December 11, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Denise Patterson related that she had placed a letter to the Editor in the
newspaper regarding stray and feral cats. She related that she would be
putting together a stray cat list. She noted that several individuals had
contacted her regarding locations of various abandoned cats and what they
had been doing to assist them. She noted that she is still trying to work on
getting some flyers out, bypassing the cost to the Town, to advise
individuals of various ways they can gain assistance in having the animals
fixed, low cost spaying/neutering, aid from the Humane Society in regard to
food programs, obtaining cat carriers, as well as phone education. She also
wanted to thank those people out there who are assisting with these
abandoned animals though it still remains a problem.
Fred Hast noted that the BOS had graciously opened up the capital reserve
for the Fire Department ladder truck and also put $50,000 in capital reserve
for future. (AM) noted that this had been rescinded. Mr. Hast suggested
that $50,000 should still be put in the capital reserve towards a highway
truck for Town. We need to buy one in 2008, actually we need two, not one,
and I think you should see fit to do that.
Close Public Input
(LS) Labor Department Inspection and Info on Election Day schedule.
(LK) Planning Board – CIP, Pittsfield Players, DES Services, and Town
Hall Roof. (EV) Health Insurance Quote, and Non-Public – Personnel.
(AM) Meeting Dates to Consider and Budget.
1. Don Chase – Waiver of Town Fees
(LK) recused himself and was seated in the audience.
Mr. Chase related he is here tonight representing the Neighbor-to-Neighbor
Project. “You are aware of the family for which we are building a house.
We will be starting on the house, I believe, around the 22nd of December.
We have already secured a Building Permit and the reason I am here is to
ask the BOS for a Waiver of the Building Permit fee. If we can get this
money back, it can be used for other things that we need to purchase. I am
also requesting a waiver for the disposal fees. I know you had a discussion
already on this and you noted during the discussion that it was not a benefit
to the community, which I disagree with. If we do not do this, this f amily
could be on Welfare. We are building a stick house, 30 x 60, four -bedroom
house and the taxes will double adding additional revenue to the Town.
Also, it will get rid of one of the worse looking houses in Town and bring it
up to par. I respectfully disagree that this is not a benefit to the community
and I would like to see these fees waived also. People are coming from
everywhere to help. There is an outpouring of help. It would look good for
you and also Town to take part in helping.”
(AM) responded by noting that although it was questioned “How much
benefit this would be? and the comment that it would not be a benefit to the
community was mentioned in discussing this, but we all agree that it is a
benefit to the Town.”
(EV) noted that he and Tony Marcotte had discussed this and agreed it was
not a decision to be made on their own. It concerns other districts and would
be a direct cost to those taxpayers also. Earle and I will be bringing this up
at the next BCEP meeting and discussing with them that Pittsfield had
suggested it be at minimal cost. We can waiver it, but we did not feel we
should as there are other Towns involved and by waivering it, it would mean
that every taxpayers would donate to this whether they believe in it or not. I
believe there are already a couple dumpsters that have been donated for the
disposal materials. Tony suggested we present to BCEP on December 20 th
that disposal be at minimal fees.
(AM) noted that the BOS does have the power to waive this fee.
Mr. Chase felt that by waiving these fees that the benefit to Town will come
back tenfold. Mr. Chase wanted to know if this decision would be
forthcoming tonight. He was advised by (AM) that if someone wants to
bring it up, we will act upon it.
(LK) returned and was seated on Board.
2. Mike McLaughlin – Part-Time Police Work
Mr. McLaughlin was questioned whether he preferred this to be in Non –
Public Session. He answered affirmatively.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II (e).
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0. Members of the Board were polled individually,
and all agreed.
Non-Public Session at 6:18 P.M.
Resume Public Session at 6:47 P.M.
1. Proposed Welfare Lien – Map R34, Lot 30T-7
(LS) Motion to accept Welfare Lien, Map R34,Lot 30T-7. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
2. Health Insurance
(EV) related that Suncook Valley Municipal Association is a municipal
association that was formed of four towns, which would like to get a quote
on reduction of insurance. It was noted that they would need approximately
100 employees to do this. Gordon Preston is spearheading this and if Town
sends a letter of intent that BOS is interested in getting a quote for group
rate, this can be requested. I believe it is something we shoul d do. There is
no commitment involved and would be for informational purposes only.
(EV) Motion to send letter to request quote on insurance as part of Suncook
Valley Municipal Association. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LKe) to write letter to this effect.
3. Neighbor-to-Neighbor Project Request
(AM) Do we want to discuss the waiving of fees for BP and BCEP disposal?
(LK) recused himself and was seated in the audience.
(EV) noted that the BOS had already discussed the waste disposal issue.
(JL) noted, “When you waive these fees, it completely puts burdens on the
other Towns.” (LS) noted that the BOS had already decided that this would
be done at cost. (AM) questioned whether they would like to waiver the BP
fee? It was noted that it would be in the amount of $670, (LS) questioned
how many inspections would be involved in the future by the Building
Inspector? (JL) noted that we should waive this. (EV) Are we setting any
kind of precedent? (JL) noted that he did not think it would be a precedent
that they “would wear out.” (EV) questioned Mr. Chase if the organization
was non-profit? Mr. Chase related that currently they are under a
Barnstead’s church’s “umbrella” and so in answer to your question, “for this
purpose, yes.” The BOS further discussed the cost to Town, and that this
would be a contained way that the Town could participate and would be a
little more just.
(JL) Motion to waive the Building Permit fee in the amount of $670.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
4. Ron Vien and Leon Kenison – Septage Facility
Ron Vien noted that discussions have ensued regarding various scenarios
regarding the design for the building, who would build it, and who would
lease or run it. He explained location of and what system consisted of a nd
whether it should be a public or private partnership. (LKe) related that Joe
would be coming into the meeting next week to discuss with BOS. Mr. Vien
noted that they were looking at both interior and exterior designs and noted
that it would be advantageous to maintain this relationship due to cost. He
related that under certain circumstances, it might require the acquisition of
an additional employee if Town was to mange this. He explained soil
amendments and how it is dealt with currently and how it would have to be
dealt with in the future, filtrate situation, and the tipping fee increases to take
effect in December.
He noted that he is not quite ready to determine which way should be
recommended as he has not seen the report yet. I would need to review all
the facts first. Right now there are bits and pieces everywhere. So far, this
has not cost us a cent.
5. BOS Meeting Dates
(AM) noted that there are back-to-back holidays on Tuesdays. When should
we meet? (LKe) requested that the BOS at least have a very brief business
meeting on either the 26th, 27th, or 28th. BOS agreed on meeting date on
December 27th at 5:00 P.M. (LK) noted that he would be on vacation, but
would try to make this date.
6. Primary Coverage
(AM) noted that Primary Day was on January 8, 2008 from 8:00 A.M. to
7:00 P.M. and requires that at least one Selectman member be present all
day. Board agreed:
(LK) 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. (or until someone could take his place.)
(LS) 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
(JL) 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
(AM) and (EV) from 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
7. Budget
(AM) related that BOS should discuss the need for a truck for the Highway
Department. (LS) noted that she would like to see the Department Head
from the Highway Department in here to discuss this.
(LKe) related that, unfortunately, we do need to purchase several trucks. We
should have approached this more aggressively. George has noted that
several of the trucks require fixing and he currently has two trucks and two
spreaders that work. Town really needs to replace two, maybe three, trucks
due to a broken axel, transmission problems, and body rust, which make
several trucks unusable.
(LS) related that this probably would be the time to get into the CIP plan,
which is expired. It is important to have CIP in place. I encourage PB to
have CIP update every year. (LK) noted that when he was on the Planning
Board, this was done every year. (LKe) related that equipment ages and
things come and go. (LS) noted that we need to change our plan. I agree
there is a need for a ladder truck. Once you get this plan established, you
can keep it going. (AM) questioned whether they felt that George should
come in to justify more money for this purpose. (LS) reiterated that the
Department Head should come in to talk to us about this. (EV) questioned
the cost of a new truck. (LKe) noted about $120-130,000 and we have about
$45,000. (LS) noted that our reserves are being depleted and we are not
getting the equipment that we need. (EV) We are not putting enough in this
account. (AM) related that we need a new truck and we do not have a whole
lot of time. We should request that George come in next week and (LKe)
could have some dollar figures, what needs to be replaced and when so that
we can adjust accounts. (LKe) noted that he would focus on this for next
week. He noted that George was not present tonight due to illness and trying
to prepare for the upcoming storm.
Ladder Truck
(AM) related that he agreed with (LS) regarding need for a ladder truck. He
noted that he is leery of extending equipment purchases for five years.
Regarding the ladder truck, do we want to appropriate the whole amount
without taking away capital reserve? Do we want to make a decision on this
and change what we did last week? (EV) noted that there is very little
money left in the reserve account. (LS) noted that these trucks need to be
replaced. We need to prioritize what is most urgent. We are going about
this piecemeal. Can we afford all these trucks and the ladder truck?
(AM) Do you want to leave it the way we decided last week? (EV) related
that he was leaning that way. (LS) noted that we have not heard one word
from the Highway Department regarding this and only know what Fred Hast
and (LKe) has relayed to us regarding this.
1. Staff Meeting Notes December 11, 2007
(LKe) These have been distributed to Board members for review.
2. Fire Department Monthly Report – November
(LKe) You will find these in your packets also.
3. N.H. Department of Safety Emergency Management November
26, 2007 Letter
(LKe) related that we had received the State portion from FEMA of roughly
4. Department of Labor Inspection
(LS) noted that the Department of Labor had done an inspection of the
Highway Department as well as the downstairs area, and was now satisfied,
which is good.
5. Planning Board – CIP (Capital Improvement Plan)
Discussed previously.
6. Pittsfield Players
(AM) recused himself and was seated in the audience. He noted that he was
recusing himself because of personal relationship regarding his daughter
who is involved with the Pittsfield Players and not because of any affiliation
with organizations that he is involved with.
(LK) noted that this was on the Agenda tonight because Board had
previously granted an abatement for 50% and that he had suggested at that
time, that it probably there should be Warrant Article for full tax relief to
allow the citizens to decide for the future. (LS) noted that she felt that the
Warrant Article should come from them. It is not the Board that suggested
it, but them. They should be putting forward the effort and it should not be
up to the BOS to put together this Warrant Article for them. (EV) noted that
they are in the process of requesting tax exemption from the BTLA and we
should probably not do anything until the BTLA settles it. (LS) noted “It is
the same as the Balloon Rally, it is not our obligation, it is there obligation.”
(AM) returned and was seated on Board.
7. Warrant Articles
(LS) questioned if the Warrant Articles were ready? (LKe) noted that he
was working on a few of them.
8. DES
(LK) noted that there is a meeting tomorrow night. “Is anyone going to that
meeting?” (LKe) noted that the DES had hired a consultant to determine
reason for flooding. Board members did not indicate if they would attend.
9. Town Hall Roof
(LK) related that with the new roof, there are a few issues. Namely, above
the front door to the left where there is a big chunk of ice forming. “Could
we put up some heating tape to make it drain away from the front door?”
Also by the back door, snow is falling down from the roof and could be an
issue if it fell on someone. We might have to close the back door
temporarily because of falling snow. (AM) related that we would need to be
careful so as not to void our warranty. (LK) suggested having something
built over door. Clients can use the front door and go downstairs for now.
(EV) questioned the insurance that was paid for upstairs damage and wanted
to know if the amount that potentially could be paid, which was a part of the
original damage, is still available provided the Town meet certain
circumstances. (LKe) to check on this as to any additional funds that might
still be collectible.
Applications and Warrants
1. Intent to Cut, Map R24, Lot l
(EV) Motion to accept the Intent to Cut, Map R24, Lot 1. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (LK) Second. Discussion: (LS)
questioned the check to Cross Country for $10,000. Has the conversion
already been done? (LKe) to check with Cara and hold check, if necessary.
Carried 4-0.
1. Public Session Minutes of December 4, 2007
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 4, 2007.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of December 4, 2007
(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of December 4, 2007.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Public Session Minutes (Continued) of December 4, 2007
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes (Continued) of
December 4, 2007. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Merrimack Valley Water District
(JL) noted that the is a meeting scheduled for January 17, 2008 in Bedford
and he will be attending this meeting.
2. Police Department Ad
(LKe) related that Police Department would like to run another ad for a
certified police officer which would cost approximately $300-400 rather
than seek someone who is not yet certified which would cost in the $l,000’s.
(LK) questioned whether posting could be done through LGC? (LKe) will
check on posting through LGC. Board agreed that another ad could be
placed for certified police officer.
Fred Hast noted that regarding the ladder fire truck, that there are plenty of
used vehicles out there. You should advertise what you are looking for and
buy a good truck. There are a lot of them out there that are 8 -10 years old
that look like new. There was a similar situation a few years ago, where we
were anxious to purchase a truck and we tried to rebid it, which could not
and should not have been done. Eventually, we got a lower bid and we
ended up purchasing that one. Do not be too anxious to purchase any truck.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II (a). (LS)
Second. Carried 4-0. Members of Board were polled individually and all
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
APPROVED: December 18, 2007
______________________________ ________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date