December 2, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(DM) EOM – Website; (LS) Safe Routes to School (Sidewalks), Suncook Leather; (LK) Town Hall Sign Update; (PS) Formal Petition – Jim Pritchard – Amendments to Zoning Ordinances, Rite Aid Charge Card, Non-Public, Employee Vacation with Pay and Employee Compensation.


1. Board of Selectman – Goals and Objectives

(EV) offered a printed copy noting his Goals and Objectives (See attached.)

(LS) noted she had several goals and objectives which included the production of manual of Standard Operating Procedures, internal controls – separation of duties, job descriptions – cross training, economic development, and updating current manuals.

(DM) Space needs, sidewalk grant, non-Union pay scale (longevity bonuses) and perhaps, some handouts to Department Heads addressing issues such as anger management, habitual late employees, etc. and other back to basics training issues. It was noted that LGC does put on seminars that can be most helpful with these types of issues. I believe that Leon had a subscription to a publication of this type, though I am unsure as to whether it is still active.

(LK) noted that consideration of a town owned emergency shelter, which could offset some of the Welfare budget. Board discussed some alternatives and the value of such an endeavor. (LS) noted that if the community were stimulated economically, that this would not be necessary.

(PS) noted that in reference to space needs, the boiler (heating system) at Town Hall next year needs to be modified and/or rectified.

Board noted that sidewalk grant, which is a matching grant, would not be accomplished in time for February, 2009, but since it would involve a great deal of work and time to be completed, the process could begin now. (PS) noted that Mr. Rodriguez from CNHRPC would be here in January to address Board about applying for a grant of this type.

5:30 P.M. – Amenico

Scott Spradling of Amenico related that he was here tonight to offer a formal update about Amenico. He related that they are now up and running and are planning on having a ribbon cutting ceremony either December 18th or 19th, dependent upon the Governor’s availability to be present. He related that they are now in the final negotiations with the State to sell fuel to State. It has been EPA approved as a final additive to the diesel and home fuel (Amenico 5) noting it is cheaper and there are no sulfur odor issues. He related that Amenico is now ready to provide a proposal to Pittsfield as well. He related that this will result in big and immediate savings to heating and diesel fuel and arrangements could be made to coordinate delivery with fuel supplier.

Mr. Spradling noted that they would like to now apply to the State for renovation incentive (79:E) and Shoreline Protection Act Property Improvements. (He will contact Cara and Kyle respectively for the necessary paperwork.)

5:45 P.M. – Nick Abell/Dustin Park Gazebo

Mr. Abell noted that he was present tonight to address the Dustin Park Gazebo. He advised that Parks and Rec were never advised that the columns were purchased and had arrived but now there is a question as to whether these types of columns will be structurally capable for this purpose. He also discussed with the Board encumbering funds for this purpose and the process by which this could be accomplished. The possibility of returning them, along with an additional fee, was discussed but Board decided that manufacturer should first be contacted to determine the possible use of these columns. (DM) advised she would contact the company to make this determination as to the specs and would advise Board accordingly. Mr. Abell also questioned as to why the gazebo was condemned as no paperwork could be found noting this. Board noted that they did not think it was condemned but that more of a cautionary regard was in effect because of snow season. Suggestion was made that possibility contacting a structural engineer could offer a better understanding of the status of the gazebo. He was advised to also contact the contractor that offered a quote earlier in the year to see what his thoughts would be. Mr. Abell will attempt to accomplish this. Attempts to accomplish all of these matters in the very near future will be made.


(LS) Motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3, II, (b).
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled, and all agreed.

Linda Small noted that she would be recusing herself from the Non-Public Session and was seated in the audience.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 6:17 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 7:06 P.M. Linda Small was seated on the Board.


1. Economic Development Circuit Rider Services 2009/CNHRPC

(PS) Board members will find a copy attached forwarded by CNHRPC for fixed hourly fee for an estimated number of hours at a cost of $13,410. The Town currently has an agreement but for less money than this.

(LS) Motion to approve Contract for Circuit Rider Services 2009 – NHRPC. (DM) Second. After Discussion – Vote: 0-4 Opposed. Motion dies.

Discussion: Board discussed the number of hours utilizing both CRDC and CNHRPC and the value of utilization of these services. It was agreed that (PS) would contact Sharon Wason, CNHRPC to discuss Board utilizing services up to 144 hours per year. (LS) I would rather not have to be locked into a specific number of meetings per month.

2. EOM – Website

(DM) Clayton Woods has contacted me relating that he would like to have the Employee of the Month on Channel 24 as well as on the Website – picture and profile. (LK) noted that he felt that this would be agreeable provided it is approved by the employee. (DM) noted that it was not noted as part of the original “program” so I would think it would have to be either yes or no and not quantitative. (PS) suggested that it might be better at this point to just note name-title-month selected.

(DM) Motion to allow Clayton Woods to note Name-Title-and Month of Employee of the Month as approved by Board. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. Petition for Amendments to the Zoning Ordinances

(PS) James Pritchard has filed a Petition for Amendments to the Zoning Ordinances. It is all in order and he has acquired quite a few signatures. Board needs to accept Petition as submitted and forward to Planning Board for review. All names have not yet been verified but this is in the process of being done and will probably be an easy verification.

(EV) Motion to accept Petition for Amendments to the Zoning Ordinances as filed by James Pritchard and forwarded to Planning Board contingent upon the fact that all signatures have been verified. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LK) Kyle Parker should hand deliver this to the Planning Board. (PS) This will be on the Warrant as written.

4. Rite Aid Charge Account

(PS) This signed letter will indicate which individuals can act as agent in regard to the Rite Aid Charge Account and will include Betsy Booth, Welfare, Larry Konopka, Board of Selectman, Paul Skowron, Town Administrator, and Cara Marston, Administrative Assistant.

(LS) Motion to approve Betsey Booth, Larry Konopka, Paul Skowron and Cara Marston as authorized agents in regard to the Rite Aid Charge Account and authorizing Larry Konopka to sign letter to this effect. (DM) Second.
Carried 4-0.


1. Reports of Cut/Tornado Damage

(PS) We have two reports of cuts filed along with a memo from Cara as to whether yield tax should be waived. Both these cuts are due to damage from the tornado. According to DRA, individuals need to file Intent to Cut and the local towns can make determination as to tax yield. (EV) suggested first taxing them and then yielding tax so that a “paper trail” will exist. (PS) noted that he will check on this to determine best way to accomplish this.

2. Town Hall Sign

(LK) noted he has contacted Bob at school and the sign should be completed within two weeks or so. He noted that there was a lot of handwork involved and that is why it is taking so long. Board agreed that when it is completed, letters of thanks and pictures for paper and Channel 24 would be an excellent idea.

3. Suncook Leathers

(PS) noted that he has discussed with Cara who contacted Suncook Leathers. She was advised that they are aware of “we know we owe the Town and it is being processed.” (PS) will double check to make sure.

4. Tax Anticipation Note

(PS) This is just an update, but the Tax Anticipation Note will be paid off this week.


1. Town Hall Improvements, Life Safety Codes


2. Management Analysis for GASB 34

(LS) noted that she has discussed this with Greg Colby and it should be done shortly if not today. She also noted that liability in relation to vacations would all be on the books.

3. Space Needs Study


4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan


5. Library Attic Insulation


6. Loitering Ordinance


7. Cost of Broadcasting Selectman, Planning and Zoning Board Meetings.

(PS) to check with Donna Keeley as to any results she may have regarding this.




(EV) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of November 25, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of November 25, 2008.
(EV) Second. Several small corrections were noted. Carried 4-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of November 25, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of November 25, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.


Maurice Wells noted that monies for the gazebo at Dustin Park were appropriated last year in the amount of $2,500. Is it gone? The columns are supposed to be here. I do not know what the cost of the columns was. (LS) noted that the cost was $1,100 for the columns. Mr. Wells, “It sounds like they are talking about re-shingling the gazebo. Is that what you are going to do?” (LK) We are checking into it. Mr. Wells noted that $900 should do it.

Mr. Wells stated, “The State Garage – when are they going to remove that?”
(PS) noted that the State officials and Town Representative Chief Johnson have met on this at the garage and a date has been projected to demo the Quonset Hut. “Unfortunately, I do not what that date is off hand.”

Mr. Wells wanted to know when the open house for the Salt Shed was going to be? (LK) When it gets done. Mr. Wells commented, “It’s not done?” (PS) related that they were waiting for some additional electrical work to be completed. I do not know where that stands presently. You can probably check with George and he could provide you with that information.

Mr. Wells had questions about the basement heat at the Town Hall. “Is it electric heat?” (PS) noted that the Food Pantry has an electric heater and Betsey has electric heat. Mr. Wells, “I do not care. We spent all that money on the boilers and they don’t have heat in the basement.”

He noted that Town should discontinue using rock salt on the ramp. The Town has replaced that ramp three times since 1996.

He questioned what the BOS was doing about replacing sidewalks? Are you doing anything? (PS) noted that the BOS would be meeting with a representative of CNHRPC in January who participated in grant preparation of this type for other communities.

Mr. Wells noted that I hear they are thinking of shutting down the school bus routes in Town. It is a shame that this Town is going to He–. I have been here for 70 years and it is only getting worse. (LS) assured him that they were attempting not to increase the budget at all for next year; everything is level funded. Mr. Wells noted that money is being wasted; I wish you could do better.

Close Public Input


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II, (a), (b), and (c). (LS) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Linda Small noted that she was recusing herself from the Non-Public Session and was seated in the audience.

Break at 7:50 P.M.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:55 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:35 P.M.

(DM) Motion to Seal Non-Public Sessions of December 2, 2008. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LK) Motion to approve hiring of Kyle Parker as Building Inspector at $25.00 per hour in accordance with the Union contract for 24 hours per week and up to 28 hours per week as outlined in the Job Description for Building Inspector with the provision that he becomes certified within eighteen (18) months. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

Board noted that acting as Health Officer, Code Enforcement, and Planning and Zoning Board advisor would be inclusive within this position as noted in the Job Description for Building Inspector (See attached).

Linda Small returned and was seated on the Board. (8:50 P.M.)


(LS) Motion to Adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M.

APPROVED: December 9, 2008

______________________________ ____________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes