December 19, 2005 Minutes

Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire
DECEMBER 19, 2005
Present – Bill Elkins, Chair, Fred Okrent, Dave Simpson, Stan Bailey, Cedric Dustin, and Nick Abell, HSA Board, were present. Tim Stickney, Fire Chief, Don Tyler, and Jeremiah Lamson, Town Administrator, were also present.
Meeting opened at 7:04PM at the Town Hall.
1. Meeting Minutes – A motion was made to approve the November 21st minutes as written by Dave Simpson, seconded by Fred Okrent. Motion passed 5 to 0 with Cedric Dustin abstaining.
2. Old Business
A. Bill Elkins provided the Board with Income and Expense statements to review. The inspections had taken in $11,025 in revenues.
B. The Town Administrator was unsure the status on the Code Books.
C. The Board decided to hold off on amending the HSA ordinance until there was a new inspector.
3. New Business
A. Status of Inspections – Bill stated that the remaining December inspections had been cancelled, but January had not yet been. The Board discussed the outstanding re-inspections that needed to be done.
B. A motion was made to accept the letter of resignation submitted by Doug Cheney as HSA Inspector by Dave Simpson, seconded by Stan Bailey. Stan stated that Doug had left without giving the Board proper notice. Motion passed 6 to 0.
C. The Board discussed ideas for filling the vacancy. A motion was made to pay $50 a week for administrative costs to the HSA Administrator by Stan Bailey, seconded by Dave Simpson. Motion passed 5 to 0 with Fred Okrent abstaining.
D. Fred Okrent submitted a letter of resignation from the Housing Standards Board. A motion was made to accept the resignation from Fred Okrent by Dave Simpson, seconded by Stan bailey. Motion passed 5 to 0.
E. The Board discussed how to post the HSA Administrator/Inspector position. The Town Administrator was to draft a notice for Chairman Elkins to review.
4. Public Input – Don Tyler, Fire Inspector spoke about having members signing for books, what the HSA fine schedule was, and working with the HSA inspector on doing joint inspections of properties. He asked to meet with the Board when there is a new inspector.
5. The Board discussed moving their meeting to January 9th because the 16th is a holiday. The Board agreed to meet on the 9th at 7PM.
6. Stan Bailey motioned to adjourn at 8:21PM, seconded by Cedric Dustin. All in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned.