December 16, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:45 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

(LK) We would like to welcome Fred Hast as a member of Board of Selectman.



5:45 P.M. – Police Chief Robert Wharem

Chief Wharem requested appointment be conducted in Non-Public Session.

(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c). (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 5:47 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 6:17 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal the Non-Public Session I Minutes of December 17, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Board noted that all documents regarding Fred Hast appointment to Board of Selectman have been completed and he is officially a member of the Board.

James Theodore wanted to thank Larry Konopka for all the assistance he offered during the emergency regarding the ice storm. He not only helped me but a lot of other people in Town. He’s a great guy and I think he should be “Employee of the Month.”

(LK) thanked him for his comments and noted that Board of Selectman are a team and he couldn’t have done it without the other members of the Board.


(EV) Fred Hast – BOS Planning Board Selectman Ex Officio, (PS) Two Veterans Credits and several other items as noted on list, (LK) Amenico – Ribbon Cutting, and Attendance Calendar. (PS) A list of several Action Items and Information Items has been presented to Board.

Appointment – Continued

6:15 P.M. – Parks and Recreation Committee

Nick Abell noted he wanted to update Board on the dredging of the Town Pool noting that the paperwork is in progress with State and should take about six months to gain approval. Since the Town Pool is a source of water it is a little easier to work with the State on this. The diving at the pool still meets requirements but it is getting close. Nine feet of water are required for diving. Committee is requesting that Gene Marcotte represent them with the State in this matter.

Also, regarding the gazebo, “I will be meeting Jesse Pacheco tomorrow.” He feels that his original estimate will probably stand. Mr. Pacheco took some pictures of the interior of the columns, which he relates contain steel rods. He will be working on a new estimate.

I would also like to acquire the documents needed to transfer funds to the Capital Reserve. (FH) noted that specific figures would be needed to encumber which will be noted as soon as estimate can be acquired.

(FH) “You are not going to dredge this summer?” Mr. Abell “Correct.”
(FH) You need to go to DES and get it going. Ms. Boudreau noted that the BOS would have to appoint Mr. Marcotte as representative in this matter for the Parks and Recreation Committee. (PS) questioned whether this would also include giving Mr. Marcotte authority to sign documents. Mr. Boudreau noted that he would not be appropriating and could not approve any actual spending.

(LS) Motion to appoint Gene Marcotte as Agent representing Parks and Rec Committee for the DES with proviso that any thing submitted to DES would be contingent upon Committee approval. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Meeting with Department Heads to evaluate Emergency Response to Ice Storm

(LK) I think we could address this at a Work Session. (EV) All DH should be in attendance and noticed as soon as possible that they must attend. Department Heads would include Highway Department, Fire and Police Departments, WWTP, as well as the School. (FH) The head of Emergency Operation should have a plan and shelter can be set up for certain hours. Board agreed that the Work Session would be on January 6, 2009 at 5:00 P.M.

(PS) noted that this had been discussed with Department Heads and they suggested that a date later in January would provide them adequate time to prepare for this work session. He noted that this work session would not cover all phases of the Emergency Operating Plan and might take additional meetings. (FH) The Department Heads should know what their departments should be doing.

It was noted that there is only one copy of the Emergency Operating Plan, which is at the Police Department. Board agreed that a condensed version should be provided to the BOS as well as for the public. (PS) noted that there is always a source with the State to assist Town in situations like this. (DM) noted that this should be revised periodically and Board members sign off on this.

It was noted that this Work Session would be an information-gathering meeting.

2. Action on Encumbrances

(PS) A memo has gone out to all Department Heads regarding encumbrances. Chief Johnson is asking for monies to be encumbered for the ambulance, which is not yet ready to be delivered or billed because of internal company problems. (LS) noted that this was through Warrant Article, do we have to encumber it? (PS) Since you have no actual invoice, you have ability to pose a timeframe to spend the monies noting no later than——. (EV) noted that an actual price is quoted in the memo so maybe there is an invoice. It was noted that Chief Johnson would like to encumber the entire value. (PS) to double-check on this.

(PS) noted that Cara has also provided a short preliminary list of encumbrances as noted from last year. (LS) wanted to make sure that Master Plan, gazebo, Highway Block Grant, Pittsfield Aqueduct Purchase to name a few should be included in this list.

3. Request to Use the Highway Garage

(PS) We have a letter addressed to the Board from Philip Gordon requesting use of the Highway garage to repair a piece of personal equipment (LK) George approved it so I do not consider it an issue. There is no cost to the taxpayers involved. (DM) Has this been done in the past? (LK) I have never seen anything like this before. (EV) noted that he also had not recalled anything like this in the past. (FH) Years ago, we allowed it. It would be helpful to him. He does a lot for the Town for which he does not get paid. (DM) “What if something happens?” (LS) This would be strictly on his own time. (EV) Good will goes a long way and this is not a lifetime commitment. (PS) It is noted this would take approximately one week. (LK) I would be agreeable as long as he signs a form not to hold the Town liable for anything that might happen.

(LS) Motion to approve use of Highway Garage by Philip Gordon to allow him to make special repairs to his private vehicle provided letter is signed releasing Town from any liability. (DM) Second, contingent upon release of liability.
Carried 5-0.

Break 6:55 P.M. to 7:03 P.M.

6. Suncook Valley Regional Development Corp. Re: Funding Request

(FH) Ed, could you enlighten me on this? (LS) noted that this is a request for “seed money” in order to purchase a piece of property to allow monies to be spent to determine if property is structurally sound. (EV) related that everything that is done through EDC is public knowledge and this would be a private corporation that moves in different ways. He noted it is the same type of corporation as the Pittsfield EDC. (FH) Will there be private monies put into this? (LS) Perhaps, in the future we might have members that would. (FH) So, they would buy the property, fix it up and then sell it? (LS) Part of this would also include marketing. (LS) This would be in the amount of $6,500 as “seed money” to move forward. It would require a public hearing. (PS) suggested January 13th.

(LS) Motion to set Public Hearing on January 13, 2009 at 6:00 P.M. regarding the Suncook Valley Regional Development Corporation. (EV) Second.

Further discussion ensued with additional questions, therefore (LS) withdrew her Motion and (EV) withdraws his Second. This will be further discussed in Non-Public Session.

5. Board of Selectman Representative to Planning Board

(EV) I would like to re-vote on appointing Fred Hast to Planning Board as Selectman Ex Officio. (DM) Second to reconfirming vote. Carried 4-0. (FH) abstains.

6. Employment Part-Time Police Officer

(EV) Motion to appoint Lisa Soiett as part-time Police Officer. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Merrimack Valley Water District

(LK) noted that Pittsfield has not really had a representative since John Lenaerts resigned from Board. Fred Hast has a lot of experience and knowledge on this. (FH) noted that he has lost complete contact with the Committee. He noted that there would be a cost factor involved in his attendance at meetings. It is quite costly to go to Bedford. Board agreed that mileage could be paid for this purpose. (EV) noted that they meet approximately every other month. (FH) related that he would like to have all the correspondence, etc. that is available. He noted that he has made it quite clear in the past that once Nashua gets through this and should they acquire their part, that Pittsfield would like to follow in that path.

(LS) Motion to appoint Fred Hast as representative for Pittsfield to Merrimac Valley Water District Committee. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

ACTION ITEMS – Continued

1. Selectman to Sign Appointment Form for Fred Hast

(PS) This has been accomplished earlier in the meeting.

2. Veterans’ Credit Map U-1, Lot 69

(PS) This gentleman does not qualify because the parcel is vacant and State law requires property needs to be your primary residence.

(LS) Motion to deny Veterans Credit for Map U-1, Lot 69. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Veterans Credit Map R-04, Lot 2-2

(LS) Motion to approve Veterans Credit for Map R-04, Lot 2-2 in the amount of $300. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. HSA Budget Analysis 2009

(PS) Based upon the recent discussion with HSA, this budget has been submitted by them as an update. (EV) Why are the re-inspections so high? (LS) I believe this is an estimate. (FH) If they do not spend it, it would come back to the Town.

(LS) Motion to revise HSA Agency budget to $11,400. (DM) Second.
Carried 5-0.

2. Memorandum Re: Purchasing Limitations

(PS) noted that this is a Memo that has been sent out to Department Heads regarding instituting a “purchasing protocol” on a temporary basis until
January 16, 2009.

3. Fire Rescue Monthly Report November 2008.

For Board Review

4. Draft Letter of Employment to Kyle Parker

This will be reviewed with Board in Non-Public Session.

5. Memo to Selectmen Re: Town Report Submittal

Memo from Cara.

6. Letter to Craig Donais Re: Bailey Road and Letter from Law Office

Letter regarding the status of the process for the Town of Pittsfield to accept Bailey Road.

7. Memorandum to Planning Board from Building Inspector Re: Project Status Report dated December 10th.

8. Thank you Letter to Concord Epsom Elks

9. Budget Committee Minutes of December 3, 2008

10. Memorandum from Police Chief Re: Chamber After Hours Costs

Nos. 7, 8, 9, and 10: For Board Review

11. Memorandum from Fire Chief Re: NIMS Compliance

(PS) This is an “aged” Memo regarding NIMS Compliance that training is required of all elected officials. (DM) related that she is now NIMS certified.

12. Memorandum from Fire Chief Re: Open Call Procedure

(PS) This is also an “aged” Memo for Board review and information.

13. Assessment Card Re: 11 Elm Street

14. Assessment Card Re: 14 Park Street

Nos. 13 and 14 to be addressed in Non-Public Session.

15. Town Hall Christmas Office Party

(PS) Those at the Town Hall will be having a small luncheon Christmas office party with no interruption of services on December 24th at noon. Members of the BOS are invited to attend.

16. Amenico – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

(LK) noted that Amenico is having a ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow and he has been asked to speak.

17. Attendance Calendar

(DM) This is a calendar for attendance of employees, which might be useful for Department Heads. (LS) noted it would be helpful to utilize something like this.

18. Meeting – Property Line Insurance

(PS) There recently was a meeting with the representative of Property Line Insurance, Fire Chief, Police Chief, (DM), several other individuals and myself. It was noted that Town should reconstitute Safety Committee and members meet with the insurance carrier so compliance with State Statutes can be accomplished. Confined space training was discussed and the fact that training needs to be updated on a periodic basis. It is noted that (EV), Ron Vien and Mike Sullivan have all had confined space training.


1. Town Hall Improvements, Life Safety Codes

(DM) Have we fixed any of the violations? (PS) I have discussed with Fire Chief and will now have Kyle check the list and address some of the easy “fixes” on the list and prioritize the others.

(EV) I have talked to the Food Pantry about the cardboard boxes and bread racks and these will be stored on the shelves as opposed on the floor.

(LK) Diamond Sign donated the sign for the door upstairs. A letter of thank you will be sent out for this (345 Suncook Valley Highway, Chichester.)

2. Management Analysis for GASB 34

(LS) Have we heard from the accountants on this? (PS) Cara has received some comments from them on this, made some alterations on the form and returned it. We are currently waiting for their approval.

3. Space Needs Study )
4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan )
5. Library Attic Insulation ) Pending
6. Loitering Ordinance )
7. Cost of Broadcasting Board meetings )

8. CIPs

(PS) Cara is working on a spreadsheet. (LS) Could we put this on the Agenda as Old Business? (PS) Yes.

9. Salt Shed

(DM) What about the Salt Shed? (PS) George is in the process of handling the remains of the ice storm.




(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Checks Manifest. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) I noticed there is a lot of sick time. Do we have doctor’s notes?
(PS) I am aware of one. (PS) to check on these. (PS) explained the FMLA leave versus sick time and/or vacation time.

(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of December 9, 2009

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 9, 2008.
(DM) Second. After Discussion and several corrections: Carried 4-0
(FH) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of December 9, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of December 9, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain


Maurice Wells noted that on Tilton Head Road just before ballpark they had filled in the railroad tracks under road and now road is sagging in that area. This should be fixed.

Regarding the SDS contract, how much per gallon are we getting? (PS) noted that the Town charges $.08 per gallon and contract reimburses SDS $.06 ½ per gallon. (PS) noted it was previously $.08 and $.05 a gallon. This is a one-year contract. They will be doing site improvements. Maurice quoted some past figures from 2005 and 2007 for septic “down there,” “Where is the money going?” It was noted that the lagoons were cleaned which accounted for some of the monies. Maurice related that there is a lot of money involved and no one is watching. “I would like some answers.” (FH) explained that these figures mostly involved grant monies and monies were used for upgrading equipment. Mr. Wells noted the money comes out of the sewer funds. There is about $4 M involved.

Mr. Wells also wanted to know what the specs were that were going into the slab. (LK) noted that he did not have the specific figures readily available. (PS) advised him that the Building Inspector has the plans for the foundation and he could come in and review them with him. Mr. Wells wanted to know how many pounds per square inch there was? (PS) advised him that SDS was installing the slab though permit and approval would be via the Building Inspector. Mr. Wells wanted to know what was under the tank? Are you talking gravel under the pad? (PS) noted that it would be to his advantage to check with Kyle Parker, Building Inspector. Mr. Wells questioned, “Why don’t we do the building? We pay him or he pays us. He got the better end of the deal. I have worked with him previously and he always does.”

End of Public Input


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a), (e) and (d). (LS) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled, and all agreed.

Short Break 8:19 P.M. Board resumed to Non-Public Session at 8:23 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:05 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of December 16, 2008. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to schedule Public Hearing regarding the Suncook Valley Regional Development Corporation on January 13, 2009 at 6:00 P.M. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Approved: December 30, 2008

___________________________ ____________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes