December 4, 2013 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
December 4, 2013
1. Meeting opened at 5:35.
2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Tracy Huyck (TH), Paul Skowron (PSk), and Ellen Barbasso (EB).
3. Minutes for November 6, 2013 were accepted and approved.
Minutes for November 20, 2013 were accepted with a change. Correct initials for Tracy Huyck to TH.
4. All Chair Meeting on December 4, 2013
A. Lyn Roberts will be attending as vice chair of the EDC and Ellen Barbasso will be taking minutes
B. Discussion will be on communication
C. Get ideas from other chairpersons on keeping the other groups informed.
D. Next joint board meeting will probably be on communication
E. May bring in a professional-the facilitator that PMHS is using
5. Properties on Rt 28
A. TM brought in pictures of the properties-vote for which ones we are going to use on the web site
B. Want to include tax maps on web site but can’t shrink them down too much-details would not
show up.
C. Information will be given to Clayton Wood to put on web site
6. PSNH Grant Money
A. Donna Keeley will be at next meeting to talk about grant money from PSNH
B. Signs for Pittsfield on Rt 28 need to be replaced
C. Lynn Roberts offered to contact Ed Vien and Diamond signs to get information on costs
7. LR made a motion to change the dates of EDC meetings from 1st and 3rd Wednesdays to
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.
A. This would allow all members to be at the meeting.
B. Tracy Huyck seconded the motion, all approved
C. Information will be placed on town website and posted in Town Hall
8. Other
A. CNHRPC will be meeting at PMHS on December 11, 2013 to get information on how they
can assist towns with economy
B. Ed Vien is willing to step down as a member to leave a place for someone who would like to
serve on the committee
9. Next meeting will be December 18, 2013 at 5:30 P.M.
10. Meeting closed at 6:15 P.M.
Submitted by:
Ted Mitchell, Chairman
Minutes taken by: Ellen Barbasso, Secretary