PS) This is a form that is filed annually. It was noted that (PS) has checked the figures and is in agreement with the numbers as generated by Cara.

(DM) Motion to approve filing the 2009 Parcel Count to the DRA as submitted. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Welfare Lien Map R23, Lot 1

(LK) Motion to approve Welfare Lien for Map R-23, Lot 1. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. Refund of Vehicle Registration

(LK) Motion to approve refund of vehicle registration to Mr. Heroux as noted. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Request to Meet – John Freeman

(PS) John Freeman has requested to meet with this Board regarding the Middle/High School redesign. Board agreed that January would be an appropriate time for a meeting after the holidays. (PS) to schedule.

11. Encumbrances

(PS) Board has discussed the funding for the CNHRPC Zoning re-write as well as those submitted by Cara which is included.

(FH) Motion to encumber $69,735.10. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) requested Cara provide Board with an updated budget versus the actual budget.

Break 7:40 P.M. Resume at 7:47 P.M.

12. 911 Street Addressing

Board noted that they are in receipt of the report as compiled by Fire Department but have not had an opportunity to review. Several questions as to names of streets were discussed but Board agreed that they would like to review the report. (FH) Is there money in budget to make the necessary signs? A lot of streets do not have street signs. (PS) to check with George.

(DM) Motion to accept findings from 911 Bureau and start making necessary changes that would not currently cost Town funding. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

13, CBGD Grant

(LS) Paul, do you have any update on this? (PS) No update yet. (LS) Please remember we have until the 31st.

14. Superior Court Petition

(PS) You have seen the E-Mails from Laura Spector regarding the Superior Court Town Petition. The Court will be taking action on this on December 3rd as noted. He related that he would be unable to attend, but Laura Spector is asking that a Board member be in attendance. (EV) noted he would make arrangements to attend. (The Affidavit would have to accompany (EV) to Court.)

15. Work Fair Form

(LK) This is a form that individuals would sign downstairs though no names will be mentioned as to their participation in the Work Fair due to confidentiality and will be less of a liability when in the Work Fair Program.

(LK) Motion to adopt the Pittsfield Work Fair Form as presented. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) noted that there should be a list of standards so that all are treated the same way. (PS) Individuals who participate in this need some assurance of equality regarding standards of admittance. (FH) Is the Town liable regarding these participants? (PS) Yes.

16. Emergency Management Director

(LK) I met with the State last week and they were never aware we had a Deputy Director of the Emergency Management. I have received a couple of inquiries by individuals interested in this. He noted that he does have a “job description” of the position. It was agreed that interested individuals should submit letters of interest along with any qualifications. The individual should have experience relating to all facets of the volunteer position.

17. Police Department Spreadsheet

(LS) I have compiled a spreadsheet regarding the submitted Police Department budget which I would like attached to the Minutes as part of reference and have it clearly marked.

(LS) noted that she would like to discuss the detail line as Town needs patrolmen more than they need them working details. I would like to put a hold on the detail line until we get it straightened out. We need to take a look at the details.
(DM) There was over forty hours of detail last week. (PS) noted that he approves details for new companies when necessary, but does not approve officers participating in the detail. (LS) We need patrolman out there and not details. We need control over that. I think it is interfering with our operation. There was an officer out sick last week and came in the next day and worked detail. We need to put a hold on it until further notice and I would like to make a motion to that effect.

(LS) Motion to put a hold on details for Police Department until further notice. (LK) Second.

(LS) Revenue is not a concern but a patrolman on the street at night alone is a concern. We should honor any commitments we have made but make no other commitments until further notice. We also need to address Police Department scheduling on the Agenda and talk with Chief regarding better coverage. I hate to see any officer out there by themselves at night. It is not right to send them into a situation like that. We should not have to call other communities to assist us.

(DM) I am not convinced that the coverage is inappropriate. We really need to talk to the Chief on this rather than say no detail at all. (EV) Linda, I would not support that motion. I agree with what you are saying regarding an officer no showing for a regular shift and then coming in the next day and working a detail. We need to set guidelines regarding sick time and working details, but to stop details without discussing with the Chief would not be “kosher.” We can ask Chief in to discuss.

(LS) The payroll shows numerous hours’ overtime and part-time patrolman working details.

(LS) Withdaw Motion. (LK) Withdraw Second.

(DM) We need to look at all avenues of these issues. (EV) Everybody is starting to look outside the box and looking for ways to save money. (LS) Paul, could you look at the schedules with an 8 hour shift as opposed to a 10 hour shift to see how that would work and making coverage more efficient. (PS) to do.

18. HSA Fees

(LS) HSA fees are exceeding revenues, Why? I would like that addressed.

19. Evaluations

Board briefly discussed reviewing evaluations and employees’ use of Absentee Calendars. (PS) and (DM) agreed that they would be reviewing this calendar to “tweak” it a little. (LS) Are the Absentee Calendars being used? (PS) Not entirely. (LS) It was made very clear to Department Heads that everyone should be using the calendar.




1. Town Hall Improvements Pending
2. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Pending
3. Capital Improvement Program Pending
4. Health Officer Pending
5. LGC Job Descriptions Pending
6. Selectmen/Town Admin. Goals & Objectives Pending
7. Firefighter/EMS Cross Training Pending
8. Parks and Recreation Commission Appointment Pending


1. Sewer Warrant 3rd Quarter

(EV) Motion to approve Sewer Warrant 3rd Quarter for $84,116.87.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Timber Tax Levy – Map R-06, Lot 7-1

(LK) Motion to approve the Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R-06, Lot 7-1.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Timber Tax Levy – Map R-14, Lot 33

(LK) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R-14, Lot 33.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Timber Tax Levy – Map R-26, Lot 1

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R-26, Lot 1.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Abatement (Partial) Timber Tax levy Map R-26, Lot 2
(20% of cut was tornado salvage)

(DM) Motion to approve partial abatement of Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R-26, Lot 2 due to tornado salvage. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of November 17, 2009

(DM) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of November 27, 2009. (EV) Second. Several re-wording corrections were made by (LS). Carried 5-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of November 17, 2009

(LK) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of November 17, 2009. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. School Zone Signs

(PS) I thought Chief Wharem would address this tonight. (EV) I would like to look at it a little bit. Board agreed to table until next meeting.

2. Floor – Town Hall

(LK) Paul in Maintenance uses my buffer periodically. It is hard to get the machine in/out of a pick-up truck by himself and to this point, I have been assisting him. I would suggest that Town purchase a buffer that can be kept here. Board discussed costs and agreed that (LK) would look into acquiring a “used” buffer.

3. Scheduling

(PS) When would you like to meet with Chief Wharem? (LS) As soon as possible. (PS) to do.

4. Building Inspector

(DM) The Building Inspector is being paid to participate in municipal meetings concerning various subjects. We pay him to do this. I have discussed this with Kyle. Do we want the Building Inspector to attend all these meetings or just the ones that he feels are beneficial for him to attend? (LK) I would encourage him to attend these meetings. There is a lot of information that is offered and training is always a good thing. He would also get to meet the other Building Inspectors in the surrounding towns who could offer him technical support in various situations. (PS) to get a copy of the future scheduled meetings.


Dan Schroth: I would like to tell the Board of Selectman “good job on the budget.” Any reforms done in Town should be done slower. I applaud your efforts in cutting the Police Department budget. Some businesses in Town revenues are off by 24% which is a great deal. He noted that he thought the Fire Department is making work for themselves in presenting at places when it is not necessary such as a recent bonfire on his property. It is not necessary. I recommend that the Fire Chief gets a 10% pay reduction.

Dana Hunt: He related that he did not feel that Pittsfield needs fifteen police officers. We do not need to pay for fifteen police officers. This is a beautiful town.

All public left at 7:50 P.M.

BUDGET REVIEW – Continued:

Capital Outlay (4901)
(LK) Motion to approve Line 319 for $30,000. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) We have to see the need for a cruiser. Bob said, “We might need a cruiser.” We need to make sure when it is replaced that it needs to be replaced.

(LK) Motion to approve Line 322 for $126,985. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Operating Transfers to Capital Reserve & Expendable Trusts (4915)

(LS) Motion to approve Line 328 for $5,000. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Line 331 for $30,000. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LK) Motion to approve Lines 333, 334, 335, 335, 336, 337, and 338 as proposed. (DM) Second.

(LK) These have been recommended by George.

(LK) Withdraw Motion on Lines 333 – 338. (DM) Withdraw Second.

(LS) Motion to approve Line 333 for $63,000. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LK) Motion to approve Line 334 for $17,000. (DM) Second. Carried 4-1 (LS).

(LS) Why are they requiring a dump truck when it notes in the CIP’s that they do not need a dump truck until 2012? I think we need to review this.

Board recanted vote for Line 334 for now. This is tabled for now.

(DM) Motion to approve Line 335 for $1,000. (LK) Second. Carried 4-1 (LS)

(DM) Motion to approve Line 336 for $1,000. (LK) Second. Carried 4-1 (LS).

(DM) Motion to approve Line 337 for $1,000. (LK) Second. Carried 4-1 (LS).

(DM) Motion to approve Line 338 for $1,000. (LK) Second. Carried 4-1 (LS).

(DM) Motion to approve Line 339 for $3,500. (LK) Second. Carried 3-2 (LS) and (EV).

Board discussed this line and ultimately recanted vote on Line 339 and made the following motion:

(DM) Motion to not approve Line 339 for $3,500. (EV) Second. Carried 3-2 (LK) and (FH).

(LS) Motion to not approve Line 343. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.




(DM) Motion to adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:31 P.M.

Approved: December 15, 2009

___________________________ ____________________
Linda Small, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on December 1, 2009 and publicly posted on December 3, 2009.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

Attachments: Submitted by Linda Small as attachment to Board of Selectmen meeting on 12/1/09 – Pages 15 & 16.