December 9, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Fred Hast presented a copy of a recent newspaper article, “which should be of some interest to you people regarding Pennichuck Water Company. I do not know how you people are doing on follow-up regarding the Town, but this should enlighten you a little bit.


(LS) Highway Block Grant; (EV) Food Pantry, Suncook Valley Regional Town Committee Meeting Update, and Budget and Fuel. (PS) Several additions, see list.


6:15 P.M. Bill Elkins, Housing Standards Agency

(LK) Since it is now 6:05 P.M., and they are not yet here, we will continue with the Agenda.


1. Submission of 2008 Municipal Data Sheets

(PS) This is an annual submittal of all information on real estate taxes during calendar year. This is submitted to DRA. The DRA representative was here for about one-half day going over all the information with Cara and it is now ready to be submitted.

(LS) Motion to approve submission of 2008 Municipal Data Sheets.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) From all indications, we are within range.


Bill Elkins noted that Fred Okrent and he were here tonight at the request of the Board. (LK) noted that Board was concerned about agency being over budget and concerns as to what to do next year. Mr. Elkins related that he had received a letter from (PS) and did respond. Basically, this is a neutral budget. (LK) “How much has been spent so far this year?” Mr. Elkins related that current expenditures were $10,7991 and income is $11,590. We are over the posted budget, but it is a neutral budget. The budget is $9,200. HSA is a self-funding agency. (LK) noted “For me, if you go over your budget, then maybe we need to increase it.” If you say your budget is okay at $9,200, I have a problem with that. Mr. Elkins, “It is not a profit making agency, we are supposed to generate enough to cover our budget.”

(LS) I appreciate your comments on the budget, but that is not the way the budget works. You have to appropriate and get permission from the taxpayers. That is the way the budget works. You have to account for every cent spent and approved by the taxpayer. If you are over expending your budget, it means it is coming from somewhere else and without permission from Town, you cannot spend it. This is a municipality and how it works. Mr. Elkins noted that all the money we generate goes to the general fund. (LS) You can only spend what is approved by the taxpayer. That is the bottom line budget. Mr. Elkins noted, “We cannot assume how many inspections we are going to have.” (LS) There must be some way of knowing what it is going to take. (LK) When was the last time you increased your budget? Mr. Elkins was unsure as the Building Inspector does our budget.
(LK) Why does that fall under the Building Inspector? Mr. Elkins related it was all tied in with the Building Inspector and he was adamant about it. (LS) Do you anticipate having all those inspections? Fred Okrent, “Yes, we do.” Mr. Elkins related that next year there will be different units and other inspections.”

Board further discussed the inspections, re-inspections, new units that will fall under these categories, enforcement and the judicial process and fees involved, lien process and other procedures noted under RSA 48A:4.

Board and Mr. Elkins agreed that next year HSA would be involved in the budget process. (LS) noted “It is all a guesstimate, but I really want you to understand how the budget works.” She noted that if the budget is going to be over, the BOS should be notified so we understand why it is happening.

2. Board of Selectman Vacancy

(LS) A letter has been filed regarding the Board of Selectman Vacancy noting that Board should fill the vacancy. (DM) Has a petition been filed? Has a complaint been filed? Has a letter been filed? (LK) No.

Maurice Wells related that he was the one who complained. (LK) noted that he had contacted LGC and it was noted that position should be filled. (PS) I posed the question to LGC regarding the appointment of vacancy, as you can see before you, the response. If the Board does not make an appointment or current members reach an impasse, the Court can be petitioned to request that an appointment be made. Board discussed how Board is obligated to choose a candidate and how the Court would enforce an appointment if the Board came to an impasse.

(LS) Maurice, may I ask what your concerns are? Mr. Wells noted that he was afraid that Board members would “load the ballot with your people, three new people of your choice, that is the only way I can word it.” Mr. Wells noted that he plans on filing the petition tomorrow requesting the Court to allow individual to serve the entire term of the vacancy. He noted that John Lenaerts resigned in August. (LK) If we elect someone, that person can only serve till March and then an election will be held to fill that particular vacancy. (LS) noted that she would really prefer not to end up in Court on this matter. (EV) related that he would stand by his original position of selecting someone. (DM) noted that she would like to stand by her original position that it should be the taxpayers’ choice.

(LS) Motion to appoint Fred Hast to Board of Selectman because of his experience. (LK) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0 (DM) Abstain.

Mr. Hast (FH) questioned why he was selected now. (LK) You have been around as BOS. If you get on Board, I do not have to take you around and introduce you to Town and Department Heads since you have nine years of experience as a Selectman, you already know them. (FH) noted that 95% of the Board’s votes are 4-0.

(LS) Pittsfield is in the news way more than we need to. Mr. Wells, “This Town has a bad reputation over in Concord. I wish it would change. I know Larry and I know Ed and I think they lie quite a bit.” (EV) “What did I lie on?” Mr. Wells noted that Carol gave you that letter and she said she handed it to you and said you never got it.” (EV) I told them I had the letter but I could not locate it.

After vote, (LS) Congratulations, Fred. “Now you are one of “us people!”


1. 2009 Unemployment Insurance Rate

(PS) It is noted that the amount is up $450 from 2008.

(LS) Motion to adjust unemployment insurance rate to $3,946. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to adjust Highway Block Grant to $106,085.53. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Amenico Ribbon Cutting

(PS) The Amenico Ribbon Cutting is Wednesday, December 17th at 10:00 A.M.

3. Department Spending

(LK) There should be a freeze on any spending in the next couple of weeks. No expenditures unless absolutely necessary. (PS) noted he has discussed this with Department Heads. Board noted any unusual expenditure should be approved by (PS) till next year.

4. Food Pantry

(EV) noted that Christmas baskets are being delivered around December 22nd. He requested use of conference room to arrange distribution.


3. Vote Tabulator

(PS) The Town Clerk has received from the State a vote tabulator, which was purchased by the State for Pittsfield. It is requested that an annual maintenance agreement be purchased to assure that the tabulator is working correctly. This would be in an annual amount of $175.

(DM) Motion to approve maintenance agreement for vote tabulator in the amount of $175, per year and authorize Chair to sign as such. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. Economic Development Community Planning Grant

(LS) Motion to accept grant up to the amount of $1,500 and authorize Chair to sign. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Rite Aid Credit Card

(PS) This is to increase the credit line on the Rite Aid Credit Line from $500 to $1,000 due to cost of prescriptions. This was recommended by Betsy.

(DM) Motion to approve that Rite Aid credit line be increased to $1,000.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EV) For informational purposes, Rite Aid will honor any prescriptions at the $10 Wal-Mart rate if requested provided they are noted on the Wal-Mart list. (LK) to inform Betsy.

6. Amenico Proposal

(PS) We have just received today a detailed explanation and proposal from Amenico offering product additive use to diesel fuel/heating oil. (LK) requested Department Heads input on this including Fire Department and Highway Department. “I would like to have their ideas on this.” (PS) Board also requested that School Superintendent Freeman should be sent a copy of this proposal for his input.

7. Police Chief Wharem Request to meet with BOS December 16th at
5:45 P.M.

(PS) There is a meeting scheduled for next Tuesday in Northwood. The Police Chief will be attending and wanted to meet with Board prior to this meeting to discuss two part-time police officer appointments.

8. Agreement with Pittsfield Historical Society Re: Fire Apparatus

(PS) This Agreement has been in the process of being executed but Town needed appraisal of apparatus first. This has been approved by Chief Johnson. The Historical Society has agreed to take charge of the equipment and insure it.

(LS) Motion to approve agreement between Town of Pittsfield and Historical Society regarding the antique fire apparatus and authorize Chairman to sign document. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

9. Planning Board Selectman Ex Officio

(LK) Regarding the Board of Selectman representative for the Planning Board, I would like to bow down at this point. Since Fred Hast is already on the Planning Board, I would suggest that he be the Selectman representative.

(LK) Motion to appoint Fred Hast as Board of Selectman representative for the Planning Board. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to appoint Larry Konopka as alternate as Board of Selectman representative for the Planning Board. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0. (LK) Abstain.


1. Town Hall Improvements, Life Safety Codes

(PS) This has been referred to Safety Committee and they will be meeting in regard to this matter soon.

2. Management Analysis for GASB 34

(LS) Have we heard from the accountant on this? (PS) noted that he had requested that Cara contact them. However, he does not know the results of that contact yet.

3. Space Needs Study


4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan

(LS) Has any meeting been set with the CNHRPC? (PS) No, not yet.

5. Library Attic Insulation

(PS) “Due to the bats, the company is waiting for PSNH to wrap lines in the attic.” This needs to be discussed with Kyle, as I am unsure of the current status.

6. Loitering Ordinance

7. Cost of Broadcasting Selectmen, Planning, and Zoning Board meetings.



5. Suncook Valley Regional Town Committee

(EV) noted the committee had a meeting last week and discussed building a centralized formal shooting range, trading services with Police Departments such as prosecutors and Building Inspector, consolidated paving quotes and the possibility of sharing an assessor’s office, which David Hines was going to look into for us. I have a questionnaire, which I will give to Paul for completion.
(PS) to contact David Hines regarding information on shared assessor’s office.

6. Budget

(EV) I noticed while I was gone that Board finalized Budget. Was the part-time assistant for the Police Department discussed? (LS) noted that they had not discussed this in particular and “we were just trying to finalize the budget.” (EV) noted that he would like to see it put back in there. Board assured (EV) that they had not discussed in detail. (LS) noted that if Department Heads disagree with the budget the way we present it, they should come to us to discuss it and should not go around this Board.

7. Fuel

(EV) noted that he had previously suggested talking to the fuel supplier and noted an article regarding locking in prices of fuel and buyout ability, which is an additional fifty cents over the current market price. This would be a way to save money, as we are currently looking at $3.87 a gallon.

Fred Hast noted that you pay fifty cents over the delivery price. You can buy at today’s price plus the fifty cents. It was noted that they had contacted all their municipal accounts and Pittsfield was the only one that turned them down. We would have saved $1.00 per gallon. I called Scott Brown and asked him why and he related that it was not worthwhile if price goes up, as you still have to pay the additional fifty cents per gallon. It is a gamble, yes. The Town missed the boat by not agreeing on this. (PS) to check into this and it will be on the Agenda again next week.

8. Concord-Epsom Elks Tornado Relief Check – $829.14

(PS) A check in the amount was forwarded to Pittsfield as well as the other Towns involved in the tornado. Board agreed a thank you letter be sent for their efforts.

(EV) Motion to accept check in the amount of $829.14. (DM) Second.
Carried 4-0.

9. E-Mail Re: Parks and Recreation Appointment – December 16th Meeting

10. Minutes to Conservation Easement Steering Committee December 3, 2008.

11. Memo to Police Chief Re: Dispatcher Fees

12. Meeting Notice from Northwood Police Re: Distribution Point in Emergencies.

13. Letter from DES Re: Extension to Rectify Tan Road.

14. Invitation fro Police Chief Re: Annual Pictures with Santa

15. Letter to DES from Ron Vien Re: Piping Septage Filtrate Alternative.

Items 9 through 15 are for informational purposes only.

16. NIMS Training

(PS) It is noted that there is a NIMS training session at the Barnstead Town Hall on Wednesday, December 10th from 9:00 A.M. to Noon which is required for all elected officials in order to receive disaster relief funds and is specifically for elected officials. There will be other training sessions which will be noted and Board will be advised. (DM) to attend.


1. Report of Cut (2) Warrants and Abatements

(PS) Last week Board discussed yield tax on properties damaged by tornado. It was noted that in order to have a proper paper trail Board would sign warrant for timber tax, and certificate of tax assessed and then vote to abate.

(LS) Motion to approve timber tax levy on Tax Map R10, Lot 8-2 and Tax Map R10, Lot 8-3 in the amount of $433.01 each. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to abate Timber Yield Tax on Tax Map R10, Lot 82 and Tax Map R10, Lot 8-3 in the amount of $433.01 each due to tornado damage.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Sewer Warrant

(LS) Motion to approve Sewer warrant in the amount of $92,873.70.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Cara and I have previously discussed that the budget is not being covered with the current rates. We need to make sure that is covering our budget.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifests. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Check Manifests. (EV) Second.

Board to discuss in Non-Public before vote. After Non-Public Session, Board voted: Carried 4-0 (9:04 P.M.)


1. Public Session Minutes of December 2, 2008

(DM) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 2, 2008.
(EV) Second. After discussion and several corrections: Carried 4-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of December 2, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of December 2, 2008.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.


Maurice Wells noted that Board had signed a contract with SDS for another year. How did we make out on the bidding? He had several questions regarding the contract. (LK) noted he could come in and get a copy of the contract from (PS).

Mr. Wells, “At the last meeting you were talking that taxes are going up. Linda, you said you are not responsible for the taxes, but you are.” (LS) explained that Board does not determine the tax rate. The tax rate is determined in May by the taxpayers. Mr. Wells noted that he had looked at the report as recommended by the Select Board and you all approved it. (LS) It goes to Town Meeting. We do the best we can. We set the tax rate, which has been approved at the Town Meeting. I also said that there were items on that budget that we could do without. Mr. Wells noted that it shows an increase on each article. (LS) Actually the Town Operating Budget went down. Mr. Wells, “Then why are my taxes going up $400 in one year?” (DM) explained that the School has an increase of $.50 if voted in by the Town. Mr. Wells noted, “I see things differently than you do.” (LS) We all do.

Fred Hast questioned the sidewalk plan and noted that George previously had a sidewalk plan and the Town wanted him to rethink it. I believe it was going to cost about $10,000.

One other question, you are going to a ribbon cutting for a new business in Town. They have not followed procedure in starting this business. (LK) They are in the process of reviewing the procedures. Mr. Hast noted, “But they are already having a ribbon cutting” to officially open the business. Also, the timber tax, is that just for the damaged area? (LS) Yes. (EV) had suggested we have a paper trail on this. (EV) noted it was only for the storm damage and these are the only two that I have seen.


(LK) Paul, could you please put on the Agenda for next week selecting a representative for the Merrimack Valley Water District.


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91A:3 II (a) and (e).
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:47 P.M. Break at 7:47 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:02 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of December 9, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Board voted on acceptance of Payroll: Carried 4-0.

(EV) Motion to approve FMLA for Alyssa MacGlashing, Paramedic from approximately January 20, 2009 for up to twelve-week period. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Approved: December 16, 2008

_______________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes