February 11, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
February 11, 2009
1. Meeting called to order at 5:37.          
2. Attendees:  Ed Vien (EV), Deb Jordan (JD),  Susan Muenzinger (SM), Helen Schiff (HS),
   and Ellen Barbasso (EB).  Also attending Matt Monahan (MM) representating CNHRPC
  Paul Skowron (PS) Town Administrator, and Scott Ward.    
3. Minutes from January 14, 2009 approved and accepted with a correction.  Susan’s last name
  has a “z” (Muenzinger).          
4. Reports from MM            
  A. Park and Ride Data          
    1. Park and Ride locations around Concord and Tilton are used extensively  
    2. (MM) provided a map showing commuting destinations for Pittsfield and surrounding 
      towns and data on the commuters        
    3. Many pass through Pittsfield.  The location on Rt 107 (Barnstead Rd) is ideal
    4. CNHRPC will send a letter to the state supporting this idea    
    5. A request was made to get another map showing traffic counts from Wolfboro, 
      New Durham and Epsom on the RT 28 Corridor    
    6. We would also like to see other main highways identified like Rt 4 and Rt 126
5. WiFi                  
  A. (DJ) prepared a letter to be sent to Metrocast      
    1. Some adjustments were made        
    2. Letter will be finalized, (EV) will sign and it will be sent out.    
  B.  Selectboard had some questions regarding WiFi      
    1. How does one get to use it?        
      a. (HS) uses it and will prepare a step-by-step guideline how to get on  
      b. This guideline will be available at Town Hall, Library and Post Office  
    2. Do we know anything about the people using it?      
      a. (MM)  will provide survey questions and send them to Veronica  
      b. Then we need to set up a home page, (SM) will contact Clayton Wood about that.
      c.Once a home page is set,  a link can be set up      
      d. A suggestion was made to have rotating banners for the advertisers.  So each time a
        user logs on a new advertiser’s banner will pop up.    
    3. How will it pay for itself?          
      1. Draw up a list of possible advertisers.      
      2. Send a letter to them, then follow up with a personal contact.  
12. Next meeting Wednesday February 25, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.    
13. Meeting closed at 6:42 P.M.          
Submitted by                
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary