December 19, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

2012 Budget Committee meeting



Members Present: Louie Houle Chairman, Mark Riel Vice-Chair, Larry Willams Secretary, Stan Bailey, Helen Schiff, Faith Whitter ,Ray Ramsey, Paul Rogers Selectman Rep., Mary Paradise School Board Rep., Nichole Manteau School Board Alt., Paul Skowron Town Admin.

Special Guest: Dr. Freeman and School representatives.


Meeting called to order 7:03                                  Date 12/19/12


Reading of last minutes: motion to approve By: Mark R. 2nd By: Paul R.


There were three questions asked of the school at the previous meeting,

Q: How many students participate in the summer school program?

        A:  65 students last year

Q: What is the cost per student at Pittsfield and how do we compare to other towns?

         A: Pittsfield $17,625.00     State Average $13,159.00  We are the highest in our area but not the highest in the state. ( a chart was provided with detailed info ) for more info look under                  New Hampshire Department of Education

Q: How many Guidance Councilors does Pittsfield have and is that consistent with other schools?

    A:  A chart was provided to look at. The average is 1 for Elem. 0.33 for Middle and 0.67 for High. We fit into the averages


Start on Page 14 of school budget continue review.


Q: What year is the school loan paid off in?  Dr. Freeman or Mary Paridise will have an answer at the next meeting.


No further question for the school at this time we will discuss entire budget again later.


Paul Skowron mentioned that the Selectmen we looking at changing the Reserve funds for the town crew. Possible combining them to one Warrant Article to save time, but splitting the approved funds accordingly, into each individual equipment fund.


Louie Also asked if the Fire Department had considered Purchasing just a Cab & Chasie, and swapping out the bodies? This would save approximately 1/3 of the asked for monies.



Motion to Adjourn: Stan B.      2nd by: Paul R.


Time:  8:10

                                                             Submitted By: Larry Willams