December 20, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Ed Vien, Chairman.


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman

(EV) Before we start the meeting, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I know that things have been tight this year but next will be a better year.


Jim Pritchard: A resident contacted me concerning the display in the front of the property at Dan Schroth’s house. He noted that the resident would like something done about this and that it is the Board of Selectmen’s responsibility concerning this.

Jesse Pacheco: I am submitting my resignation from the Zoning Board. Regarding the Building Inspector position, I applied for it and was advised that you were looking for someone who was certified. I was willing to become certified. He is a Master Electrician and is not certified in anything else like Building Codes, plumbing, etc. The way you are running the Town is not in the best interest of the Town. It is wrong. Board hired a Master Electrician to do the job when he knows nothing about building. I was willing to be the Building Inspector to help the Town, not full time but when I was needed. This was not handled properly. I am very disgusted with the Board.

(EV) tried to explain the rationale for the hiring, but Jesse Pacheco: I do not want you to tell me anything. (EV) We followed procedure and conducted Non-Public Hearing on this. Jesse Pacheco: You asked for my resignation because of my absence on the Zoning Board when I had a death in the family, yet you have someone who is gone the entire winter, what about that? What about Selectman Morin who is not here a lot. Do not use the Town to talk to me.

Close Public Input


(PS) Public Hearing Date to Rescind Bond Issue, Department of Labor Administrative Audit and Safety Inspection Report; (GL) Update on Zoning Ordinances Proposal by Planning Board, Vouchers from Welfare, Agenda not getting on Website; (PR) Tree Located on Elm and Main Streets, Ethics Committee Minutes not being Accomplished and on the Website.


6:00 P.M.: Public Hearing CBDG Application – Rustic Crust (6:06 P.M.)

Present: Donna Lane, Administrator Community Development Block Grants, Elizabeth Sweeney, Senior Loan Officer, CRDC, and Doug Troy, Rustic Crust. Informational packets were available to the public. (See attached.)

Open Public Hearing – Community Development Block Grant

Donna Lane read into the Minutes the attached handout.

Public Comments


Close Public Hearing

Open Public Hearing – Housing and Community Development Plan

Donna Lane read into the Minutes information from the attached handout.

Public Comments


Close Public Hearing

Open Public Hearing – Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan

Donna Lane read into the Minutes information from the attached handout.

Public Comments


Close Public Hearing

Vote: (6:14 P.M.)

(GL) Motion to adopt the Housing and Community Development Plan.
(PR) Second. Carried 3-0. (FH) Abstain.

(PR) Motion to adopt the Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan. (GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (FH) Abstain.

(PR) Motion to approve the submittal of the application and vote to authorize the Chairman, Board of Selectmen to sign and submit the application, and upon approval of the CDBG application, authorize the Chairman, Board of Selectmen to execute any documents which may be necessary to effectuate the CDBG contract. (GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (FH) Abstain.

Ms. Lane, Ms. Sweeney and Mr. Troy left meeting at 6:17 P.M.


6:20 p.m.: Larry Konopka – Request for Funding

Larry Konopka: Thank you for allowing me to come and speak to you tonight. In 2007 there was a Warrant Article for Drug Awareness and Educational Fund for citizens to have a place to go for help. Cost of the Community Center rent is $10. ($520 per year) and funds are needed to meet this cost. I am asking the Board to help with keeping this meeting going for citizens reaching out. This would cover the rental from January 12 through December 31, 2012.

(PR) Motion to approve $520 for cost of rental for NA at the Community Center from January 12 through December 31, 2012 from the Drug Awareness and Educational Fund. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Mr. Konopka left meeting at 6:21 P.M.

6:25 P.M.: John Topouzoglou – Cram Avenue Drainage

Mrs. Effie Topouzoglou: We are here again for the same reason as in the past. You have left it as our problem to correct. There are two other properties that are involved. What we would do would not solve it. The slope of the street is such that it cannot drain. There was a drywell put it which helped with the problem for a while but now it is back again. The water in the road which freezes is dangerous. We will work with you on taking care of the problem before someone slips and gets hurt. We would like to eventually sell our house but with a stream in front of it who will buy the house? The water backs up and goes into our basement.

John Topouzoglou: I hope you understand this. My point is the Board of Selectmen is doing the best you can for the Town but no solution has been found. You have to do something to help with the drainage. I know you are not able to help everyone but you need to do something today.

(EV) Paul has talked to George about this and we do have to do something. This year there seems to be more water and it is getting worse and worse.

Mrs. Topouzoglou: It is not safe and it is not right.

(EV) explained the problem on Cram Avenue as a drainage and pipe problem. He noted that there are other properties that are involved in this also with the problem. This problem seems to be extreme.

Dennis Call (Sanel): This problem goes back for thirty years or more. We have had a lot of rain this year and it seems to be a worse problem. I am in the process of getting an estimate as to how this can be solved. (GL) Last winter it was heaving. Dennis Call (Sanel): The sewer system is supposed to take care of it. Repair will be costly. No one wants to do anything to help the Town these days; it is all about “me.” If we can tie it all together we can take care of John’s problem also.

(PS) We will figure out what the line of command will be and get back to you.

Mr. & Mrs. Topouzoglou and Dennis Call (Sanel) left at 6:35 P.M.

6:30 P.M.: Zach Powers – PDAC (6:40 P.M.)

Kristen Tracey, Coalition Coordinator, Sara Sadowsky, Regional Coordinator and Zach Powers, Pittsfield Youth Workshop per present.

Kristen Tracey offered a PowerPoint presentation on substance abuse in Pittsfield and how the Drug and Alcohol Coalition make a difference along with various statistics on alcohol use, binge drinking, marijuana smoking and abuse rates. (See attached.) Ms. Sadowsky explained that there was no funding at the State level for any school programs and that the long term vision is to prevent such activities in Pittsfield.

(PS) Could you please provide a bit more clarity on the dollar value?
Ms. Sadowsky related the expenses are about $5,000. per program. (PS) If you are approved, for all three programs, you are asking for $15,000.

Board questioned numbers that could be helped and have been helped and whether it was trackable as to monthly figures. Though not exactly, it was noted that there have been noticeable declines.

(PS) suggested that because these programs focus on a certain age group, is it possible that the school district could part with the $5,000? They have a lot more flexibility within their budget. I believe parents would support this. Ms. Tracey noted that it may be a possibility, they have not “partnered with us on this.”

Zach Powers related that there are some grants which they have applied for and they are waiting to hear. Dan Ward elaborated on what the coalition does for the Town as being invaluable. He praised the efforts of Kristen Tracey and strongly supported their efforts.

(FH) Motion to approve granting $5,000 to the Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Board of Selectmen to Act on Revisions to the 2012 Proposed Budget

(PS) There are two revisions that need your attention. One is on Page 17 of the Budget and the other is on page 18.

Board briefly discussed changes and ultimately –

(PR) Motion to approve Page 17, Line 325: Highway Block Grant for $104,890. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PR) Motion to approve Page 18, Total Highways and Streets for $616,226.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PR) Motion to approve Page 19, Line 377: Solid Waste Disposal BCEP for $150,892. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) The police cruiser is now off the list and Board needs to address the $5,550.35 for the equipment. Regarding the 2011 Encumbrances, Account
01-4990-1-012 Spradling Group contract has been fulfilled. This will be deducted from the grand total which now will be $184,850.57

(PR) Motion to approve 2011 Encumbrances grand total as $184,850.57.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. Board of Selectmen to Discuss and Take Action on Services for WWTF Generator

(PS) I have discussed this with Ron Vien who is ill tonight. There is no estimate for the work to be completed but Ron will do this by our next meeting. He tried using a used part, but it did not work. The generator is about 25-30 years old and needs to be replaced.

(PR) Motion to table this matter till Ron Vien can come in with some figures. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. Depot Street (Requested at Previous Meeting)

(PS) At the previous Board meeting, I was asked to put this on the Agenda.
(PR) This is in regard to the unbuilt property at Franklin and Depot. What are our options? What is our liability if someone gets hurt? (EV) We could request his presence at the next Board meeting. Board agreed. (PS) will ask Mr. Aubertin to attend the next Board meeting.

5. Resignation from Zoning Board – Ed Vien

(EV) read resignation letter into the Minutes. (See attached).

(PR) Motion to accept resignation of Ed Vien from Zoning Board effective December 20, 2011. (GL) Second. Carried 3-1 (FH).

6. Public Hearing Date to Rescind Bond Issue

(PS) This is the Public Hearing notice scheduled for January 17, 2012 to rescind Bond authorization regarding the WWTF.

(PR) Motion to approve Public Hearing notice for January 17, 2012 to rescind Bond authorization regarding the WWTF. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

7. Department of Labor Administration Audit and Safety Inspection Report

(PS) Enclosed you will find DOL Audit Survey which was done about five or six weeks ago. I have discussed this with the Department Heads today and these are mostly electrical issues. (EV) Is there enough work that has to be done that it could be put out to bid? (PS) I was going to ask the Building Inspector his thoughts on this. (FH) related that there has been electrical covers missing for many years and there still are. The generator downstairs has no gas in it and the gas can for the generator is at my house. (PS) and Department Heads will work on this and come up with a plan or put it out to bid.

8. Agenda – Website

(PS) The Agenda is displayed on the Town Hall Bulletin Board and at the Post Office as well as the Website. (GL) Citizens are complaining that it is not on the Website in time for the meeting. (PS) It is forwarded to Clayton Wood or rather Matt Goodwin on Friday. I can discuss with Clayton. Posting on the Website is not a requirement. (PR) We could ask him if he could improve the time sequence and not have it on any later than Monday morning. (EV) to discuss with Clayton.

9. Welfare Vouchers

(GL) There were six Welfare vouchers last week in the Accounts Payable; four of them had information sheets attached and two did not. This week there are two more with no statements. If the State should audit us and there are no statements, they are liable to give us a fine. (FH) Is it mandatory? (PS) noted that he had
E-mailed Diane on this and along with her response had sent the Board a copy of the E-mail.

10. Zoning Ordinances Proposal

(GL) I am concerned if the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinances go through that some land will be classified as “back land” and therefore taxed at a lesser value. Should we check with the assessor or the Town Attorney on this? (PS) Are you requesting this per the Planning Board or as a citizen? (GL) As a citizen. (PS) noted he would check with the assessors. Isn’t the Planning Board concerned with the revenue? (GL) No.

11. Tree – Elm and Main Street

(PR) noted that the tree on the corner of Elm and Main Street had been trimmed very poorly making the tree look one-sided. We could contact George and let him be the deciding factor as to cutting the tree down completely and planting a new one. Can we let George be the deciding factor? Board agreed.

12. Minutes – Ethics Committee

(PR) Minutes of the Ethics Committee are still not being submitted. This is not improving. If Mr. Vaughan cannot live up to the duties of the position, he should step down. This has not gotten any better. (PS) Mr. Vaughan apologized for not having the Minutes completed. Someone else is the secretary and are unable to submit them because of other commitments. (EV) noted he would discuss with Merrill.




1. Selectmen Representative to Pittsfield Drug & Alcohol Coalition

(PR) noted he is still unable to offer a definite commitment to this but will check his schedule and advise at a later date.

2. Status of Tilton Hill Road Property Eviction

(PS) advised Board that Sheriff, locksmith and he would be at the property early tomorrow morning (9:40 A.M.) to “evict” the individual. (FH) What building needs a lock? The sides of the house are wide open and there is an old camper there. (PS) We have to have a lock put on it.

3. Safe Routes to School

(PS) All paperwork has been submitted.




(PR) Motion to approve checks and manifests.
(PR) Motion withdrawn.

(PR) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PR) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (GL) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (GL) There is one individual who has had 24 hours overtime last week and 13 hours this week. (PS) to check. (FH) There has been quite a few with overtime.


1. Public Session December 6, 2011and December 14, 2011

(FH) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 6, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(GL) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 14, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes December 6, 2011

(GL) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of December 6, 2011.
(FH) Second. Carried 4-0.


Paul Richardson: Since I have been coming to the Board meeting, the Agenda is never up-to-date. There are always additional items. It would be nice to be able to know what you are talking about.

(PS) These are added items which are usually added on Tuesday afternoon.
Many of these are time-sensitive and need to be on the Agenda for that night.
(PS) agreed that he would have these available also as part of the Agenda.

Carol Richardson: Do we have a new Building Inspector? (EV) Yes, Richard Moreau. (PS) His office hours are Monday and Thursday 8:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M.
Carol Richardson: It takes forever to get the approved Minutes on the Website. (EV) I will check with Clayton. Carol Richardson: Why are you charging taxpayers to get copies of public minutes? There should be no charge. Board agreed.

(PR) Effective immediately, there will be no charge for copies of any public minutes. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Chief Wharem was present to advise Board that he currently has a cruiser at TC’s with mechanical problems, (the #3 cylinder is not firing), and there is a possibility that the engine might be destroyed. We will be taking it to Grappone for assessment and estimate. This is the canine transport vehicle.


(GL) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (d) – real estate. (FH) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:17 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:25 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of December 20, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0.


(GL) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Approved: January 3, 2012

______________________________ ________________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on December 20, 2011, transcribed and public posted on December 22, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes