September 23, 2014 Minutes

September 23, 2014

Present: Chair, Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Nancy Fogg, Trustee, Secretary J.C. Allard, Library Director, Beverly Pietlicki, Mr. William Tahnk, Alternate Trustee.

Meeting Convened: The meeting convened in closed executive session to draft a personnel evaluation at 5:30 p.m. The Chair called the regular meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.

Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes of the August meeting reviewed and accepted as written.

Old Business: The Chair, Dana Sansom revisited and discussed her meeting with the Town Administrator concerning the on-going project to make repairs and return the Children’s Room to full service. Noted that we are still waiting on a proposal and cost estimate by Mr. Scott Aubertin concerning the drainage and pathway work at the rear of the building. The Secretary will contact Capital Alarm Co. to refine a start date for their work on the alarm system upgrade. Trustee Nancy Fogg volunteered to contact Mr. Pat Heffernan concerning his ideas for the electrical system upgrade.

The Secretary reported that the rose window is still in possession of the restoration vendor and that the original cost estimate for repairs stands. The vendor remains willing to complete the project, but cannot start until “after the first of the year.” The Secretary will continue to serve as interface with the vendor. The board discussed the possibility of committing a partial payment to the vendor soonest to “lock” the project in.

The Secretary further reported on the most recent meeting of The Friends of the Library. Annual Poinsettia sale in planning stages as well as plan for a raffle conducted in conjunction with voting day at the town hall.

Nancy Fogg updated the board as to the question of ownership of certain paintings in the library. Paintings are to remain on indefinite loan to the library and will not be removed or further loaned to anyone. Nancy further reported that she has not yet received an answer to her investigations on the subject of vital records. More information will be forthcoming.

Director’s & Treasurer’s Reports: Both the Director’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report reviewed and accepted as presented.

New Business: Motion to formally accept future donations of money and property moved and seconded (Jim/Nancy). Motion carried

A motion was made and seconded (Jim/Nancy) to spend $100 to send the Library Director and the Children’s Librarian to the C.H.I.L.I.S. fall conference. Motion carried.

Miscellaneous: The Secretary will type changes and alterations to the draft Director’s evaluation and send to the Chair for final review and presentation to the Director.

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: Nothing to report.

Next Monthly Meeting: October 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn moved and seconded (Nancy/Jim). Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Submitted by J.C. Allard, Secretary