December 5, 2005 Minutes

December 5, 2005
1. Meeting called to order by Donna Keeley
Members in attendance – Donna Keeley, John M, Mark Wallace, Laural Collier, Paul
Metcalf, Susan Willoughby
Presentation and approval of minutes Oct 2005 MinutesFinancial Report
(MBIA) – $4,327.03
General Fund – $ 0 –
New Business –
Route 107, Bailey Park Site Walk report, 15 lot Cluster
Route 107, Catamount West Meadow Dev Site Report, 8 lot subdivision
(check for DES stream crossing approval)
New Orchard Road Wetlands Complaint – DES and DK met with landowner and reviewed site.
DES gave directive.
Tucci Property, Upper City Road – Admin order issued.
Old Business – (pending issues)
Forest Management Plan and Selective cut memo to Selectboard by DK.
** Have not been able to agree on a time for Moreno and SB to meet. ** 12/5/05
Background info below:
? Forester Moreno Forest Mgmt Plan Update – received estimate for FM Plan for ALL
town owned rural raw parcels of land, $10+k for comprehensive study. Discussion as to
whether we need this sort of study or whether we should focus on core parcels and/or
parcels that provide possible green corridor.
? The CC does not have the funding necessary to move forward with this project, so two
choices exist, Warrant Article at Town Meeting or use the funds from the D Barker town
forest selective timber harvest.
? Forester provided estimate for his fee’s on D Barker timber harvest based on harvest and
bid amount for timber. He would handle everything to do with this timber harvest, bid
spec’s, forester hiring assessment with CC, site overview, marketing, paperwork, site
visits, etc.
Letter from NH Fish and Game to TTG Environmental Consultants re: NHFG 2003-0045 Phase 2
Wastewater facility upgrades, Pittsfield. Letter regarding NH Natural Heritage Bureau on
sensitive species at the WW facility Phase 2 location. Brook Floater is a sensitive species and
they see no impact on this, however they have concerns with the Old Gravel Pit and stockpiling
of solids. “The Proximity of the location to the Suncook River and the aquifer raises questions
whether the water quality will be protected……likewise, the old gravel pit is located within .2
miles of the Suncook River and may provide nesting habitat for Blanding’ and Spotted and the
Wood turtle…the value of old gravel pits to turtle species and other reptiles, including northern
black racer and eastern hognose snake, an endangered species, far precludes the value of the
adjoining woods as deer and bear habitat. Therefore, we recommend that the old gravel pit is
preserved for its significant wildlife habitat and a corridor be maintained between the pit and the
Suncook River. Will there be any habitat set aside for wildlife as part of the project?……
? Mark asked about railroad easement that abuts this property, who owns and how can this
be protected?
? CC decided memo to SB with copy of this Fish and Game letter to keep everyone in the
loop. DK to write memo and attach both F and G letters.
? DK will contact Fish and Game and obtain more details on this letter and what it means.
? Projects – Current Use Change Tax proposal for next year’s town meeting. Can someone
be the owner of this, collect data on other towns, pros, cons etc. Later this year we can
work on wording the warrant and providing public education. NH Association of
Conservation Commissions has a lot of data on this……
? We need to begin working on the wording for the Warrant Article for the change
use tax fund……..Susan W and Mark Wallace will work on this: to do items:
? John M will research articles on conservation land
1. RSA wording for Warrant
2. Copy of Petition form for signatures
3. Research other towns and NHACC for data
4. Articles in SVS with specifics
5. Draft warrant
6. Present to SB by deadline.
? Charlie Watson – interested in revisiting possibilities for his land to remain open.
SPNHF? Back burner but CC should remain involved.
? FM Fund, money that showed in town report under Forest Mgmt. Reserve Fund has been
transferred to the CRF as deemed in the vote from 1982 when the fund was created.
Since we have a FM Commission, we are entitled to a FM Fund therefore we need to
research how we can transfer this CRF money into a separate FM fund. **need to keep
as is, this is how this fund was voted ** will have to plan expenditures in advance for
each year’s town meeting.
? Articles and Education – schedule all set. Mark Wallace, easements, Susan Willoughby
Current Use Change Tax etc, D Keeley wetlands, Laural Collier, Open space benefits etc
? Members Concerns/Other issues:
Meeting Adjourned,