December 12, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

Draft Form

2012 Budget Committee


Members Present: Louie Houle Chairman, Mark Riel Vice-Chair, Larry Williams Secretary, Stan Bailey, Josh McCabe, Helen Schiff , Schoppmeyer, Paul Rogers Selectman Rep., Mary Paradise School Board rep., Nichole Manteau School Alt., Paul Skowron Town Admin.

Special Guest: Dr. Freeman S.A.U.,  School Officials.


Meeting comes to order: 7:03                     Date:   12/12/12


Reading of last Minutes: Motion to Approve by Mark R. 2nd Helen Schiff


Louie announces that there have been two new people appointed to board, Faith Whitter and Ray Ramsey. Ray is present for tonight’s meeting.


DR. Freeman will take us through the school budget and added sheets in the booklet.


A budget decrease of $207,210.00 at 2.2%  is due to six areas:


1. Teachers Salaries $60,000.00

2. Teachers Health Ins. $44.000.00

3. Special Ed. Staff salaries $10.000.00

4. Special Ed. Tuition $100,000.00

5. Speech/Language services $24,000.00

6. Technology $40,000.00


No questions asked on Budgeted amounts listed on any certain line item.


We ended at Technology and will resume there next meeting.


Motion to adjourn: Stan B. 2nd Mary P.     Time 8:45