December 3, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chair
Elizabeth Adams
Kathy Corliss
Leslie Vogt
Michael Wolfe

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Rick Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Vice Chairperson Vogt called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.


The following items were added to the agenda:
o Instructional material selection policy (Ms. Adams)
o Metal shop equipment (Mr. Wolfe)
o Videos of athletic events (Mr. Gremlitz)
o H1N1 (Dr. Freeman)
o Transferring funds (Ms. Vogt)
o Grant possibilities (Ms. Vogt)

Vice Chairperson Vogt turned the meeting over to Chairperson Paradise at 5:38.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended agenda.


A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2009 meeting. Ms. Corliss asked to add to page 2, section A: “The Athletic Director will be contacted to coordinate the location of the fireworks display.” She asked to change the sentence on page 3, Section B (CIP), to: “Ms. Paradise suggested resurfacing the existing translucent panels on the PES roof for $19,000 before they need to be replaced for a significantly greater cost.” Ms. Paradise recommended changing on page 5, Section A (Assignments) from Selectmen Liaison – Ms. Paradise to Ms. Adams. Ms. Corliss, Ms. Paradise, Mr. Wolfe, and Ms. Vogt voted in the affirmative and Ms. Adams abstained from the vote.



A. Technology Conference

Fourth-Grade Teacher Jessica Barry; Math Lead Teacher Danielle Harvey, and Tech Coordinator Kathy Mahanes presented PES’s 4-6 grade SMARTboards and Everyday Mathematics initiative at the Christa McAulliffe Technology Conference on December 4, 2009. Mr. Kilmister was in the audience and reported that the presentation was very successful.

Mr. Kilmister anticipates being notified on Monday about the status of the Enhancing Education Through Technology Title IID grant application from Department of Education.

B. Kydstop Site Director

Chris Fogg has been appointed as the Pittsfield Kydstop site director. Mr. Kilmister spoke to the good possibility of the program continuing after the grant has been terminated. To Ms. Vogt’s question as to whether tuition will need to be increased, Mr. Kilmister stated that they do not think that will be necessary, at this time. The Advisory Board will continue to monitor the activities of the program.


A. NEASC Update

Mr. Gremlitz reported that the major component of data collection for the NEASC self-study is the Endicott survey, which is a comprehensive document that is to be completed by students, faculty and staff, and parents. The parent surveys were mailed on December 1, 2009. Faculty, staff, and students will be completing their surveys next week.

Ms. Corliss asked what the expected return rate is for the surveys. Mr. Gremlitz explained the procedures that have been set up to keep track of the returns and acknowledging the students who successfully return their parents’ surveys.

B. Video Sales

As a follow up to a question asked at the last Board meeting, Mr. Gremlitz stated that the videotaping that was recently done at a girls’ soccer game and offered for sale at the Athletic Banquet has been discussed with the individual doing the recording. No orders have been made and no money has been collected. The policies and procedures for engaging in these fund raising activities were reviewed with the individual involved by Mr. Gremlitz.

C. Cafeteria Sign

Mr. Gremlitz, at the request of the Board, has investigated the obsolete sign in the cafeteria. He stated that the sign is in poor condition and that the technology involved is old so the sign will be taken down.

D. Spirit Week – High School Redesign

Ms. Paradise asked if time during Spirit Week would be dedicated to the High School Redesign work. At this time, that time will not be used for this purpose. Dr. Freeman explained that a meeting was held on November 25, 2009, when additional discussion took place. He distributed handouts from the work that has been completed and reviewed the components included. Dr. Freeman outlined the next-steps in this process, which will include work around the area of Leadership and Governance, Professional Learning Communities, Personalized Learning including Advisories, Personalized Teaching, Personalized Curriculum, and Personalized Assessment. In a planned presentation to the staff next week, Dr. Freeman will review four points: reason for considering change, the process we have already been a part of, the next steps in the process, and the need to establish professional learning communities.

Dr. Freeman reviewed the possibilities for Pittsfield in the Department of Education’s “Race for the Top” grant and how it ties into the redesign work underway in our district. Anecdotal information was shared by Mr. Gremlitz and Mr. Kilmister on their recent visits to schools adhering to some of the practices that are being considered in Pittsfield. Discussion ensued regarding the concept of a site-based council as a way of governing the work of the school. The topic of community service and how it may interface in the redesign was discussed.


A. Placement Update

Ms. Chassie explained that one court-ordered placement will likely occur this week, as will two placements made by special education teams.


A. PMHS Photocopy Lease

Dr. Freeman explained the circumstances surrounding the lease of two photocopy machines. He stated that we are currently paying $566 per month for the two machines. After negotiating with the Conway Company, the proposed lease will be for 48 months for $503 per month.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the photocopy lease with Conway was approved unanimously.

B. Administrator Job Descriptions

Dr. Freeman reviewed the proposed job descriptions for the School Principals, Director of Student Services, and Coordinator of Student Services.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the job descriptions for the School Principals, Director of Student Services, and Coordinator of Student Services.

C. PMHS Selection Process

Dr. Freeman reviewed the process that will be used to select the PMHS principal. He stated that the position is currently posted on
The process mirrors the process used at PES, which was found to be very successful. Mr. Wolfe and Ms. Paradise volunteered to participate on the selection committee.

D. Capital Improvement Projects

Dr. Freeman distributed information to answer questions raised at the previous meeting relative to budget considerations related to proposed capital improvement projects. Ms. Corliss asked about window replacements, to which Dr. Freeman explained that the old windows were wood, in poor condition, and are being replaced with industrial windows.

Ms. Vogt suggested spending the $800 for a PMHS gym roof survey. Ms. Adams asked if ventilation could be considered during the roofing project, citing an example of graduation taking place in the gym in the hot days of June. Ms. Paradise asked Dr. Freeman to inquire about ventilation issues as he moves forward in discussions with contractors.

E. Relocation of SAU

Dr. Freeman reported that the new office is still not ready for the move. A meeting will be held next week, at which time final plans will be made for the move. The move, due to payroll and other issues during the month of December, will take place during the week of January 11, 2010.

F. H1N1

According to Dr. Freeman, the Department of Education is asking districts for their willingness to participate in H1N1 immunization clinics for students. He asked the Board for their opinion and the consensus was to provide our students with the opportunity. Dr. Freeman will make the necessary plans.

G. Instructional Materials

Ms. Adams asked that the Board consider a revision of Policy IJL, which addresses the materials that are available in the media center. There is no policy regarding the selection of instructional materials. Discussion ensued regarding the capability of the Board to approve all materials. Dr. Freeman agreed to draft a policy that will be appropriate and reasonable as well as provide guidelines for the selection and use of instructional materials that are appropriate to the age of the students.

H. Metal Shop Equipment

Mr. Wolfe reported that he has looked at the equipment that is left over from the metal shop program and is not currently being used. He suggests that the equipment with any value be brought to Brentwood Machines in Brentwood, New Hampshire, which is a consignment operation. This company will handle all transactions. Mr. Wolfe is making plans for the moving of the equipment, using members of the community to help. Some of the items left are of no value and will be donated to various individuals.

A motion was made by Ms. Adams and seconded by Ms. Vogt to authorize Mr. Wolfe to dispose of the identified items in the technology education building, as appropriate. The motion passed with Ms. Vogt, Ms. Corliss, Ms. Adams, and Ms. Paradise voting in the affirmative and Mr. Wolfe abstaining from the vote.

I. Transfer of Funds

Ms. Vogt explained a situation that is occurring in the town’s budget when it becomes necessary to transfer funds from one line to another. She extended that practice to how the school district is dealing with the transferring of funds from one function to another. Ms. Vogt proposed a mechanism for tracking transfers. Discussion ensued regarding the accounting practices that are considered best practice and acceptable to the auditors. Dr. Freeman agreed to discuss the ramifications of Ms. Vogt’s proposal with the accounting firm that audits the district’s financial operations.


A. Drake Field

Ms. Vogt asked if there are ideas for the use of the Drake Field capital reserve. Mr. Wolfe stated that some work needs to be done to the gazebo, including the repair of the roof and the cement floor. Questions were answered to clarify the difference between the Drake Field Trust Fund and the Drake Field Capital Reserve Fund. Ms. Corliss stated that some work needs to be completed, such as repairs to the fencing. She also suggested purchasing a drain cover. Ms. Paradise recognized the extent of the volunteer work and donation of materials to Drake Field, which saves money in the Drake Field Capital Reserve Fund. Discussion ensued regarding the need for warrant article(s) that relate to work at Drake Field. Ms. Corliss suggested, and the Board agreed, that she meet with Mr. Wolfe, Athletic Director Peter Tuttle, and PMHS coaches to discuss what work might be of priority at Drake Field.

B. Budget Committee

Ms. Vogt reported that there had been a meeting of the Budget Committee. The budgets are being shared electronically to save paper.


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 10, 2009, at 5:30 p.m. at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include budget, and EAP contract ratification.


Dr. Freeman distributed several documents that accompany the budget report included in the Board’s packet, including the Revenue Summary, Budget Executive Summary, and Grant Summary. He reviewed the components of the budget that have been identified to be decreased. The current revision of the budget reflects a $.01 decrease of the tax rate, not including warrant articles such as the negotiated contract. Discussion ensued regarding aspects of the budget and proposed decreases. Consensus was reached to change the increase for administrators from 3% to 2%.

XIII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


At 9:04 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to enter into non-public session to discuss employee compensation and hiring pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a) (c). The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; and Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session.

A. Personnel Issues

The Board discussed several personnel issues relative to compensation and performance.

B. EAP Negotiations

The Board discussed the status of negotiations between the Board and the EAP, the teachers’ bargaining unit.

At 9:42 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss to conclude non-public session and to re-enter public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; and Mr. Wolfe, yes) to conclude non-public session and to re-enter public session.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman, Ph.D.
Recording Secretary,
Non-Public Session and
Subsequent Public