March 16, 2013 Town Meeting Minutes


Moderator Stephen Adams called the 2013 Town Meeting to order at 10:02am on Saturday, March 16, 2013 in the Pittsfield Elementary School Gymnasium.

Members of the Pittsfield Boy Scout Troop 84 led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Moderator Adams introduced Lea Adams, recording secretary of the Blue Star Mothers. Mrs. Adams read a statement that the New Hampshire Legislature and Governor Lynch designated March 30, 2013, as “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day”. March 30, 2013 will mark the 40th Anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. There will be a ceremony to honor the Vietnam Veterans on the 30th at 2:00PM at the NH Veteran’s Cemetery in Boscawen. Senator Kelly Ayotte encouraged Town Moderators around the state to honor the Vietnam Veterans during Town Meeting. Mrs. Adams asked all Vietnam Veterans in attendance to stand and be recognized. Following a round of applause, the Pittsfield Girl Scout troop gave each Veteran a token of appreciation.

Moderator Adams pointed out emergency exits and asked that cell phones be silenced. He announced the PESPTO and Elementary School band were selling refreshments in the hallway as a fundraiser. He read through the rules of order and noted they were posted in back of room.

Moderator Adams read the introduction to the posted 2013 Town Meeting Warrant:

To the inhabitants of the Town of Pittsfield, Merrimack County and State of New Hampshire, qualified to vote in Town affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall Meeting Room at 85 Main Street in said Town on the second Tuesday in March next, March 12, 2013, to act upon the subjects mentioned in Articles 1 through 4. You are hereby warned that on said date and at said place the polls will be opened at 7:00 AM and will remain open until 7:00 PM for the reception of your ballots under the Non-Partisan Ballot System. You are hereby warned that on Saturday, March 16, 2013, at 10:00 AM at the Pittsfield Elementary School Gymnasium, the matter of appropriations and such other business properly brought before said meeting will be taken up for your consideration and action.

Moderator Adams read the official ballot results of the 2013 Annual Town Election held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013:

Article 1: To choose by ballot the following officers: two Selectmen for a three (3) year term; one Planning Board Member for a three (3) year term; one Trustee of the Trust Funds for a three (3) year term; one Library Trustee for a three (3) year term; one Cemetery Trustee for a three (3) year term.

Annual Town Election results:

Two Selectmen for a three (3) year term –
Albert Douglas elected – 293 votes, Eric R. Nilsson elected – 225 votes

One Planning Board Member for a three (3) year term –
James Pritchard elected – 234 votes, Linda R. Martin – 145 votes, Daniel L. Schroth – 33 votes

One Trustee of Trust Funds for a three (3) year term –
Cara M. Marston elected – 391 votes

One Library Trustee for a three (3) year term –
Nancy Jane Fogg elected – 359 votes

One Cemetery Trustee for a three (3) year term –
William E. Clark – 2 write-in votes, Lorraine Welch – 2 write-in votes, Mike A. Towle – 2 write-in votes,

Per RSA 669:36 the winner shall be determined by lot by the town clerk in the presence of the candidates who are tied if, upon notice from him, they elect to be present.

The date for the drawing is Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 10:00am.

Lorraine Welch’s name was drawn and sworn in as Cemetery Trustee.

Article 2: Are you in favor of the repeal of the Pittsfield Zoning Ordinance as proposed by petition of the voters of this town? (Submitted by Petition)
(Not Recommended by the Planning Board)

Article 2 was defeated – Yes (85) – No (327)

Article 3: Are you in favor of an amendment to the town zoning ordinance that defines the road frontage required for subdivision, but not for building on an existing lot, as frontage on any paved or dirt road that the town or state maintains? (The purposes of the amendment are (1) to ensure that fire trucks, ambulances and police cars can reach new development and (2) to make the developer instead of the taxpayers pay for road improvements that the new development will make necessary.(Submitted by Petition)(Recommended by the Planning Board)

Article 3 passed – Yes (283) – No (139)

Article 4: To see if the town will vote to rescind the action taken at the 2007 Town Meeting to elect planning board members and instead to return to a planning board consisting of one ex officio member and 4 other members, all of whom are to be appointed by the selectmen.

Article 4 was defeated – Yes (57) – No (356)

Moderator Adams then moved on to the warrant articles that were to be taken up at the 2013 Town Meeting, March 16, 2013:

Article 5: To see if the town will vote to amend the Housing Standards Ordinance to provide that the Board of Selectmen, rather than the Housing Standards Board, shall appoint the chief inspector and other inspectors, none of whom shall be members of the Housing Standards Board. (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 5 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Moderator Adams opened the floor for discussion.

Cedric Dustin questioned the legality of Article 5, as a public hearing needed to be held first, but did not find record of a hearing. He also noted the Housing Standards Agency (H S A) has existed for 50 years, and questioned why the Selectboard felt it needed to be changed now.

Town Administrator Paul Skowron responded that to the best of his knowledge it was legally acceptable to vote on this article.

Selectman Konopka noted the Selectboard had done extensive research talking with the Interim Fire Chief and with other towns and concluded the inspections should be conducted by the Fire Department.

Cedric Dustin speaking as a member of the H S A board stated they had not been informed by the Selectboard of any problems and felt blindsided.

Selectman Konopka responded he didn’t believe there was a problem. The Selectboard felt there would be a benefit from the expertise of the Fire Department and they could conduct the inspections while on duty.

Cedric Dustin asked if the firefighters would be paid as inspectors.

Selectwoman Small stated there was a public hearing regarding the efficiency and frequency of the inspections. She noted many of the apartments in town were not up to safety codes. Apartment building owners who attended the public hearing stated it would be easier if fire and H S A inspections were combined. The Fire Inspector would do inspections. She also indicated the Selectboard would be asking to increase the budget to cover the cost. The Board believes it would be well worth it.

Fred Hast stated the H S A has an inspector, and that apartment owners currently pay for the inspections. Currently, if an owner disagrees with the H S A Inspector’s findings, they can file an appeal with the Selectboard. This article would eliminate that step in the appeal process. Mr. Hast asked to make a motion to table Article 5 indefinitely until more information was available. Louie Houle seconded the motion to table the Article.

Moderator Adams stated there was already a motion made to accept Article 5 that would take precedence over a motion to table. He would accept an amendment to Article 5, but not sure a motion to table is in order at this point. However, the body has the right to overrule his decision. Moderator Adams explained a motion to table an Article needed to be voted upon.

The motion to accept the motion to table Article 5 was passed by a show of cards. The Moderator’s decision was overruled.

The motion to indefinitely table Article 5 – passed by card vote

Moderator Adams explained that any voter may ask to have a tabled article brought back forth again during this meeting for a vote.

Article 6: Are you in favor of amending the Housing Standards Ordinance to require repairs, additions and alterations to a structure and changes in occupancy to comply with the most recent and stringent state building laws and local ordinances; to require carbon monoxide detectors in all rental units; and to require that landlords obtain a rental license from the Housing Standards Agency prior to the initial rental of a unit. (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 6 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Moderator Adams opened the floor for discussion.

Cedric Dustin stated everything indicated in this Article is already in the Housing Standards ordinances. He went on to read the current ordinance.

Cedric Dustin made a motion to table Article 6. Merrill Vaughan seconded.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for the vote to table Article 6.

Motion to table Article 6 passed by card vote.

Article 7: To see if the Town will vote to establish a revolving fund pursuant to RSA 31:95-h, for the purpose of police special details. All revenues received for the police special details will be deposited into the fund, except for that portion associated with the cost of the police vehicle as established by the Board of Selectmen, and such revenues shall be used to compensate the police officers and to pay for any and all benefits associated with special detail payment to the police officer. Any remaining monies in the fund shall be allowed to accumulate from year to year, and shall not be considered part of the town’s general fund unreserved fund balance. The town treasurer shall have custody of all moneys in the fund, and shall pay out the same only upon order of the governing body and no further approval is required by the legislative body to expend. Such funds shall only be expended for the purposes for which the fund was created. (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-1-0)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 7 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Moderator Adams opened the floor for discussion.

Selectwoman Small stated the purpose for this Article was to set up a fund for all police special detail revenue to be placed and used for this specific purpose. This fund would eliminate the need to appropriate other monies toward special details.

Louie Houle as Budget Committee Chair noted he understood the reason for the Article, but felt it was unnecessary. He stated the voters as the legislative body would not have control over this fund except at town meeting. He felt this would be better handled if we planned a bit ahead on appropriations and budgeted the amount in the Police budget.

Chris Ward asked to hear Chief Wharem’s opinion.

Chief Wharem stated he had worked with the Selectboard, and was in favor of this Article. Some situations cannot be planned, such as the last tornado. He stated the department is not prepared to take such a potentially large sum out of their operating budget.

Selectwoman Small expressed her appreciation for Louie Houle’s concerns. She explained this Article provides clarity as to where the money is coming from and to where it is being spent. She also noted the Selectboard would be requesting $30,000 be deducted from a future article.

Louie Houle compared this Article to the snow plow account. It is a guess as well. He believed there is a need to budget for these items.

Fred Hast agreed with Selectwoman Small and Police Chief Wharem. He stated it would make it easier for the financial officer to keep track.

Dan Schroth voiced his support for this Article

Moderator asked if Article 7 was accepted as read.

Article 7 passed by card vote.

Article 8: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($230,000) for the purchase of a replacement ambulance, and to fund this appropriation by withdrawing Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($230,000) from the Ambulance Replacement and Equipment Special Revenue Fund. No amount to be raised from taxation.
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Not Recommended by the Budget Committee 5-4-1)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 8 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Moderator Adams opened the floor for discussion.

Art Morse asked how Article 8 related to Article 9. He asked if Article 8 was defeated, would the $230,000 be added to the $275,000 noted in Article 9?

Town Administrator Paul Skowron confirmed it would.

Dan Schroth asked if a new ambulance was necessary.

Interim Fire Chief DeSilva explained it was suggested by the Small Town Capital Improvement Program Committee (CIP) to replace ambulances every 10 years or over 100,000 miles. The ambulance in question has had mechanical issues.

Eric Barbasso asked why the Budget Committee was opposed to Article 8.

Moderator Adams asked Budget Committee Chairman Louie Houle to respond.

Louie Houle stated it was a close vote. The Budget Committee had a couple of concerns. This request was not brought up during the September Budget Committee meeting with Town Department Heads. The Committee was unaware of the request until it was on warrant. Mr. Houle also noted it is a suggestion by CIP – not a mandate. He stated the Budget Committee did not get a lot of information when asked. He further noted he did his own research with other towns. A diesel engine should last longer than 100,000 miles. Mr. Houle proposed appropriating $168,000 for a new ambulance. He stated the Budget Committee felt we could wait another year. The Budget Committee learned the Fire Department did a lot research, but just didn’t get the information to the Committee in time to make an informed recommendation.

Chris Ward stated he had recently joined the Fire Department and also joined the Ambulance Replacement Committee in June 2012. This Committee consisted of residents of Pittsfield and fire department members inside and outside of Pittsfield. A fact sheet was handed out this morning prior to the Meeting explaining the results. Many hours were spent researching the different options.

Pat Heffernan stated he believed if we don’t pass Article 8 it would be foolish. It effects safety and people’s lives for a few bucks.

Art Morse suggested Article 8 be passed and asked if it was possible for the Selectboard to talk with Budget Committee, review their proposal, and meet with the Fire Department and see if an ambulance could be purchased for less.

Louie Houle stated he could accept Art’s suggestion and requested a gas vehicle be considered over a more expensive diesel vehicle.

Fred Hast voiced his support for Louie Houle’s proposal and Art Morse’s suggestion.

Peter Pszonowsky asked if it would be possible to have EMS Captain Girard speak.

Moderator Adams answered it would be permissible for EMS Captain Girard to answer a specific question, but not speak in general as he is not a registered voter in Pittsfield.

Peter Pszonowsky stated the cost of the ambulance proposed was $180,000.00. The balance of the $230,000.00 requested would go toward the purchase of equipment. He suggested people speak with EMS Captain Girard afterward should they have any questions.

Eric Barbasso stated he had worked for an ambulance repair company and it is not a good idea to piece together a repair. He encouraged the voters to support Article 8 as written.

Fred Okrent stated he worked for fire departments for many years and it is not that simple to put a new box on a chassis. Not much money is saved, and you inherit problems of used equipment. Noted there is no impact on tax the rate, and encouraged the voters to use the money as it was set aside.

Dan Schroth stated he was in favor of passing Article 8 if the Selectman had final say in the purchase.

Moderator Adams confirmed with Town Administrator Paul Skowron that they would.

Diane Vaughan stated we are losing sight of the people, and that we cannot jeopardize people to save money.

Joanne Ward asked if the dollar figure Louie Houle suggested included equipment for the ambulance.

Louie Houle encouraged people to join the Budget Committee to see how this all works. He noted it is hard for them to make a decision when they are not given the information right away. He checked with other towns, and he believed the $168,000 could include equipment. He reminded the voters we are spending our money. He just wanted it spent wisely. He stated the Budget Committee is not recommending forgoing the purchase of an ambulance, but felt they didn’t have enough information to make an informed decision.

Bill Miskoe asked to move the question.

Moderator Adams stated he would allow those in line to speak first.

A card voted passed to move the question after the last speaker in line.

Bob Lincoln asked if Article 8 was tabled, how would services be affected. He believed the Article should be approved as written.

Chris Ward apologized if the Budget Committee did not realize an Ambulance Replacement Committee was formed over last summer. The Replacement Committee asked six difference ambulance companies and received three estimates. He stated the Replacement Committee could do the work again if necessary. There was a lot of work involved.

Merrill Vaughan asked why we keep delaying. He asked how much it would cost if we delay again. Do we wait until it breaks down before we replace it? This is affecting people’s lives. He stated we have the money saved for this purpose we should use it.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 8 passed by card vote

Article 9: To see if the town will vote to rescind the provisions of RSA 31:95-c to restrict revenues from ambulance billings to expenditures for the purpose of ambulance replacement, repair and operations when needed, and replacement and repair of ambulance equipment when needed. Such revenues and expenditures were accounted for in a special fund to be known as the Ambulance Replacement and Equipment Fund, separate from the General Fund. Further that such fund with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal, are to be transferred to the town’s general fund. (Estimated Funds to be transferred is $275,000)
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-1-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

NOTE: The intention of Article 9 and Article 11 is to discontinue the existing reserves and create a new reserve by the adoption of Article 12.

NOTE: If Article 9 is approved, Article 10 shall be passed over.

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 9 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Moderator Adams opened the floor for discussion.

Art Morse urged Article 9 be defeated. He is fearful of unintended consequences. He is concerned the money may not be used in the future as voters originally intended.

Selectwoman Small stated Article 10 is not clear and is inefficient. She noted we have very little revenue coming into Pittsfield. The Selectboard feels this fund could benefit both the Ambulance and Fire Departments, and clean up unnecessary accounting.

Cedric Dustin asked how it was possible Article 10 could be passed over.

Louie Houle stated the revenue would go in the general fund. He believed there would be a grave liability if one article passed and a new fund was not created. All the money would go to the general fund. Maybe better to vote to establish the capital reserve first.

Moderator Adams voiced his concern with changing the order of the articles and creating confusion.

Paul Sherwood requested a point of order. He asked to amend Article 9 & 11, by making the passing of Article 9 & 11 contingent on the passing of Article 12.

Moderator Adams voiced his concern with creating an amendment without legal counsel present. He would prefer to address the articles in a different order if the body so decides.

Louie Houle stated changing the order of the articles may result in another issue due to the wording of Article 12. If we move to Article 12 and not pass one of the other two, he is concerned taxes may go up unintentionally to fund the new account. He prefers an amendment as suggested by Paul Sherwood. Very complicated few articles.

Moderator Adams suggested we keep the order as is, but to keep in mind future articles, or an amendment can be made.

Cedric Dustin noted having been a moderator, he believed Mr. Sherwood’s amendment to Articles 9 & 11 would be null and void if Article 12 did not pass, but legitimate if Article 12 did pass.

Bea Douglas discouraged voting on this article. She suggested the Article be tabled.

Moderator Adams asked if Bea Douglas was making a motion to table.

Bea Douglas made a motion to table Article 9. Lyn Ward seconded.

Selectwoman Small discouraged a vote to table Article 9. She stated a lot of thought went into these Articles. She believed this will make the account cleaner and easier to follow.

Art Morse asked for an explanation of what it meant to table an Article.

Moderator Adams explained to table an Article would mean we set it aside, but someone could ask to have it brought back for consideration during this meeting.

Moderator Adams asked for a show of cards as to whether or not Article 9 should be tabled. The vote was too close to judge without an official count. Moderator Adams asked the Supervisors of the Checklist to count the cards. 49 voted to table Article 9 and 81 voted against tabling Article 9. Supervisor Roberta Maxfield noted there were 136 voters present.

The motion to table Article 9 was defeated.

Paul Sherwood asked to amend Article 9 adding “contingent on article 12 passing”. Ted Mitchell seconded.

Moderator Adams noted as a point of order that 2/3 majority was needed to table an Article, and to clarify, the previous tabled Articles clearly had a 2/3 majority.

Moderator Adams re-read Article 9 adding “contingent on Article 12 passing” and asked if there was any further discussion on the amended Article 9.

Fred Hast encouraged voters to leave the fund as it currently stands.

Art Morse asked for a point of order. He stated we should only be discussing the motion to amend the Article at this time, not the Article itself. We should be acting on the amendment alone at this point.

Fred Hast asked voters to defeat the amendment.

Moderator Adams asked if the body was ready to vote on the amendment to Article 9.

Merrill Vaughan asked to have the amendment read again.

Moderator Adams re-read the amendment to Article 9 and asked for the vote.

A card vote passed amending Article 9 to include “contingent on Article 12 passing”.

Scott Brown asked if someone from the Selectboard would provide clarification of the amended Article 9. As he understood it, Article 9 would eliminate the Ambulance Capital Reserve Fund and the remaining funds would go to the general fund, with the intention of these funds moving to a newly created Fire and Ambulance Capital Reserve Fund if Article 12 passed.

Selectwoman Small explained we currently have a special revenue fund for the Ambulance Department. All ambulance revenue goes into that fund and can only be used for items for which that fund was established. There is currently a separate capital reserve fund for fire apparatus. The intention is to combine the two funds for more efficiency, using the same fund to purchase equipment for both. It would be more transparent and easier to see where money goes. It would do away with the special revenue fund and create a new capital reserve for both ambulance and fire.

Robin Doucette asked if the Fire Department as a whole was in favor of Article 9.

Chief DeSilva stated the Fire Department was not in favor of Article 9.

Cedric Dustin asked where the revenue would go if we did away with this fund.

Moderator Adams confirmed the revenue would go to general fund.

Louie Houle explained the ambulance fund is currently set up so ambulance revenue goes to this special fund. He noted the revenue the Ambulance service is currently taking in is not covering all current costs incurred. This article makes accounting cleaner. The original fund started out efficient and a good idea but has become cumbersome. He believed it would make things much smoother if we pass this article.

Police Chief Robert Wharem asked for input from Interim Fire Chief DeSilva as to how the current fund is used.

Chief DeSilva stated as it is now, it is town funds, your money. The Department tries to cover costs with user fees. The danger if this passes, is the revenue will go to the general fund, and each year money will need to be set aside for ambulance and for fire. It is possible money in the future would not be set aside in capital reserve leading to the possibility of insufficient funds to continue. Right now people using the ambulance are paying for it. The current fund is working well. You (the voters) just made a major purchase without having to use tax dollars.

Louie Houle reiterated his concern fees are not covering all expenses.

Selectman Eric Nilsson confirmed the town paid $129,904.00 but took in $118,256.00 last year.

Selectwoman Small apologized that this Article is so confusing, but government can be cumbersome. She stated this legislative body has been very supportive of community services, and believed this body would like to have the opportunity to decide whether or not to put the money aside.

Fred Hast agreed with Selectman Nilsson’s numbers, but noted the shortage was due to the unusual circumstances of three members of the Ambulance Department out on FMLA. He encouraged the voters to keep this article so we have the flexibility and not have to wait for the taxpayers to decide in March.

Merrill Vaughan asked if this Article passes, and the money goes to general fund, would it be kept for fire rescue or would it be applied elsewhere.

Selectwoman Small stated whatever is appropriated into the capital reserve fund would be set aside for such purpose.

Bill Miskoe asked to move question.

Moderator Adams responded it was necessary to allow those in line the opportunity to speak.

Art Morse encouraged people to vote against this Article. The fund has worked well as it is currently set up.

Scott Brown asked for clarification – did we spent more than we took in due to personnel coverage? It was confirmed that was the reason. Mr. Brown expressed a concern If we have to use tax dollars instead of revenue for the ambulance fund, it may not be set aside in future years.

Selectman Konopka stated he understood Mr. Brown’s concerns, and was not in favor of this article. He stated he had been researching an alternative, but unfortunately was not able to get all the information together in time for this meeting.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were prepared to move question. He asked for vote as amended.

Moderator Adams reiterated if Article 9 passed as amended, it was contingent on 12 passing.

Article 9 as amended was defeated by card vote.

Article 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($114,919.00) for the purpose of funding 1.) ambulance repair, 2.) eight hours of the forty-eight hour work week, 3.) ambulance overtime, 4.) on-call personnel , 5.) paramedic intercepts, and 6.) replacement of ambulance vehicles; and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of that sum from the Ambulance Replacement and Equipment Special Revenue Fund previously created, with no amount to be raised by taxation. This article is designated as a special warrant article and the appropriation shall not lapse until adjournment of the 2014 Annual Town Meeting. (Fund balance on 12-31-12 is $505,779.36)
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 10 as read, Eric Barbasso seconded.

Moderator Adams opened the floor for discussion.

Louie Houle urged voters to pass this Article. If the Article did not pass, it could increase the taxes by $128,000.00. He asked that this issue be brought up again next year with possibly some handouts explain how the fund was working. He again expressed his concern that costs are exceeding the revenue going into the fund.

Fred Hast stated he didn’t feel the dollar figure stated in Article 10 was correct .

Cedric Dustin urged the voters to vote in favor of this article.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 10 passed as read by card vote.
Article 11: To see if the town will vote to discontinue the Fire and Rescue Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund created in 1994. Said funds, with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal, are to be transferred to the town’s general fund. (Estimated Funds to be transferred is $315,000)
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 4-1-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

NOTE: The intention of Article 9 and Article 11, is to discontinue the existing reserves and create a new reserve by the adoption of Article 12.

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 11 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Selectwoman Small stated this Article was put in place in the event Article 9 passed. Since Article 9 did not pass, she made a motion to table Article 11 and Article 12. Selectman Konopka seconded.

Moderator Adams reiterated a 2/3 majority was needed to table an Article, and that the body would take one article at a time.

Motion to table Article 11 passed by card vote.

Article 12: To see if the town will vote to establish a Capital Reserve Fund under the provisions of RSA 35:1 to be titled the Fire and Ambulance Capital Reserve Fund; the purpose of which is to purchase fire and ambulance vehicular equipment; and further to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($590,000) to be placed in this fund from the unreserved undesignated fund balance of the town’s general fund. This amount represents the amounts returned to the General Fund because of the discontinuance of the Ambulance Special Revenue Fund and the Fire and Rescue Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund. No amount to be raised from taxation. (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

Selectman Konopka to moved table article 12 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Moderator Adams asked for a vote to table Article 12.

Motion to table Article 12 passed by card vote.

Request for recess denied per majority vote of the body .

Article 13: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.) for the purpose of repairs and improvements to the exterior of the library and the installation of a second means of egress from the basement to the first floor in accordance with life safety codes. (Estimated gross tax impact $.23)
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 13 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Moderator Adams opened the floor to discussion.

Selectman Nilsson explained a concern was brought up last year regarding water leaking into the basement and the lack of a second egress from the building. Though a bid had not been sent out, an architect had estimated costs.

Eileen Legg asked if the Selectboard had looked into applying for grants.

Selectman Konopka responded they had not.

Eileen Legg suggested grants be considered. Children use the library, and are locked out of that area. It needs to be addressed.

Selectman Konopka responded the Board could definitely look into the availability of grants.

Diane Vaughan mentioned she heard a rumor of a second staircase, but what about an elevator or a different building?

Selectman Konopka stated there currently is an elevator in the library, but a second egress is needed and is the concern.

Diane Vaughan stated there was a rumor the elevator would be removed.

Selectman Konopka responded the elevator would not be removed and another building has not been considered. The State Fire Marshall had done an inspection and reported to the Selectboard what was needed, and the second egress was one of the items.

Bill Miskoe stated we need the improvements now. We can’t wait for grant.

Dana Sansom spoke as a Library Trustee. She stated the children’s room had been closed since August and has had a significantly negative impact on the children’s programs. Currently a library employee needs to escort anyone needing to use bathroom. Ms. Sansom stated our current Library Director has done a tremendous amount of work to start new programming for the library, but a lot of the programs have not been able to happen due to the closure. She noted grants are nice, but this has been drawn out for a long time already. She urged the voters to pass Article 13.

Kathy Corliss stated she believed the library is a wonderful resource, but asked we delay a year due to the increase in taxes incurred at the School District Meeting.

Stan Bailey asked to move question.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 13 passed by card vote.

Article 14: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars ($16,570.) to purchase computer system equipment and to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.) from the Computer System Renewal and Replacement Capital Reserve Fund previously created for that purpose. The balance of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars ($7,570.) is to come from general taxation. (Reserve Fund balance is $9,454.19 on 12-31-12) (Estimated gross tax impact $.03)
(Recommend by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee 6-3-1)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 14 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Eric Barbasso asked if any computers would be replaced or upgraded.

Town Administrator Paul Skowron replied two computers in town hall may be replaced, and a couple in the police and fire departments, with existing computers possibly going to those who need less demanding software. This sum would also include appropriate software. Computers that would be purchased would also receive updated software.

Eric Barbasso asked if replacing the servers would be less expensive.

Town Administrator Paul Skowron responded the town was slowly eliminating servers and moving toward the “cloud”, which would be more cost effective in the long run.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 14 passed by card vote.

Moderator Adams took a moment to encourage anyone that would like to join the Budget Committee to see him after the meeting.

Article 15: To see if the town will vote to discontinue the following Capital Reserve Funds. Said funds, with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal, are to be transferred to the town’s general fund. (Estimated Funds to be transferred is $396,224.07)

Capital Reserve Created Balance as of 12/31/12
1. Small Dump Truck 1997 $ 145.11
2. Loader 1995 $125,694.85
3. Highway Truck 2000 $163,926.84
4. Grader 2000 $ 17,875.30
5. Backhoe 2000 $ 55,898.60
6. Sidewalk Tractor 2004 $ 32,761.15

(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Not Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

NOTE: The intention of Article 15 is to discontinue the existing reserves and create a new single purpose reserve by the adoption of Article 16. Article 15 is contingent on the passage of Article 16.

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 15 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Moderator Adams stressed the note at the bottom of Article 15.

Selectwoman Small stated the purpose of this article was to simplify things. It would put everything in one Article for the Highway Department.

Cedric Dustin noted in the past there were multi-year long heated discussions to create capital reserves. He is not in favor of this article. He thinks it makes more sense to save for what we need specifically. In this case he believes simple is not better, but worse.

Helen Schoppmeyer agreed with Cedric Dustin. She realized it takes longer to vote, but the current situation gives voters more control. We should leave the funds as is.

Fred Hast stated we should leave the funds as is. If there is one lump sum, it could all go to one item and not leave anything for other items.

Fred Okrent made a motion to table Article 15 until after the vote on Article 16.

Moderator Adams stated he would take up the motion to table Article 15 after those in line had the opportunity to speak.

Mike Wolfe stated historically, George Bachelder has been one of our best stewards of this money. He asked for George’s input.

George Bachelder stated he was initially against this Article. He understood the Selectboard’s intention to simplify, but he was concerned that selectmen and others come and go, and money may not go where it was initially intended.

Moderator Adams asked for a second on the motion to table Article 15.

Gary Doucette seconded the motion to table Article 15.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready to vote on the motion to table Article 15.

Motion to table Article 15 was defeated by card vote

Louie Houle stated this Article was initially his idea, but no longer supported it.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question as written.

Article 15 fails by card vote.

Article 16: To see if the town will vote to establish a Capital Reserve Fund under the provisions of RSA 35:1 to be titled the Highway Department Capital Reserve Fund; the purpose of which is to purchase vehicular, snow removal, and heavy equipment; and further to raise and appropriate the sum of three hundred ninety six thousand three hundred two dollars ($396,302.) to be placed in this fund from the unreserved undesignated fund balance of the town’s general fund. This amount represents the amounts returned to the General Fund. No amount to be raised from taxation.
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Not Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

NOTE: This article is contingent upon the passage of Article 15.

Moderator Adams ruled to pass over Article 16 with voter approval as it was contingent on the passage of Article 15.

Article 17: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.) to be added to the Municipal Buildings Repair and Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund. (Estimated gross tax impact $.13)
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee 6-3-1)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 17 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Bill Miskoe asked what the fund balance was at this time.

Moderator Adams conferred with Selectmen and stated the fund balance was approximately $15,000.00

Chris Ward asked in order for funds to be spent, would it come back to the voters, or is approval the responsibility of the selectmen?

Selectman Konopka confirmed approval would be given by the Board of Selectmen.

Kevin Foss encouraged the voters to approve Article 17. He reminded the body of the consequences seen at the School District meeting when we don’t properly fund these accounts.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 17 passed by card vote.

Article 18: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.) to be added to the Town Clock Expendable Trust Fund. (Fund balance on 12-31-12 is $933.90) (Estimated gross tax impact less than $.01)
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 18 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Stan Bailey stated he brought this Article to the town. The faces of the clock and hands are in dire need of repair. The lift to the clock is the most expensive part of the repair. Pro Point LLC has volunteered to donate the use of the lift to do the project, saving the Town about $3,000.00.

Owen David asked where the clock was located.

Moderator Adams answered it was at the top of the First Congregational Church.

Fred Hast asked if the work would include all faces of the clock.

Stan Bailey answered he had received an estimate of approximately $3,000.00 – not including the cost of the lift – for all four faces of clock.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 18 passed by card vote.

Article 19: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($33,215.), for the purpose of purchasing and installing a 40kw generator at the Highway Garage. (Estimated gross tax impact $.13) (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 5-0-0)
(Not Recommended by the Budget Committee 9-0-1)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 19 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Dan Schroth asked for George Bachelder’s input.

George Bachelder stated he had been talking with Selectmen for a while about this purchase. There had been times the Public Works building has not had power and needed to use flashlights. If there is a major event, and auxiliary power was needed for 24 hours, it would be a problem, but he encouraged the voters to defeat Article 19. He appreciated that the Selectboard included this Article, but he would rather keep taxes down. He would prefer to work with the Selectboard and find a way to purchase the generator with funds from his operating budget.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 19 was defeated by card vote.

Article 20: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Million Seven Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Eight Dollars ($3,735,378.) to fund the Town Budget and Capital Outlay as recommended by the Budget Committee. Said sum does not include the sums contained in special or individual articles of this warrant.

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 20 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Selectman Nilsson made a motion to increase the town budget by $4,300.00 with such funds to be added to the Fire Department budget to inspect multi-family dwellings.

Moderator Adams asked the body if there was any discussion on the proposed amended budget figure of $3,739,678.00.

Selectman Nilsson stated per H S A data, there are currently 108 buildings containing two or more rental units, totaling 532 rental units. The Fire Department has the authority under NH State Fire code to inspect public areas and all means of egress of multi-family homes on an annual basis. H S A does not currently inspect on an annual basis. He stated the Interim Fire Chief has more information if needed.

Ted Mitchell asked why this was not already included in the original budgeted figure.

Selectman Nilsson responded the Budget Committee did not support the increase.

Louie Houle stated when the Budget Committee asked why this amount was included in the budget they learned it was for Fire Department- led inspections. Mr. Houle stated inspections are already covered by the H S A, and the Budget Committee felt this was a duplication of efforts. The $4,300.00 is now being paid for by the landlords. H S A currently can bring in fire inspectors or the State Fire Marshall if requested. If there is an issue with H S A it should be dealt with separately, not to imply there are any problems.

Selectman Nilsson confirmed the H S A Inspector does a wonderful job on the interior of the buildings, but it is the exterior of the buildings that is the concern.

Stan Bailey stated if we didn’t have a H S A Inspector he could understand doing this, but Fred Okrent (H S A Inspector) has done a fine job.

Helen Schoppmeyer stated she is a member of the Budget Committee as well, and didn’t think we needed to add bureaucracy.

Diane Vaughan asked what would be the tax impact if this was added to budget.

Moderator Adams conferred with the Selectboard and stated the increase of $4,300.00 to the budget would be less than $.01 increase to the tax rate.

Louie Houle stated the proposed budget is $8,388.00 less than last year without $4,300.00 increase.

Moderator Adams consulted with Cara Marston and the tax rate would be $9.29 without the additional $4,300.00. With the additional $4,300.00 the tax rate would be approximately $9.30.

Ammy Ramsey asked why the $4,300.00 could not be passed onto the apartment building owners.

Police Chief Wharem asked to have the Interim Fire Chief speak to the issue.

Interim Fire Chief DeSilva answered that an ordinance could be adopted to include the inspection fees, and then it would pay for itself. The Fire Department would work together with H S A. Unfortunately, over the past 12 years it has been in multi-family dwellings that the fire fatalities have occurred. He stated right now inspections are done every two years per H S A ordinance. The Fire Department has the authority to do inspections as needed or once a year, based on H S A data and NH fire code. H S A is limited by their funding mechanism, and their schedule is limited to Monday through Friday, during the day.

Cedric Dustin stated as a H S A Committee member that the Fire Department is not authorized to inspect under any codes that the H S A isn’t already inspecting under. It is part of the H S A ordinance that H S A is funded by landlord inspection fees. The H S A asked the Selectboard to increase their fees, but were turned down.

Bill Miskoe stated this amendment seemed like a back door attempt to get around the fact Article 5 was tabled. He didn’t think we should support the amendment.

A request was made to move the question to amend the proposed budget amount.

Moderator Adams re-read Article 20 amending the proposed budget amount to $3,739,678.00 to include the additional $4,300.00

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

The motion to amend the proposed budget amount to $3,739,678.00 failed by card vote.

Steve opened the floor to discussion on the original budget figure of $3,735,378.00

Selectwoman Small made a motion to reduce the town budget by $30,000. More specifically the police department special detail. This represents the amount not required now because the special revenue fund for police details was approved. This would bring the budget to $3,705,378.00.

Selectman Larry Konopka seconded the motion.

Moderator Adams reiterated the proposed amendment reducing the budget by $30,000.00.

Bill Miskoe disagreed with changing numbers. It did not feel it went well last year.

Dan Schroth expressed his appreciation for the Selectboard’s efforts to reduce the budget and thanked the town employees for foregoing a raise this year. He stated his support for the amendment.

Police Chief Wharem encouraged the body to vote for this amendment.

Scott Brown stated he noticed no money had been requested for capital reserves this year. He expects we will see them next year.

Selectman Konopka confirmed the Selectboard had not requested fund for capital reserves this year. The Selectboard will have to look into that next year.

Helen Schoppmeyer asked if this $30,000.00 was part of the $50,000.00 that was in that line item in the budget, and if so, why wasn’t there a request to reduce the budget amount the full $50,000.00.

Police Chief Wharem responded the $20,000.00 represents funds already expended, and that if the line item was reduced by $50,000.00 there would be a deficit of $20,000.00 in Police Department budget.

Mike Wolfe asked if the budget is only slightly less than last year and we are not putting money in capital reserves as we did last year, where was the money going?

Selectwoman Small confirmed the proposed budget is less this year.

Louie Houle asked for Cara Marston to clarify the proposed budget amount. Mr. Houle was questioning difference between the original Budget Committee figure of $3,850,297.00 and the proposed amended figure.

Cara Marston responded that the amount in Article 10 is the difference.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready to vote to reduce the written budget amount by $30,000.00.

Vote to reduce the proposed budget amount by $30,000.00 passed by card vote.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for vote on the amended budget of $3,705,378.00.

Vote to approve amended budget of $3,705,378.00 passed by card vote.

Article 21: To see if the town wishes to retain a fulltime Fire Chief effective January 1, 2014 in accordance with the intent of the action taken at the 2005 Town Meeting, rather than utilizing the services of a part time Fire Chief, as the town currently does. If the town votes in the affirmative an additional $45,568 will be added to the 2014 Fire Department budget to pay for salary and benefits for a full time Fire Chief in excess of the current salary and benefits that are paid to the part time Fire Chief.

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 21 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Fred Hast asked why this was being put off until January. He understood the current Chief was leaving March 31, 2013. The position has been advertised as part time until January. Why not hire a full time Chief now? He also asked what benefits did the part time Fire Chief receive.

Selectwoman Small responded that the part time Fire Chief has Social Security and Medicare. The Selectboard does not recommend a full time Fire Chief. They recommend a part time Chief because it is working, but this Article financially allows the option of full time.

Bill Miskoe asked under what authority did the Selectboard have to currently have a part time Fire Chief if it was voted in 2005 to have a full time Chief.

Town Administrator Paul Skowron explained the town first hired a full time Fire Chief, Gary Johnson. He was a retiree and they were able to work out an agreement where he was able to keep his retirement benefits. During his tenure, the Legislature changed the rules regarding how much retirees could work and still receive their retirement benefits. When former Fire Chief Gary Johnson left, the Selectboard chose an interim Fire Chief. They are now asking the voters to confirm the action taken in 2005, or as the Board recommends, and maintain a part time Fire Chief.

Bill Miskoe asked why wasn’t former Fire Chief Johnson replaced with a full time Fire Chief as voted in 2005.

Mike Wolfe stated regardless of the financial impact, he did not believe the Selectboard was honoring the will of the people by having a part time Chief.

Selectwoman Small stated they actually were. Right now we have an Interim Fire Chief. The Selectboard put this Article in to address the financial impact.

Bea Douglas stated the question as to why a full time Chief hadn’t been hired had not been answered. She also asked how the Fire Department found it was working with a part time Chief.

Louie Houle read the 2005 town meeting minutes as it pertained to the decision to hire a full time Fire Chief.

Cedric Dustin stated we were discussing 2013 budget, and asked why we were discussing $45,000.00 for 2014. He believed that would be an issue for next year.

Moderator Adams responded that the anticipation is that there would be a full time Fire Chief in 2014.

Cedric Dustin responded that would be in next year budget.

Mike Wolfe stated that as a Fire Department member, he would like to see a full time Chief. As a taxpayer he would like a Chief that uses our money wisely.

Selectman Konopka stated it would have cost the town an additional $25,000.00 this year for a full time Fire Chief and funds were not budgeted. The Selectboard was guided that they could hire an interim part time Chief temporarily until the new fiscal year. They needed to fill the position the best they could with what money was available. The retirement system has changed and a full time Fire Chief would have cost the town more money.

Fred Hast stated the Selectboard would have gone over budget, but if we look at the budget, the Selectboard went over the legal budget by $6,000.00. It could have gone over the budget for the Fire Department.

Scott Brown asked if this Article were tabled, what would be the SelectBoard’s charge, to hire full time or part time?

Town Administrator Paul Skowron stated we could go back to the budget and add $45,000.00 with the specific intention to hire a full time Fire Chief.

Moderator Adams stated he would need a motion to reconsider in order for that to happen, and that it must come from the prevailing side. He cautioned the body about going back and changing items that were already voted on.

Moderator Adams answered Mr. Brown’s question after conferring with Selectman Konopka that it would stay status quo with a part time interim Fire Chief.

Chris Hill felt we should have a dollar value on this for full disclosure. Due to the current economic circumstances, he agreed with the Selectboard on the part time chief, but expressed the need for a dollar value.

Cedric Dustin stated if we table Article 21, he believed we would be bound by the last vote in 2005. He stated we should have a full time Chief now, since that was the will of the people at the last vote. Until the body decides it doesn’t want a full time Fire Chief, would should have a full time Fire Chief.

Helen Schoppmeyer stated she was under impression it was decided to have a combined position of Fire Chief and Ambulance in 2005. She stated there should be an Article with a part time Fire Chief with a dollar amount if that was the intent.

Dan Schroth believed we need to think about the capital reserves before hiring a full time Fire Chief.

Fred Okrent stated according to state law, the Fire Chief is a member of Board of H S A so cannot be an inspector. The Chief could delegate inspectors in the department, but the Chief cannot do it.

Diane Vaughan asked didn’t we vote to pay for a full time Fire Chief last year? If so, why are we changing it now?

Selectman Konopka responded as he understood it, it is not that the Selectboard did not budget for a full time Chief, but that the law changed as to what had to be paid for benefits, and the extra funds necessary were not available. If the $45,000.00 were added to the budget the position could be filled full time. He reiterated that as he understood it, there could be a vote to amend the budget amount approved in Article 20, if that is what the body wanted.

Diane Vaughan asked what needed to be done to amend the budget.

Selectman Konopka stated he would support an amendment if that is what the people wanted.

Moderator Adams explained he would need a reconsideration of vote on Article 20. He cautioned the body of setting a precedent. People who voted on the budget may not still be here. He was concerned of changing the will of the people who were here at that time, but it is ultimately up to the body to decide.

Diane Vaughan asked for confirmation that when the Fire Department budget was created, it was based on part time, not as full time.

Moderator Adams confirmed that it was based on part time after conferring with the Selectboard.

Mary Paradise stated she was not sure if the position was advertised as full time and no one was interested, or if it was decided to go straight to part time interim, but that it had nothing to do with the retirement system and the previous Fire Chief. She believed the body need to decide whether or not we want a full time Fire Chief and worry about that cost. She noted the $45,000.00 may be a worst case scenario.

Louie Houle suggested this Article be tabled, and also asked the Selectboard to come back with a job description. He stressed the body was once again trying to make a last minute decision on money.

Stan Bailey made a motion to move the question as written.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 21 was defeated by card vote.

Article 22: Are you in favor to tell the Fire Chief to stop blowing the stupid fire alarm at 9:00 PM. (Submitted by Petition)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 22 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Dan Schroth stated he had petitioned for this Article because a man living across the street from the Fire Department came to him and expressed his frustration with the blowing of the alarm. This man’s mother decided she couldn’t live with him. Dan believed the blowing of the alarm could affect property sales.

Faith Whittier stated she has lived across the street from the fire station most of her life. The alarm is a part of living in town. Potential buyers should be aware of the fire station when they consider moving into the neighborhood.

Jennifer Cole asked if the sounding of the horn stopped, would it void the curfew.

Police Chief Wharem confirmed the curfew ordinance states there is a need for an audible notification of curfew, so he is not sure it is an enforceable vote. If Article 22 passed, the issue would need to be addressed.

Diane Vaughan stated she thought the 9:00pm alarm was to alert kids to the curfew and she did not mind it.

Dan Schroth didn’t think if we stopped blowing the alarm it would affect the curfew ordinance. He didn’t this it was that complicated. He asked doesn’t a kid know when it is 9:00pm?

Bill Miskoe asked since he can’t hear the whistle, does that mean the curfew doesn’t exist for me?

Police Chief Wharem stated the curfew ordinance was put in place due to concerns that young kids were out with older kids and adults sometimes very late into the evening getting into trouble. It is a mechanism for the Police Department to hold parents accountable. It has helped curb intercity problems they are having down town. He was concerned the curfew ordinance could not be enforced without the sounding of the alarm.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

Article 22 was defeated by card vote.

Article 23: Are you in favor to legalize grass in the good town of Pittsfield? Legalize in this case means no arrest, no penalty, and no tax from town cops. (Submitted by Petition)

Selectman Konopka moved to accept Article 23 as read, Selectwoman Small seconded.

Dan Schroth stated he realized only the State Legislature can change this law, but wanted to voice is opinion. Mr. Schroth read a list of reasons he felt it should be legalized. He believes the Government is the biggest dealer through doctors. He believes “grass” was put in the “War on Drugs” by mistake, and leads to disrespect for the law

Ted Mitchell stated since this body has no authority to make a decision, he would like to make a motion to table Article 23. Merrill Vaughan seconded the motion.

Moderator Adams reminded the body a 2/3 vote was needed to table the Article.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for question.

A count of the cards was requested.

Eric Barbasso asked why bother to vote if the decision is not binding.

Moderator Adams stated it was to follow due process.

A card vote was counted by the Supervisors of the Checklist
Card vote was 91votes Yes 18 votes No – Article 23 was tabled.

Article 24: To transact any other business that may be legally brought before said meeting.

Selectman Konopka thanked Paul Rogers (in absentia) on behalf of the Selectboard for his service on the Selectboard.

Moderator Adams introduced Supervisor of the Checklist Roberta Maxfield. She asked Frances Marston to come to the front. She thanked Fran for her 42 years of service as a Supervisor of the Checklist. She stated Fran had been instrumental in welcoming new voters and had seen many changes. She will be missed by many, and the Supervisors will always have a chair for Fran at their table. Mrs. Maxfield stated the Supervisors of the Checklist had appointed Elizabeth Hast to fill Fran’s remaining term.

Fred Hast noted last year $30,000 was appropriated to look into purchase of the aqueduct system. He asked for an update.

Town Administrator Paul Skowron confirmed no action had taken place as of yet.

Fred Hast stated the funds should have gone back to into budget.

Police Chief Wharem asked since Article 21 failed, do we have a full time or part time Fire Chief for the remainder of the year.

Moderator Adams stated he could only confirm Article 21 failed.

Selectwoman Small apologized again for the confusion. She stated the Selectboard would retain a full time Fire Chief as soon as they could come up with the funds. If the body wanted a full time Fire Chief, the Selectboard would strive to do that.

Stan Bailey thanked the Selectmen on behalf of the Rotary Club for donating their salary this past year to the balloon rally police detail.

Ralph Odell spoke on behalf of the Master Plan Committee. He encouraged people to fill out their survey.

Helen Schoppmeyer stated she was in favor of part time Fire Chief, but concerned about the will of people. The Selectboard should put in an Article asking for part time Fire Chief next year. She asked the Selectboard not to ignore the will of people. She also stated if the body had voted to look into the purchase of the aqueduct and if the funds were used for something else, she was very disappointed in this Selectboard.

Dan Schroth thanked the Town Department Heads and town employees for doing a good job, and the SelectBoard for putting his Articles on the warrant and giving him a chance to bring them before the voters.

Chris Ward asked for clarification as to whether we now had a part time or full time Fire Chief.

Selectwoman Small stated that per the resulting vote of Article 21, the Selectboard needs to fill the position as part time. To clarify, the Selectboard will do the will of the people and put a full time Fire Chief in the budget for next year.

Chris Ward asked if we have a full time Chief now until this new budget goes into effect.

Selectman Konopka conferred with Town Administrator Paul Skowron, and responded they would check with legal counsel on Monday to clarify, but as Selectman Konopka understood it, from now until 2014 the funds for a full time Fire Chief are not available.

Chris Ward stated this should have been clarified when the interim Fire Chief was determined in May. He thanked everyone for their hard work working for the town.

Selectman Konopka stated the Selectboard was working toward better communication as we go forward.

Peter Pszonowsky asked if more money was going to have to be budgeted to cover a full time Fire Chief.

Selectman Konopka responded they needed to check with legal counsel.

Merrill Vaughan asked what was considered part time.

Selectman Konopka responded 32 hours.

Merrill Vaughan asked what would happen if there was an emergency situation and the Chief was need beyond the 32 hours.

Moderator Adams encouraged people to discuss this issue further at a Selectboard meeting.

Merrill Vaughan asked how much went to legal expenses last year.

Moderator Adams confirmed the figure could be found in the Town Report.

Merrill Vaughan stated the money put toward legal fees had to be taken away from somewhere else. He did not feel that was right.

Lea Adams made a motion to adjourn. Louie Houle seconded.

Moderator Adams stated there was one more speaker who should have his chance to speak.

Police Chief Wharem voiced his concern no funding was set aside to make the Fire Chief position full time. His second concern was that as of January we would then have a part time Chief because we can’t discuss it until next town meeting. He is in favor of a full time Chief. In his opinion the Fire Chief is one of the most important positions in town, particularly in an emergency. A part time Chief should not be overseeing full time employees.

Moderator Adams asked the body if they were ready for the vote to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned 1:53PM

Minutes submitted by Erica B. Anthony, Town Clerk