December 5, 2014 Minutes

Trustees of the Trust Funds Meeting Minutes
Cara Marston
Ross Morse
Harry Vogt
The meeting of the Trustees of Trust Funds was called to order at 8:00 AM, December 5, 2014
in the Pittsfield Town Hall by Harry Vogt, Meeting Chair.
Secretary’s Report: Accepted as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: Accepted as presented.
Old Business:
1. Stapleton Scholarship update: The recommendations of the trustees were forwarded to
the Superintendent of Schools for review and finalization prior to submission to the
Town for acceptance.
2. Foss Scholarship Emailing Update: The emails have been sent to Foss Scholars. Emails
that bounced back have been removed.
New Business:
1. Review of Investment Policies: The trustees reviewed the investment policies of the
trusts and the internal control policies. Investment policies were assigned to groups
of similar policies to be voted upon at the next trustees meeting. The internal
control policies were also reviewed.
Next Meeting: 1/16/15, 8:00 AM – Davidson Financial Update
1/22/15, 8:00 AM – Foss Scholarship Meeting
1/30/15, 8:00 AM – MS-9, MS-10 & Sanderson Proposal Reviews
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM.
Minutes submitted by: Ross Morse