December 18, 2014 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
Draft of Minutes for December 18, 2014 Meeting

Call to order: 7:03 PM by Chairman Chris Hill.

Present: Chairman Chris Hill (CH), Secretary Diana Westgate, Members Carl Wallman (CW), Owen David (OD), Alternate Ted Mitchell (TM),

Meeting minutes: November 20 Minutes accepted as amended.

Treasurer’s Report: We are $37 overdue on our general fund. We would like to increase the money in that account for next year. It is used primarily for conference and workshop attendance.

Old Business

Town-owned Lots Consolidation Project Update: Rocky Ridge is the largest land parcel and well-suited to recreational purposes. We would like to see it designated a town forest. On January 6 Tim Fleury, Merrimack county Forester, will talk to the Select Board about what that would mean and how the land could best be utilized.

2015 Meeting Calendar Dates. We voted to accept the proposed calendar dates.

Renewable Energy Tax Exemption Sponsorship: We voted in favor of promoting this.

Bear-Paw Maps. Bear-Paw will produce new maps next year that will reflect its current areas of interest.

New Business

Publicity for the Various Boards. We would like to see information about the activities of the various boards posted in the Town Hall lobby. This would increase public awareness of their roles.

PCC Board Positions. If desired, we can hold an election in January.

Adjournment: 8:30 PM.

The next meeting: January 22, 2015.

Submitted by: DW, Secretary