December 20, 2006 Minutes

DRAFT Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield

Economic Development Committee

Town Hall, 85 Main Street

Pittsfield, New Hampshire

December 20, 2006

6:10 PM Call Meeting to Order

Members present: Ellen Barbaso, Daren Nielsen, Wayne Gallup

Others present: Matt Monahan from CNHRPC, Linda Small (BOS Alternate), Susan Muenzinger, Merrill Vaughn

Minutes were reviewed and approved as written.

Matthew Monahan reviewed with the committee where we currently are at, highlighting some points of interest that have been discussed over the past weeks, which consists of tax relief for business improvements, the downtown trail system and signage for downtown. Matt shared that he and Eric would be meeting with Paul Skowron on January 4 on some of the committee’s ideas.

Matt handed out some literature. He will research what we would need to do in order to propose the tax relief incentive via a warrant article to the voters in March. Daren Nielsen asked if there is a “boiler plate.” Matt stated that there is; he already has one on hand and will e-mail the members with it. Susan asked if we will need a public hearing. Matt doesn’t think so but will check into it.

Discussion took place on the trail system. Wayne Gallup will bring the information we currently have available for the downtown trail system and we will take it from there. Signage was also discussed. Wayne shared a design for a sign on Route 28 (“Welcome to Pittsfield”) that he believes would be a good promotion for Pittsfield. He has already interviewed with the owner of the present sign going northbound on Route 28 and said the owner is willing to consider us replacing the current sign. We could then work on a southbound as well. Perhaps we could find a way to raise the money for the signage.

Matt updated everyone on where he is with the Economic Profile. He is getting closer to a final draft. He still needs a list of the businesses (Patt Hefernan is suppose to supply this) in town as well as a map of available parking. He is also checking into Brownfield sites.

Tentative next meeting is set for January 4, 2007. Matt will contact Eric Bahr and make sure he contacts all of the members.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM.


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