December 19, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
December 19, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 7:00 PM, by PCC Chairman Mark Wallace

Present: All members were present: Chairman Mark Wallace (MW), Vice Chairman Bryan Mika, Secretary Diana Westgate (DW), Paul Metcalf (PM).

Treasury Report: There is $6,310 in the Conservation Fund. And $78,303 in the Land Use Conservation Tax.

Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the November meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Old Business
1. Thompson Forest Update. Charlie Marino, the consulting forester, is currently backed up with work. There’s no hard ground for him to get in at present. He will mark a sample of trees and have loggers make bids based on that sample. The work will be done in the summer.

2. Greeley property update: An Intent to Purchase form was given to the Greeleys by MW. There will be a public January 11 meeting about the town acquiring the property.

3. Suncook River Nomination Project. An organizational meeting of representatives from the towns that abut the Suncook River was held in Chichester. MW and PM attended. Ed Vien and Ted Mitchell are the reps for Pittsfield.

4. Black Gum Forest and Rocky Ridge Updates. Chris Berry has surveyed Black Gum. He located the boundary lines, blazed and painted them with red paint and set pins at the corners where needed. He located the Rocky Ridge boundaries and started to blaze and paint them. The crew is currently finishing up Rocky Ridge. Black Gum work is complete. Rocky Ridge marking paperwork is expected in a week.

5. Rocky Ridge/Geer Road Gate and Sign. $45 was spent on a sign for the Geer Road gate.

6. Sargent Town Forest. PCC gives kudos to Bill Provencal for keeping the trails clear and the trail guides stocked.

Next meeting: January 16, 7 pm.

Adjournment: 8:40 PM. BM motioned; DW seconded; motion carried (4-0)

Submitted by: DW, Secretary