December 18, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
(LS) Two Non-Public; (JL) One Non-Public; (LKe) Note that appointment
with Joe Ducharme, Jr. has been cancelled, Action: Joint Loss Management
Committee Appointments, Recommendations for Deputy Fire Wardens,
Highway Garage Budget Fuel Increase, Highway Garage Soffit
Construction, WWTP Boiler Repair, Information on WWTP Phase II Report
letter of 12/6/07, and Department of Public Works Monthly Report and Non –
Public Session Minutes.
(AM) Our first appointment is scheduled with Clayton Wood, Chairman of
the Website Committee, but is noted that George Bachelder is present
tonight and since he is quite busy with the recent snowstorm, I would
suggest that, perhaps, he be allowed to go first.
(LKe) noted that George is here tonight to discuss the truck situation. It is
noted that most of them are back on the road, one with a $500 repair.
George and I have talked about the condition of the units and because of
their age and constant use, that there will probably be more repair bills with
increasing frequency.
George related a short history of the scheduled replacement of the highway
vehicles. He noted that in all the years he has been with Pittsfield, there
have not been as many breakdowns as there recently have been. He noted
that “550” was down for a week, the Sterling as well and two sanders were
also down. “The trucks are getting too much age on them with keeping them
for ten years. To push off replacement for another year, was a mistake. By
pushing one ahead for another year before replacement, it pushes them all
ahead by a year.” (LK) What’s the cost of a new one? George noted about
$135,000. He noted that he is hoping to do away with the sanders and
purchase ones with combination bodies, which can be used summer and
winter and hold up to nine yards, which is twice as much what the present
trucks hold and it would help us and save time. (LKe) explained that the
DOT in the past ten years has embraced the use of these as they put out a
regular rate for distribution on roads and are a savings. It is quite likely that
it will make unit payback in three to five years. George noted it is called
ground speed control system and saves materials, as it does not “dump out”
more than it is supposed to. (LKe) noted that they are not making an actual
proposal tonight for a purchase, but will bring in one another one with two to
three options soon. George noted that he would suggest buying one in 2008
and postpone pushing replacement out.
(LS) questioned whether he had a plan as to what to do over the next few
years, some sort of CIP update for what we need to do for the Highway
Department. Is there something you can give to the BOS as to what you are
going to do/request in the next three to four years?
(AM) questioned whether the $135,00 cost was the highest price or does it
vary? George related that in actuality it was the lowest price. (LKe)
explained the different chassis types and similarity to what department is
currently using. (AM) suggested that for the first of the year, (LKe) could
have a plan for us to review for these purchases. He questioned George,
“You want to go on six to seven year rotation?” George related that this
would depend on the type and brand of truck. We tried the ten-year rotation
but we should start looking at every 8-9 years. (LKe) noted that we’ve had
flooding in the spring, which resulted in these trucks being worked hard with
a lot of heavy-duty wear and tear.
(AM) noted that on a separate issue, during the summer a resident of Joy
Street had come in regarding the placement of snow down there which
caused him difficulty. Is that something that we could look into and change
if possible? George related that he would look into it.
1. Clayton Wood, Chair, Website Committee
(LKe) noted “As you may recall, Clayton offered to BOS a letter which was
presented to you back in November proposing a change in the Website link
policy adopted by the Board in 2006. Clayton Wood and the committee have
invested a lot of time in this and would like to bring you up-to-date.”
Mr. Wood related that the Website Committee is an interesting group of
people. They would like to change two things within the policy: 1. One
word within the current policy (Webmaster to Website Committee) noting
that the Committee felt it to be a sound policy and what the Town initiates,
we support. And 2. The other would be regarding the appeal process. He
noted there is no real place for digital in the Legislative. There is a
consensus that the public right to know should cover all E-mails applicable
to all Board decisions. Technology can be a drawback what with public
access TV. Many Towns have policies to cover this issue. He noted that he
has been working with Metrocast in reference to Channel 24 to “clean it up”
and noted that they have been excellent to work with. He noted that all the
things the Committee wants to do regarding the digital age will be done and
they are trying not to spend money to make the system better. He noted that
the Website Committee would to take “ownership” of the policy, which
would not change without BOS’s approval.
(AM) questioned whether the Committee keeps Minutes. If we approve this,
I would like to have (LKe) make sure that the Minutes are presented in our
packet. (EV) noted that he would like to commend Clayton on the updating
of Channel 24 and suggested adding on Page 2 “All decisions can be
appealed to the Board of Selectman and all decisions will be final.” He also
suggested adding: f. Authority can be given back to Board of Selectman.
He noted that this would make it a little cleaner and take out any room for
Mr. Wood noted that the goal of the Website Committee is to make it the
No. 1 place people can look for information and get it as fast as pos sible.
(LKe) noted that pretty much all the Minutes of the various committees are
up-to-date. Mr. Wood noted that Bill Provencal is a “real watchdog” in
regard to this and has done an excellent job with this.
(EV) Motion to approve changes to the Website Link Policy by replacing the
work “Webmaster” with the term “Website Committee,” transfer
administration responsibility of the policy from Board of Selectman to
Pittsfield Website Committee as well as adding on Page 2, e. “All decisions
can be appealed to the Board of Selectman and all decisions will be final,”
and f. Authority can be given back to the Board of Selectman by vote of the
Board of Selectman. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Joe Ducharme, Jr., P.E., WWTP Phase II Report
As noted previously by (LKe) this appointment was cancelled and will be
scheduled in the near future.
1. Award of Contract to Patsfield Sand & Gravel Company to furnish
and deliver 2,700 CY of 1 ½ inch crushed gravel for $29,700.
(LKe) noted that Quail Ridge Road project is in the budget for 2007 but due
to flooding and subsequent repair, this project was not started. Highway
Department would like to encumber funds for gravel for this purpose due to
a good price offered by Patsfield Sand & Gravel Company and which will be
saved until work is ready to be completed in August.
(LK) Motion to award contract to Patsfield Sand & Gravel Company to
furnish and deliver 2,700 CY of 1 ½ inch crushed gravel for $29,700.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) questioned (LKe) “At the meeting on the 27th of December, will we
have all the encumbrances at that time, since it is the end of the year?”
(LKe) responded affirmatively.
2. Library Trustees Request for Building Improvements
(LKe) related that the roof work has been done and Library is left with a
$6,000 balance. In their presentations for the 2008 budget, the Trustees had
requested $6,000 for electrical repair and $25,000 for window replacements.
As far the electrical repair, some of which was for future proposed electrical
requirements, it has been found that only about $3,000 will be required.
They do have some window replacement issues that do need to be addressed
as soon as possible, and after MM and I had the opportunity to evaluate it, it
was suggested they request BOS to allow them to get some quotes for that
purpose between now and the 27th. (LS) noted that she was not willing to
“jump out there” until we know what they are doing. (LKe) noted that they
previously had not asked for assistance in getting quotes through Mike and a
quote was obtained from Harry O prior to his being involved as to what
might be necessary. (LS) “We need a concrete plan for what we are doing
and I do not think I can offer an answer until I see the details.” (LKe) noted
that since the Library trustees are unfamiliar with what questions to ask,
Mike and I have tried counseling them on this. (AM) noted that they are
now on the right track with Mike and (LKe) assisting them. They need
someone who knows what they are doing and who can address the repairs
needed and how to correct the problems. Mike is good at figuring out what
is needed along with (LKe). I would be in favor of leaving the money there.
(LKe) can bring back information on 27th. We need to remind all
departments that next summer before they start on their budget requests to
have Mike and (LKe) assist them.
3. Joint Loss Management Committee
(LKe) noted that two members have resigned and we now have two
(LS) Motion to approve Kristin Ahern, and Sgt. Richard Walters for the
Joint Loss Management Committee. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Forest Fire Deputy Wardens
(LKe) Each year the Economic Resources and Development seeks help with
forest fire detection. Chief Johnson has supplied us with a list of
recommendations for those positions.
(EV) Motion to approve the list of individuals as recommended by Chief
Johnson for forest fire Deputy Wardens. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
5. Highway Garage Heating System
(LKe) We have had an opportunity to look/use the new heating system at
the highway garage, which does a great job but utilizes a lot of fuel. They
are maintaining a temperature of 60 degrees but they anticipate they will be
short in their budget of about $2,000. Consideration to supplement the heat
with an outdoor furnace is being looked into for next year.
(LS) Motion to approve the addition of $2,000 to the highway garage
heating oil line. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LKe) Also, the same system includes pipes up through the ceiling and out
through the roof, which are not insulated and allow a great deal of heat loss.
It was suggested using an insulating blanket around those pipes and
constructing two ports on either side of the building for ventilation.
Currently the snow is melting from the tin roof and becoming ice before
falling down and may be a safety issue.
(LK) Motion to approve the construction as noted at the Highway Garage.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
6. WWTP Boiler Repair
(LKe) At the end of November, the boiler cleaning at the WWTP revealed a
number of things that had not previously been cleaned or repaired. We had a
company from Barnstead come in and finish cleaning and related that the
liner units required repair. They have noted that there is an additional $200
that is required — $1,000 estimated and the cost will be $1,200.
(LS) Motion to approve an additional $200 for WWTP boiler repair.
(EV) Second. Carried. 4-0.
1. Staff Meeting Notes December 18, 2007
(LKe) “These are still being transcribed.”
2. Joe Ducharme, Jr., P.E. – Memo Re: A summary of his meeting
with NHDES Septage Management Bureau regarding permitting of
septage processing on the old Belcastro site.
(LKe) noted this was for informational purposes only. (AM) “It seems to
me that with the problems the State has getting rid of these materials, that
the Town should be seeing a greater benefit from it being dumped here. It
seems that the people in the district should see a greater benefit.”
3. DPW November Monthly Report
(LKe) This is the November monthly report and indicates what they have
been doing.
(AM) noted that he is very pleased with the Highway Departments works.
He noted that he has traveled through several Towns during the recent
snowstorms, and Pittsfield’s roads were in better shape than the other
Towns. I also would like to note that George did not make a mistake on
what he needs regarding equipment, but he made a mistake in trying to save
the Town money.
4. Non-Public Minutes
(LKe) noted that Non-Public Minutes should be sealed prior to being
distributed. (AM) Do we need to seal these at every meeting and unseal
them subsequently? (LKe) noted that he had forgotten that they need to be
available within two days.
(LK) questioned whether all new committee members have been signing the
Ethics form. (LKe) noted that he was not aware that they should be and that
from now on all acknowledgement letters would contain the Ethics form
when mailed to new committee member.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried after
discussion 4-0.
(LS) questioned the Cross Country check, and (LKe) noted that the work has
been completed. He also explained to the Board that there were several
occurrences regarding the assessors arriving at properties and residents being
unaware of whom they were and not quite sure why they were on private
property and subsequently calling police. (LKe) noted that he had explained
to these residents why they were there and that they do carry badges and use
“marked” vehicles though this is often difficult to see when one is inside a
house and not opening the door.
(LK) noted that there was a check to MRI in the amount of $3,375. “To
date, we have paid $ll,753 total for union negotiations.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second.
Since (LS) had several questions, vote was suspended for now and will be
addressed in Non-Public Session.
1. Public Session Minutes of December 11, 2007
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 11, 2007.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of December 11, 2007.
(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of December 11, 2007.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of December 11, 2007.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Public Session Minutes Continued of December 11, 2007.
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes Continued of
December 11, 2007. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(JL) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II (a). (LK)
Second. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.
Carried 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:32 P.M.
APPROVED: December 27, 2007
___________________________ ________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date