February 1, 2007 Work Session Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
DRAFT Minutes of Work Session February 1, 2007
Work Session called to order at 8:02 P.M.
Members Present: David Simpson (DS), Chairman, Bill Miskoe (BM), Vice
Chairman, Rich Hunsinger (RH), Paul Metcalf, Jr. (PM), Eric Bahr (EB),
Dan Greene (DG), Alternate, and Peter Newell (PN), Alternate and Delores
Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Members Absent: Larry Konopka, Donna Keeley, and Ralph Odell.
1. Proposed changes Zoning Ordinances as outlined by Susan
Muenzinger – Zoning Board.
(DS) related he had not realized that it was already too late to be submitting
any changes for ballot.
(BM) suggested they work on frontage for next year. (RH) suggested that
the Board work out a schedule for future Work Sessions so that any
information Board members may have can be brought to the meeting. (DS)
related that he had some information with him. (EB) related that there will
be a different Board soon but we could work on some of these items and
have them ready for the next Board. (BM) I would like to get some work
done and so far, nothing has been done at these Work Sessions. (RH) We
could put something together for next year. (EB) I think we should put
something together for ballot for March, 2008 and Public Hearing in June.
(DS) We can safely do this after vote is done. (RH) If done too early, people
forget so you would have to advertise it again. (EB) Week before election,
we could again talk about this stuff. (RH) related that we need to put
together a definition of frontage carefully. He cited a case in Meredith
where they ran into problems in regard to frontage on an island because
definition was not clearly defined. We need to look at what will work for
Pittsfield. We need to go into the definition and amend current definitions.
(EB) related that the biggest issue would be that one third way into it, the
Board changes and they may want to start over again. (PN) suggested that
maybe the Work Sessions should be scheduled on off Thursdays.
(EB) distributed copies of Zoning Ordinance for Cluster Residential
Development from Town of Lee. (RH) related that most towns have
professional Planners who work full time and perhaps, we could look at their
provisions. (EB) related that he had looked at dozens of towns written copy
and that related that this particular one is five pages long and Pittsfield
addresses this same issue in four sentences. (BM) acknowledged that this
was a place to start as a lot of these towns had paid full-time Planners.
(EB) briefly went over this Zoning Ordinance with Board in regard to
Permitted Uses, Cluster Developable Net Developable Area Standards, Acre
Requirement and Density, Minimum Lot Size, Single Family Detached
Dwelling, Two Family Residential, Frontage, Buffer Zone, Lot Dimension,
Roads and Parking, and Water and Waste Water Disposal. They also briefly
discussed Design Requirements and other Procedures. It was agreed that
Board members would review this information and that some of these issues
could be addressed at a future Work Session for possible adaptation to
Pittsfield ordinances. (DS) related that he would like to see building
envelopes put into the Regs.
(EB) Motion to Adjourn, (RH) Second, Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
_______________________ _______________________
David Simpson, Chairman Date