December 12, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 12/12/2007
1) Meeting called to order at 5:05 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Bill Abbott (BA), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), and Matt Monahan representing
CNHRPC. Also attending: Linda Small (LS), Susan Muenzinger, Fred Hast (FH), and Gene
2) Minutes from 12/05/07 reviewed and accepted.
3) YMCA survey discussions
a. Several adjustments were made to the cover letter:
1. Lower case “f” in future
2. End of paragraph 2: “would be beneficial to Pittsfield residents”
3. Remove “Happy Holidays”
b. For questions 1 and 2 could we make it 2 columns? According to MM it might be difficult
to change the program because it is a PDF file
c. Combine questions 11 and 14
d. Question 12: give choices-after school, Saturdays, summers
e. Question 13 add aqua therapy (several people from Pittsfield go to Holiday Inn in Concord
for it)
f. Delete question 20
g. Question 22: add annual before membership and only go to $250.00.
h. Add a question: “Are you currently a member of a fitness or Y facility?”
i. Include the date at the end of the survey (for future reference)
j. Will be distributed the first Monday after New Years-January 7, 2008.
k. Surveys will be distributed to parents of elementary students, available at library, senior
center, town hall, major businesses, and will be available at Primary elections January 8.
l. Return date will be January 15, 2008.People can return to place where they got it or do it online.
m. JH made a motion to accept the survey as revised, BA seconded it.
4) CATCH follow-up
a. Not really something for our committee to pursue-basically residential
b. Our focus is mainly on businesses.
c. The committee agreed to let this go
5) LDC update-waiting for information from Leon Kenison
6) Main Street/CDFA handout
a. Associate Membership package seems right for us.
e. It would give us resources at a lower price
7) HUD wants to make an elderly development somewhere in Pittsfield. They should speak to one
of the other town committees.
8) Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm. Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 2, 2008.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso