December 27, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.


Call to order at 5:15 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Denise Patterson read a Letter to the Editor she intends on submitting in
response to a recent published letter from Holly Ehrbar regarding stray cats.
(See attached.) She noted that she has in the past year tried to educate Town
residents on this problem. She related that the Animal Control Officer is not
allowed to pick up stray cats and last year there would have been about 100
or so stray cats. She again noted that citizens could seek assistance from the
Humane Society for food and other supplies. She related that she is not
going to let this issue die. She noted that all that was approved for the
budget was $500 and just for dogs. “What about the cats?” These
appropriated monies should also be used for cats. “It is silly.”
(LS) noted that it is important to have all facts. We leave in the budget what
is needed and what is not used, is taken out of the budget.

Close Public Input
(LK) Building Inspector and Highway Department Non-Public, Info Update
on Salt/Sand Shed, Discuss Budget for Cats (LS) related that the Animal
Control Officer should be present for that discussion. It was decided that
this would not be discussed at this meeting. (EV) Land Use Clerks
Workshop. (LS) Payroll questions – Non-Public. (LKe) Proposed Safety
Vests Purchase, Purchase of Solarbees – WWTP, Acceptance of Residue of
Florence Batchelder Trust, Consideration of Purchase of ACO Vehicle, and
Purchase of Police Department Digital Recording Device.
1. Appointment Application – Helen Schiff
(LK) Motion to approve Helen Schiff to Economic Development
Committee. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
It was recommended that her application be sent to Budget Committee also
for consideration of possible appointment to that committee.
2. Economic Development Trust Transfer
(LKe) noted that after various expenses have accumulated, monies will be
paid to the Town from the Trust for activities – $25,000. (AM) “Is there a
surplus in Town? Maybe we should not pay back General Fund so that
Town can use the monies and not have to replenish it. (LKe) noted that
there is a balance in the General Fund of $334,822 minus the Non-Lapsing
Funds and that is the balance that is left from the 2007 Budget. He noted
that included in that figure is the Animal Control Officer vehicle purchase,
digital recorder, and the Quail Ridge Road supplies purchase. (LS) noted
that not all expenditures are in yet.
(LS) Motion to transfer funds of $6,995.90 from Economic Development
Trust funds to General Fund. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0. (JL) Abstain.
3. Police Coverage, Election Day
(LKe) noted that there are no requirements by Statute for police officers to
be present throughout the Election Day. It was suggested that one be present
at the opening of the polls, on and off during the day and at closing of polls
and until the ballots are on their way to Concord. (LKe) to make
arrangements for this.
4. Town Hall Office Hours December 31, 2007
Town Hall employees would like to work 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on
December 31st since it is anticipated that there will not be much business.
(LS) questioned whether this would be posted in plenty of time? (LKe)
“Yes, as soon as the Board approves it.” (AM) noted it would be a good
idea that in the near future, BOS could review a work calendar and make
decisions about hours/closing for 2008 and put out an extended calendar so
in the future, it would not be so close to the actual day. (LKe) to do.
(AM) noted at this point that George Bachelder was present and would have
to leave to continue with snow plowing. He suggested they could address
the Non-Public Session now.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II(a).
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0. Members were polled individually and all
Non-Public Session at 5:35 P.M. Public Session resume at 5:42 P.M.
(LK) Motion to allow George Bachelder to carry over 87 hours of vacation
time, which is over and above allowable carry over. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0.
5. Library Electric System Improvements – Contract Award
(LKe) noted that Board had discussed this last week. Mike has now
determined what electrical improvements are necessary and it is noted that it
is not as much as was originally thought. He noted that Mike had been
working with Leslie in determining this. Mike has requested two separate
quotes and it is noted that the lowest quote was $1,789.93, New Line
Electric, Inc. in Northwood. This is the same company that did the electrical
work at the Highway Garage. This would include installation of several
fans, circuits, new plugs and breaker work. Mike noted that the other quote
was considerably higher. Mike noted that payment would be accomplished
when the work was completed.
(LS) noted that she was hesitant about approving this because of the
significant difference between the two quotes. Mike noted that the electrical
work would meet Code. (LS) also noted that the Board has approved a lot of
repairs this year and currently, the Budget is not looking too good.
(AM) questioned whether there was anything left in the Library Budget?
(LKe) noted that yes, about $6,000 from the roof replacement. (LK) noted
that this work had not been planned ahead of time. (LKe) noted that this
was similar to the work requested for capital improvement for 2008.
(AM) suggested that prior to the Board approving/not approving this, that
perhaps, they should first discuss the Library window replacements, which is
next on the Agenda. All agreed.
6. Library Window Replacements – Contract Award
(LKe) noted that Mike had sought quotes from two firms, though only one
had responded. Mike related that Granite State Glass noted that they had
some windows that could be used to replace the current ones. Currently,
these are rather large rectangular, single paned windows. The replacement
cost would be $2,000 per window (two windows are required), which are
constructed of man-made interior with aluminum covering. The side facing
the interior of the building is wood laminate and would pretty much match
the existing windows. These windows would be replaced in the rear of the
building in a back hall. Storm windows were suggested, but Granite State
Glass indicated that this would not really suffice for these purposes. Mike
noted that storm windows would have to be taken down during the
appropriate season, stored and this could be quite difficult because of the
location. He noted that replacement of these windows would not affect the
overall look of the building, as they would not be seen from the street.
(EV) questioned whether the company would be able to replicate these
windows if they should decide to do the entire building in the future? Mike
was questioned as to whether he had seen this window and he related that he
had not.
(EV) Motion to approve quote of New Line Electric for work at Library’s
electrical system for $1,789.93. (JL) Second.
(LS) related that she felt they still needed a bigger picture on some of this
stuff, namely the CIP plan on these buildings. We need a wider range of
what is planned rather than rushing it, given the financial position we are in.
(EV) noted that the electrical work done at the Library would not be lost
regardless of what the overall plan results were. (AM) noted that he would
like to see Board approve the electrical portion for now. (LS) noted that we
are on a bottom line budget and there are still more expenditures that will be
coming in for 2007. (AM) suggested that the Board approve the electrical
work but not the window replacements, which should probably be done all at
Board and Mike discussed the necessity of the electrical repairs and the
timeliness of it noting it would be nice to know the whole plan before any
decisions are made.
Motion was carried 3-2 (LS, LK).
(EV) Motion to deny awarding contract for Library window replacement at
this time. (LK) Second.
(EV) noted that they should get a quote for replacing all the windows at the
Library. He noted that he would like to do some research to see if they
could get some grants for this and do it all at once.
Motion carries 4-0.
7. Town Hall Meeting Room Floor Replacement – Contract Award
(LK) noted that because of the budget, it was probably not worth discussing
at this time. (LKe) noted that a lot of discussion had e nsued to redo the floor
in the large and small conference rooms.
(LK) explained to the Board the difference of the two samples he presented,
costs and what had to be done to accomplish replacement. He noted that
monies could be saved by doing some of t he prep work themselves such as
removing existing carpet. He estimated that it would require 900 sq. ft. of
flooring and that a Warrant Article for $6,500 would cover both rooms. The
Board’s consensus was to present as Warrant Article for $6,500 for this
purpose. (LKe) to prepare Warrant Article accordingly.
8. Proposed Safety Vest Purchase
(LKe) Individuals working in traffic and/or around moving equipment –
Police Department, Highway Department, WWTP and Fire Department
Heads – should have their own vests. This would cost about $920.
(JL) Motion to purchase safety vests as noted. (LK) Second.
(LS) noted that she thought these vests required special fittings. Chief
Wharem related that this is only for the bulletproof vests. These are safety
vests and all are in a standardized color. (LKE) noted they are looking at
yellow or lemon-colored vest. (LS) noted, “Again, we should budget for it.
It is not an emergency purchase.” (LK) noted that it is a safety issue. (LS)
“It is not urgent.” (LKe) noted that there are some that we currently have
that are blue. He noted with the Police Department soon to have more part –
timers and the Department of Public Works, we should have additional ones.
Motion carried 3-1 (LS).
9. Purchase of Two Solarbees – WWTP
(LKe) noted that these have been used for the last 22 months on a trial basis
and there have been savings. Purchase of these would offer a quick
payback. There is a reserve fund which came with plant and system in the
amount of $4 million; it was noted that this would be purchased with some
of these funds.
(LS) Motion to approve purchase of two Solarbees for WWTP in the amount
of $52,202.50. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
10. Acceptance of Residue of Florence Batchelder Trust
(EV) Motion to accept residue of Florence Batchelder Trust. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0.
11. Consideration of Purchase of Animal Control Officer Vehicle
(LKe) noted that $7,000 has been budgeted and a vehicle has been found for
$5,500. Chief Wharem noted that the car would be checked out
mechanically tomorrow. He noted it has partitions, air conditioning, and
heat in the rear compartment, wall racks and is large enough that Ann can
put all her equipment inside. It has 108,000 miles on it and would require
new tires ($537.) which should last for 8-10 years, as the vehicle is not used
that much. The only other cost would be the decals if Town required it,
which would be a good idea for identification purposes.
(LS) Motion to approve purchase of vehicle for Animal Control Officer.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-1 (EV).
Chief noted that he would check out with Route Four Motors the warranty
issue and that this vehicle is large enough that it could be used as a
multipurpose vehicle if/when necessary.
12. Police Department Digital Recording Device
(LKe) noted that this is included in the capital outlay. It is a sole source unit
which sells for $8.000, software $1,000 and installation charge of $1,400. It
was budgeted for $6,800.
(JL) Motion to approve purchase of Police Department Digital Recording
Device. (EV) Second.
Chief Wharem related that this device would record all calls coming into
Police Department and would document all emergency calls. He explained
that the company which offered the quote a year ago has been sold and this
would be the new cost noting that he did not expect the price to go up that
much in one year.
Motion not carried 1-3 (JL, LK, and LS).
(LK) noted that this could in next year’s budget for the correct amount.
(AM) also suggested it be put in next year’s budget and then purchased at
the beginning of the year, rather than waiting until the end of the year.
Break 6:44 P.M. Resume 6:52 P.M.
13. Chief Wharem Withdrawal from Tilton Process
Chief Wharem wanted to make the Board aware of the fact that he would not
be leaving as originally noted. “It is in the best interest of my family and
myself that I stay here. There is going to be a press release in the Concord
Monitor, I believe tomorrow, and I wanted you all to know this before it
became public considering the way it happened last time.”
1. Staff Meeting Notes December 18, 2007
This is included in your packets for review.
2. Letter from Mr. Stephen Heavener, Exec. Dir. CRDC
(LKe) He will be coming to meet with you all on January 22, 2008 at
6:30 P.M. I will notify EDC and PB accordingly. (AM) suggested that,
perhaps, members of Chamber of Commerce would also like to meet and
talk with him.
3. Letter dated December 7, 2007, Plodzik & Sanderson, Town
(LKe) They have advised us that for the 2007 audit, there will be an increase
of the fees, which are included in their contract. The new fees have not yet
been determined. It was noted that Town paid $10,380 for 2006 audit.
4. Congressman Hodes Grants Conference – January 28, 2008
(LKe) There is information in your packets regarding this. I will be
attending and if anyone else is interested in attending. (JL) and (EV) are
also interested in attending.
5. Salt/Shed Update
(LK) noted he was wondering if there was any update on the progress at the
Salt/Shed construction. (LKe) noted that the concrete foundation is in place
and the backfill. The steel plates are also in place as is the upright vertical
timbers and supporting timbers will be placed soon. He noted that he
currently has the drawings for the trusses, which are to be placed for
approval. (LK) noted some concerns regarding frost and the concrete
6. Land Use Clerks Workshop
(EV) noted he was interested in going as was Dee. It is scheduled for
Saturday, January 12th and will also contact Planning Board Chair to see if
he also would like to attend.
1. Notice of Intent to Cut – Map R-17, Lot 2
(EV) Motion to approve Intent to Cut, Map R-17, Lot 2. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifests.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Public Session Minutes of December 18, 2007
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 18, 2008.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
It was noted that there were two minor changes.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes December 18, 2007
(LK) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of December 18, 2007.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Public Session Continued Minutes December 18, 2007
(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Continued Minutes of
December 18, 2007. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve encumbrances of $310,122.74 less $6,800.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) questioned whether there was any progress on completion of Warrant
Articles. (LKe) related that he continues to work on them and will have
them shortly.
(LS) noted that they need to know what the projected tax revenue is.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II (a). (LS)
Second. Carried 4-0. Members of the Board were polled individually, and
all agreed.
Public meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M.
APPROVED: January 10, 2008
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