December 4, 2008 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Scott Brown
Leslie Vogt
Michael Wolfe

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Richard Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.


Dr. Freeman added heating oil information. Mr. Kilmister added the state of school survey. Ms. Stevens moved an item from action to information under Student Services Administration. Dr. Freeman added an update regarding a meeting at NHIAA.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.


On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of November 6, 2008 as written.

A motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to approve the minutes of November 6, 2008. Mr. Brown corrected bullet # 5 to say,” Dr. Freeman explained that the proposed operating budget represents a $156,401 decrease

over the current year budget, which represents a $.50 tax increase due to decreasing revenues.”


Kathy Corliss asked when the decision will be made of when advisories will be scheduled. Mr. Gremlitz explained that due to the changes in a student information software system, scheduling will be done in the spring. Decisions regarding scheduling will take place between now and April, when the scheduling will be completed. Ms. Corliss asked if other schools offered advisories. Mr. Gremlitz explained that there are a variety of models and that other schools may implement similar programs to personalize the high school experience for individual students in different ways.

Ms. Corliss asked about the mentoring of new teachers. Mr. Gremlitz, acknowledging a specific situation, stated that arrangements have been for a specific teacher to receive mentoring from a more seasoned teacher.

Ms. Corliss asked when a decision is made for contracts of teachers to be renewed, to which Dr. Freeman answered that teachers are required to be notified of non-renewal by April 15th.

Ms. Corliss asked if “gold cards” will be sold this year. Mr. Hamilton, who coaches one of the high school basketball teams, was asked to provide information. Mr. Hamilton stated that due to a misunderstanding, the fund raising effort including the “gold cards” was not available this year. Ms. Corliss expressed her frustration about having to pay for her students to participate in athletics and then be forced to pay admission to see them play. She asked why a fee is charged for game admission. Mr. Brown stated that charging admission fees for basketball games is common practice among New Hampshire high schools and that money collected is used to offset athletic expenses. It was clarified that students and adults pay for admission, but players do not. Mr. Gremlitz stated that he and Dr. Freeman would have a conversation with the Athletic Director and to discuss the feasibility of offering program for discounting admission cost for students and parents in lieu of the “gold card”.

Ms. Corliss stated that Ms. Grady’s first concert of the season is tonight, December 4, 2008. She encouraged everyone to attend to witness the high quality of the program. She asked if PMHS has a concert scheduled, to which Mr. Gremlitz answered in the affirmative.


Ms. Chassie introduced Jane Johnson, the school social worker, recently hired under a competitive grant provided by the Merrimack County Diversion Program. Ms. Johnson stated that she currently has had fourteen families in her caseload, of which nine have allowed meetings to occur.


A. Mr. Kilmister stated that a letter was received by Mr. Bob Elliott on behalf of the Food Pantry, thanking PES for their generous donation of food.

B. Mr. Kilmister explained a survey that was recently given to parents and teachers to assess opinions regarding the state of the elementary school, which includes such topics as communication, collaboration, and community support. He stated that the survey acknowledged areas that are successful and pointed out areas that may require attention in the future.

C. Mr.Kilmister echoed Ms. Corliss’ comments about the high quality of tonight’s concert. He also acknowledged the art work that was part of the set, facilitated by Lisa Lemieux, PES art teacher.



Mr. Gremlitz introduced Sheila Ward, junior class advisor. Ms. Ward turned the attention to students Amanda Newton and Shannon Racicourt, who presented information about the plans for the junior-senior prom. The prom is proposed for the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, to be held on May 2, 2008, from 7:00 to 12:00. They described the food options, parking considerations, and option for picture taking. The theme is “Midnight in Paris”. Ms. Ward thanked Amanda and Shannon for their work. Amanda and Shannon thanked Ms. Ward for her support. The Board offered their unanimous consensus to continue with the plans for the junior-senior prom.


Derek Hamilton reviewed the work of the Grade 9 Core Team, first stating that this concept was originally a vision of Mr. Kilmister. Mr. Hamilton heads up the team that is made up of Sheila Ward, Katie Loud, Denise Mason, Jen Patsos, Leslie Bergevin, and Jeff Martel. He described the purpose of the weekly meetings. Tuesday’s meetings focus on individual students, while Thursday’s meetings focus on developing common instructional practices and working together on curriculum projects. Mr. Hamilton stated that there has been a 50% reduction in students being at-risk of failing 9th grade requirements so far this year compared with last year. Mr. Hamilton called upon Adam Richards, a Grade 9 student, to read a story that he authored, demonstrating the success of the program. Mr. Hamilton explained that in the coming months, the plan is to analyze achievement data, continue developing inter-disciplinary units, developing study groups, developing a new 8th grade transition program, and coordinate team parent-conferences. Ms. Loud further explained the additional
work that is being accomplished, such as helping students to identify their learning styles, time management skills, and test-taking strategies.
Ms. Corliss asked if this planning could be extended to the other grade levels. Mr. Gremlitz explained that the Grade 9 Core Team is a pilot and that an
extension of this will be considered, although may be limited by personnel and financial resources.


Mr. Gremlitz stated that the English Language Arts Department has proposed changes to the high school English course of study and a new course proposal. He turned the presentation over to Carin Plante, Silas St. James, and Katie Loud. The teachers described the program would eliminate the core course requirement for juniors and seniors, replacing the current course requirement with electives; about fifty such electives were described in a written outline. The teachers explained the circumstances that motivated the English Language Arts Department to consider changes, which include 1) a deficiency of the current structure that limits the number of electives a student is able to take, 2) a desire to increase student engagement, 3) the ability to better prepare students for their future academic endeavors, and 4) the ability to offer remedial reading programs to struggling students in grade 9 through 12.

Dr. Freeman thanked Ms. Plante, Mr. St. James, and Ms. Loud for recognizing the need to further engage students and for taking on a problem solving approach to the issue. He further stated that, in light of the uncertainty of the budget for next year, the need to further consider what core knowledge and skills that we want our graduates to have gained by graduation, the need to further consider the needs of students continuing to struggle with literacy, and the need to look at the entire high school curriculum holistically so not to further fragment the high school program, he has concerns about moving forward with the proposal at this time. Dr. Freeman further acknowledged the hard work of the teachers and informed the Board that he had had a prior conversation with Ms. Plante to express his concerns before they brought their proposal to the Board.

Mr. Gremlitz called upon Mr. Hamilton to answer questions regarding a proposal to add an additional elective course of World History. Mr. Hamilton reviewed the details of the proposed course.


Mr. Gremlitz reviewed the plans for an April 2009 trip to Quebec City for French language students, working in collaboration with Bishop Brady High School. With the preliminary approval of the Board, plans will continue to be made. Amy Gardner-Booth is coordinating the effort and thinks there will likely be ten students interested. On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to allow Ms. Booth to move forward with the planning and approved the trip as outlined.


Mr. Gremlitz shared a copy of a letter to the school from NHIAA congratulating the girls’ varsity soccer team for completing their fall season without a single yellow or red card violation. Mr. Gremlitz reported that a meeting took place with Executive Director Pat Corbin of NHIAA that included Dr. Freeman, Mr. Brown, and himself. They engaged in a conversation that affirmed the effort that Pittsfield has made to improve sportsmanship and the reputation of the team. Dr. Freeman recommended a follow up letter be sent to the parents and others closely involved with the situation describing the meeting, along with an invitation to attend a future School Board meeting. The consensus of the Board was to include the people most involved. Mr. Brown stated the importance of continuing the effort to improve sportsmanship among our athletic teams.

Mr. Hamilton, asking for permission to speak, offered his apologies for the fact that an incident during the fall soccer season had escalated to the level of the principal, superintendent, and school board while he served as varsity coach and guaranteed that he would do everything in his power to avoid such an incident in the future.



Ms. Stevens informed the Board that Barbara Gardner has resigned from her position as GED teacher, due to personal reasons. She stated that MaryAnn Hatab has been hired to take her place and the program will not be interrupted during the transition.


Ms. Chassie stated that Katherine Freeman has been hired as a part time educational assistant, assigned to a student at the Pittsfield Head Start.


Ms. Chassie explained that she was invited to participate with Riverbend Community Mental Health and several Concord area school districts and agencies to collaboratively write a grant from the Endowment for Health. A group of eight individuals, representing school districts and social service agencies in the Concord region, are working to write a grant that will help to organize the delivery of mental health services to our students.


Ms. Bradley has asked for her inclusion on an agenda in January to share the results of the students who have taken the NH Alternate Assessment.


Ms. Chassie thanked Ms. Stevens for her work to publish an informational newsletter for the paraprofessional staff. She is in the process of publishing the second edition.


Due to changes in our state’s Right to Know Law, several policy changes were recommended by Dr. Freeman. These are: Policy BEA: Regular Board Meetings, Policy BEB: Special Board Meetings, Policy BEDC: Quorum, and Policy BHE: School Board Use of E-mail. In addition, several additional policies in the general area of school board operating procedures, which include: Policy BBAA: Board Member Authority, Policy BCB: Board Member Conflict of Interest, Policy BEC: Non-Public Sessions, Policy BEDB: Agenda Preparation and Dissemination, and Policy BEDG: Minutes.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to approve the above listed policies as the first reading.


The Mercier Group’s report to the Board was shared. Dr. Freeman reviewed the issues identified and the steps that have been taken to remedy the issues raised in the report.


Dr. Freeman distributed a copy of the PowerPoint presentation that was used in the presentation to the Pittsfield Budget Committee on Wednesday, December 3, 2008. Ms. Paradise stated that it is beneficial for the members to be provided the information that will assist them in making their decisions.


Dr. Freeman agreed to develop a calendar for budget public hearings based on the annual meeting being scheduled for March 12, 2009.


Fred Fuller, from whom the district purchases heating oil, has offered a revision of the program conditions. Dr. Freeman explained that we currently are paying $3.875 per gallon. The one-time amendment offered is to pay market price on day of delivery plus $.50. Discussion ensued regarding the pros and cons of taking advantage of this offer. On the motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to take advantage of the Fred Fuller offer. Further discussion ensued.

X. NEXT MEETING – The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle School. The agenda will include the Booster’s Club and budget.

XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None

At 8:56 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to enter into non-public session to discuss student and personnel matters. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Mr. Brown, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (b) [hiring] and (e) [litigation].

A. Hiring. The board discussed the position of interim principal.

B. Litigation. Dr. Freeman reported on the status of legal actions; the board discussed the actions.

At 8:35 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Brown, and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, to conclude the non-public session and re-enter open session. The board was polled and voted unanimously (Mr. Brown, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to re-enter into open session.


A. Interim Principal Position. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the board voted unanimously to open the position of Interim Principal of PMHS for the 2009-2010 school year.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe, and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman
Non-Public Session and
Subsequent Open
Session Recording