December 21, 2006




Pittsfield School Board

December 21, 2006

Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairman

Leslie Vogt

Chris Ward

Mary Paradise

Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent

Toby Eaton, Business Administrator

Mark Jarvis, Director of Student Services, PMHS

Jeff DeLois, Administrator, PMHS

Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS

Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services, PES

Members of the Public

Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. .


Ms. Erlandson added the trip to Canada. Mr. DeLois added information regarding the Sportsmanship Committee.


On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded Ms. Vogt, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the December 7, 2006 meeting with the change of adding to page 6, under Public Input, the point that the meeting was rescheduled or otherwise Ms. Erlandson would have been present.




Mr. DeLois reported that the estimated cost of the ticket would by $40 to $45.

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Adding the cost of bus transportation would result in an increase of $10 per ticket. Discussion ensued regarding the cost of the transportation last year as compared to the projected cost of this year. The consensus of the Board was to add $5.00 to the cost of the ticket to help defray the cost of the transportation.

B. Staff Resignation

Mr. Jarvis reported that Carol Christensen has submitted her resignation and recommended approval by the Board. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Christensen.

C. Canada Trip

Ms. Erlandson reported that the trip to Quebec would be cancelled. There was still a possibility of collaborating with another district to continue plans for the trip.

D. Sportsmanship Committee

Mr. DeLois provided the Board with a list of individuals that have been invited to participate on the Sportsmanship Committee. The Board agreed to the initial list, understanding that final determination has not been made.


A. Concert

Reports were prevalent that the move to having the concert to PMHS was a positive step. There were many compliments heard regarding the concert.

Mr. Brown stated his appreciation for coming to the Board meeting at such a busy time of year.


A. Strategic Planning Committee

Dr. Compton reported that he would like to convene a Strategic Planning Committee after the first of the year to develop a strategic plan for the District. Dr. Compton explained that the Committee would include faculty, members of the public, and parents. He invited any two members of the Board to participate on the Committee. Mr. Brown and Ms. Vogt volunteered to participate on this committee.

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B. NHIAA Ruling

Dr. Compton explained that a letter had been received from the NH Interscholastic Athletic Association regarding the Class S Boys’ Soccer Championship game of November 5, 2006. A hearing was held on November 30, 2006 regarding the violation of By-Law Article B III, Section 3 (School responsibilities related to sportsmanship). The letter reviewed the assurances that were made by the Pittsfield School District. The Sportsmanship Committee of the NHIAA unanimously voted to place the Pittsfield Boys’ Soccer program on probation for 365 days. Dr. Compton stated that the message is clear that we need to move forward and develop a theme of sportsmanship throughout our District. Ms. Paradise confirmed that the length of the probation would be until November 30, 2007. Mr. Brown stated that he has been impressed with the conduct of the team members and the fans at athletic events that have taken place since this incident.

C. Athletic Department Letter

Dr. Compton called attention to the letter that was sent to each student’s family on December 11, 2006. Mr. DeLois stated that the intent of the letter was to reiterate the need for the members of the community to help the situation by supporting the teams in a positive manner.

D. Fire & Inspection Reports – PES

Mr. Eaton reported that work is being done to upgrade items in order for a passing of inspection by the Fire Department. He will provide a full report at a future meeting.

E. Budget Update FY2008

Mr. Eaton distributed budget books that included sections of summary, revenue, budget, personnel, and grants. The summary section included the cuts that were made by the Board. The revenue section included general revenue and child nutrition revenue. The budget section included the actual budget that has been provided to the Budget Committee. The personnel section included a list of personnel at the elementary and middle high school. The grant section offered a description of the grants that have been awarded for the 2006-2007 school year. Similar books will be distributed to the Budget Committee as soon as Ms. Paradise has had the opportunity to review the books.

F. PES Sidewalk

Mr. Eaton reported that the cracks in the PES sidewalk are scheduled for repair. The intent was for the repairs to be made before cold weather, but they have not been made thus far.

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G. Warrant Articles

Mr. Brown asked for suggestions for potential warrant articles. Mr. Eaton stated that the windows at PES have been slated for a warrant article. Mr. Brown asked that a copy of the warrant articles from last March be added to the agenda of the next Board meeting.

Ms. Vogt asked if the SAU budget would be included in the budget proposal. Ms. Paradise responded that a handout would be provided that would explain the contribution of Pittsfield toward the SAU expenses.

Mr. Brown provided Mr. Eaton with information regarding the school nutrition program and asked that this issue be put on a future agenda to provide the Board with an update.

Ms. Erlandson asked if there was a plan for energy-saving lights at PMHS. Mr. Eaton stated that PMHS is on the list for next year.


A. Drake Field – None

B. Selectmen Liaison – None

C. Budget

Ms. Paradise reported that the District would be on the docket for the Budget Committee for January 3, 2007, instead of January 10, 2007. PMHS is now scheduled for January 10, 2007. Meetings are at the Town Hall, from 7:00 to 9:00. Ms. Paradise will confirm dates with the Administration sometime after the meeting on December 27, 2006.

Mr. Brown asked that the date for the District Meeting be considered at the next Board meeting.

Mr. Brown reported that a petition has been submitted to consider the status of SB2. Dr. Compton has initiated an investigation of this topic and further discussion will take place at a future meeting of the Board.

D. SAU Planning

Mr. Brown reported that he was contacted by the Concord Monitor to discuss the issue of Barnstead’s proposal to withdraw from SAU #51. An article is expected to appear in an upcoming issue of the newspaper.

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E. Negotiating Team

The next meeting of the Negotiating Committee is scheduled for January 11, 2007.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 4, 2007 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items include warrant articles.

X. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)

Denise Patterson asked if the Negotiating Team is a public meeting, to which Ms. Paradise explained that it was not. Mr. Brown explained the negotiating process to the public. James Theodore asked if the minutes of the meeting were public. Mr. Brown stated that they are not, but that the final agreement will be made public. Ms. Patterson thanked the Board for the agenda being made available. Mr. Theodore commended the Board for their efficiency at tonight’s Board meeting.


At 7:12 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded Ms. Vogt to enter into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (c) [Personnel, Student, and Legal Matters].

A motion was made by Chris Ward and seconded by Leslie Vogt to come out of the non-public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the non-public session at 8:01p.m.


On a motion made by Chris Ward and seconded by Leslie Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:02p.m.



Pittsfield School Board

December 7, 2006

Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairman

Gary Colby

Leslie Vogt

Chris Ward

Mary Paradise

Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent

Toby Eaton, Business Administrator

Mark Jarvis, Director of Student Services, PMHS

Jeff DeLois, Administrator, PMHS

Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES

Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services, PES

Members of the Assessment Team

Members of the Public

Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. .


Mr. Jarvis added new club advisor and a student request under non-public. Dr. Freeman added a staff nomination and an informational item. Mr. DeLois added coach nominations and a student activity.


On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded Ms. Vogt, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the November 16, 2006 and November 27, 2006 meetings as written.

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Denise Patterson asked the Board to consider allowing a student from Prospect

Mountain High School to complete a community service project at PMHS. Mr. Brown instructed Mrs. Patterson to contact Dr. Freeman to discuss the specifications for a project that is being planned for completion at PES.

Mrs. Patterson asked if there were any employees trying to write grants or conduct fundraisers in order to assist in the budget process.

Dr. Compton explained that we take every opportunity to take advantage of any grant for which we are eligible to apply. Mr. Brown explained that many of the projects that have been undertaken at both schools have been done through grants.


A. Introductions

Dr. Freeman introduced Danielle Beckert, a grade five teacher, and Shaunna Trudelle, a grade six teacher. Mr. Brown welcomed Ms. Trudelle and Ms. Beckert to the district.

B. Assessment Team

Dr. Freeman introduced Susan Bradley, chairperson of the District Assessment Team. Members present included Leslie Bergevin, Anne Bouchard, Susan Elliott, Michael Curtin, John Freeman, Chris Teague, and Tobi Chassie. Members unavailable for tonight’s meeting, but active on the Team, include Tiffany Pease, Lois Stevens, Linda Schou, Paula Cote, Jennifer Patsos, Tammy Amnott, and community member, Glen Amnott. Ms. Bradley reviewed the work that has been accomplished by the Assessment Team. Ms. Teague explained initiatives that have been taken in response to assessment results, including the use of Question and Response (QAR), the alignment of lessons with the Grade Level Equivalencies (GLEs), and an after-school tutoring program that will begin in January 2007. Ms. Elliott explained some of the strategies being utilized to assist students in writing good answers to questions across the curriculum, a skill necessary in completing the NECAP successfully. Ms. Bradley reviewed the NECAP scores from the fall of 2005, which reflect performance indicators of the 2004-2005 teaching year. Ms. Elliott and Ms. Bouchard explained the results when the scores were compared between Pittsfield students and the students in the remainder of the State, within the disaggregated groups (gender, special education, socioeconomic status, and Title I). Mr. Curtin explained the mean scaled scores, which showed a comparison in our scores with the scores from students across the State. Ms. Bradley explained that these results were reviewed with the faculty in the spring of 2006, with further

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work being completed by the teachers to guide instruction for the remainder of that year, as well as the following year. She explained the data that had been “dot plotted” in order to see where specific students fall in the continuum of scores. This information is important in determining instructional strategies for specific students. Dr. Compton requested the opportunity to meet with the Assessment Team in order that some of his questions are answered. Dr. Compton thanked the Team and acknowledged the amount of work that has been done to gather and analyze the data. Dr. Freeman explained that the locally designated assessment is valuable in guiding instruction and gave the example of the initiation of the after-school program, which was developed due to results on the Developmental Reading Assessment and student review process. Ms. Bradley and Ms. Bergevin summarized the programs that have been initiated and continue to address the needs of the students in the district.

Dr. Freeman explained that NECAP Assessment results, demographic update, and staff development initiatives are on the agenda of the Assessment Team. He stated that the AssessmentTeam would be willing to present to the Board one time or several times and asked the Board to make that decision.

C. Nomination

Ms. Chassie nominated Chrissy-Ann Waite for a position as educational assistant at PES. On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Waite.

D. Four Blocks

Mr. Brown asked Dr. Freeman to provide a summary article for the Suncook Valley Sun regarding the recent results of the Developmental Reading Assessment. In the fall testing, 81% of our children were reading at or above grade level and 19% were below grade level. This is in comparison to 1999, the year prior to our piloting of the Four Blocks in three classrooms, 20% of children leaving first grade, 42% of children leaving second grade, and 35% of children leaving third grade were reading at or above grade level.

Mr. Brown provided accolades to the Assessment Team for their hard work. Dr. Freeman, in return, thanked the Board for their continued support of curriculum initiatives, professional development opportunities, and their overall support of the work being accomplished at PES.


A. Exam Schedules

Mr. Jarvis asked for the Board’s support of a change in the schedule in order to accommodate the proposed mid-term and final examination schedule for PMHS. The Board came to the consensus that the proposed schedule was

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B. Student Request

A student has made a request to remain in Pittsfield from now until January 16, 2007 when she turns eighteen years of age, during which time her parents will be living in Barnstead. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to approve the student continuing at Pittsfield Middle High School.

C. Humane Society

Mr. Jarvis asked the Board to consider approving a newly formed club, which was initiated by a student. On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the mission statement and concept of the Humane Society Club. The advisor will be Maren Bicknell, who will receive a stipend for her work. The Board asked Mr. Jarvis to direct Ms. Bicknell to provide some instruction to students prior to handling animals to reduce the chances of allergic reaction or injury.

D. Prom

Mr. DeLois reported that transportation to Pat’s Peak for the prom could be provided by Premier Coach Company for the cost of $1105.

E. Coach Nominations

Peter Tuttle is being reassigned to coach the JV girls’ basketball team. Laura Smith was nominated to coach the boys’ middle school basketball team. Courtne Turner was nominated for the middle school spirit team. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise, and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted to hire the coaches as presented. Mr. Brown, Ms. Vogt, Mr. Ward, and Ms. Paradise voted in the affirmative, while Mr. Colby abstained.

F. Senior Lock Down

The senior class is requesting a senior lock down on December 21, 2006 from 8:00 p.m. until the beginning of school on December 22, 2006. They will be chaperoned by Mr. Gonyea and three other adults. There will be activities planned for the time involved. On a motion by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted to approve the event. Ms. Paradise, Mr. Colby, Mr. Ward, and Ms. Vogt voted in the affirmative, while Mr. Brown abstained. Dr. Compton explained that this is a good opportunity for the students to prove their maturity in the execution of this activity.

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G. Food Drive

The food drive at PMHS was a success with 500 cans being donated to the food pantry and five food baskets donated to families in Pittsfield.

H. Browne Center Trip

Mr. DeLois provided the Board with a compilation of feedback from ninth graders regarding their experience at the Browne Center.


A. Minimum Standards for Public School Approval

Dr. Compton explained that once the fire and health inspections are completed, a final determination from the Bureau of School Approval and Facility Management would be expected to approve the district’s facilities.

B. Sportsmanship

Dr. Compton, Mr. DeLois, and Ms. Erlandson participated in a meeting with the NHIAA to discuss the issue of sportsmanship in Pittsfield. When official decisions are made, Dr. Compton will advise the Board. He reported that the coach from an opposing team played on December 6, 2006, commented positively on the sportsmanship displayed by fans, students, and coaches. A letter will be sent to the students and families of PMHS to continue communicating the effort being made by the school to promote good sportsmanship.

C. SAU #51 Public Hearing

A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, December 12, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at the Barnstead Elementary School.

D. 2007-2008 Budget

Mr. Eaton explained the status of the 2007-2008 budget proposal and provided written detail pages to support it. Relative to the revenue summary, Mr. Brown asked Mr. Eaton to investigate further, the impact of Medicaid reimbursement and Catastrophic Aide, as we historically have underestimated the amount of money received. Grant descriptions were reviewed. Mr. Eaton reviewed the Department of Education Equitable Education Aid figures for 2007-2008. He also distributed a list of PMHS professional assignments. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to approve the proposed amended bottom line of $9,059,836.26.

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E. Reduction in Force

Discussion ensued regarding the reduction in force that will be necessary due to the cuts that were made to the proposed 2007-2008 budget in order to maintain a one to two percent increase in the operating budget. Final decisions will need to be made by January 10, 2007, when Ms. Paradise will be presenting the budget to the Budget Committee. Mr. Brown asked that the PMHS administration finalize reduction in force decision by January 3, 2007. Discussions with the effected staff will be conducted before the budget books are distributed to the Budget Committee during the week of December 11, 2006.


A. SAU Planning

A meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2006. The plan is to write a letter for the District Annual Report to explain the status of Barnstead’s withdrawal. According to Dr. Compton, the withdrawal is on the agenda of the State Board of Education on December 13, 2006 at 11:30 a.m.

B. Negotiations

Meetings are scheduled for December 12, 2006 and December 19, 2006.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 21, 2006 at 6:00 at the Pittsfield Middle High School.

X. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)

Denise Patterson asked if there is an agenda for the meeting. Mr. Brown explained that an agenda is posted in several locations around town, including the Library and schools. He also stated that copies would be made available at the meeting. The minutes are published in the Suncook Valley Sun and on the website of the Town of Pittsfield. Ms. Patterson stated that she was disappointed that Ms. Erlandson was not present. Mr. Brown explained that Ms. Erlandson is away on district assignment. Ms. Patterson asked how much money is being paid to Granite State Billing for Medicaid billing. She asked how much money is spent for lawyer fees. Mr. Brown explained that there is a line item in the budget for attorney fees.

James Theodore asked for follow up information from the final game of the soccer tournament. Dr. Compton explained that two soccer players were removed from varsity play for the remainder of the year. Mr. Theodore asked if a specific student

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was removed from the bus due to not paying athletic fees. The Board could not answer due to issues of confidentiality.


At 9:00 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded Mr. Colby, to enter into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (c) [Student Matters].

A motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby to come out of the non-public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the non-public session at 9:20 p.m.

On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to allow the family/student request to participate in graduation.


On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.

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