February 13, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

FEBRUARY 13, 2007
Call to order at 6:00 P.M.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Donna Keeley (DK), Paul Skrowan (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
David Simpson (DS), Chairman, Planning Board presented Trigger
Development Road Bond to Board explaining that it is now properly signed
and dated. He related that (PS) has original and that, perhaps, this should be
run by town attorney one more time.
Dan Schroth related that “I really enjoyed last week’s meeting and they got
something accomplished. My questions were answered, my input listened to
and I left last week feeling good.” He specifically addressed (DK) asking
her if Art’s and your defense cost the town $12,000 in legal fees. (DK)
responded that he could “listen to the tapes. I do not choose to talk to you
about it. It’s in the Minutes.” Mr. Schroth related, “I guess you don’t want
to talk about it.”
Jim Theodore related that last week’s meeting was a good meeting,
everything got done pretty quick. I got all the information I needed. There
was nothing wrong with the meeting on my part.
Bob Elliott commented that at last week’s meeting Linda, Ed and Larry
made comments regarding the Ethics Committee’s vendetta concerning
John Lenaerts’ address to the meeting. He pointed out that John was going
to the Ethics Committee, was innocent and doing nothing mean. John took
five weeks to present this, never came to me to discuss this. He alleged that
I violated the Pittsfield Code of Ethics because I did not recuse myself as an
abutter. There is nothing in Statutes that states a member of land use board
must recuse themselves as an abutter. Mr. Lenaerts used Ethics Committee
as a vendetta tool. Art sat in on negotiations on Mr. T
Mr. Elliott also related that (DK) had not addressed Dan Schroth regarding
legal fees. Lester got $1,400 and the majority was spent on Donna and Art’s
attempts to discredit Mike and me.
John Lenaerts stated he would like to address a small part of Mr. Elliott’s
statement regarding the Ethics Committee. “I pointed out when this
happened I came to Selectman Board on two occasions. This is what
happened and it is disturbing. The Chairman of land use board should have
recused himself. I believe that I also said if nothing was done, my
alternative would be to go to Ethics Committee.” Also, last week (EV) had
said some “dirty people doing dirty things” during the Public Input and that
must be me and he said absolutely not. (EV) related, “I believe I said dirty
politics, not dirty people.”
(LK) related that he did not remember the subject of vendetta being brought
up. We all have our own techniques. I think Art has done a great job this
Denise Patterson related she remembered four years ago seeing her friend’s
name in the paper and it disturbed her. There should be peace about this
situation. Mr. Vaughan related at a recent meeting that we all should be part
of the solution. Let’s get past this, it is done, drop it and move ahead. It’s
tough but we need to move ahead. I care about the Town and I am
brokenhearted about this. Last week’s meeting was great, as so much work
got done. Art, you work your butt off and we should support you not make
trouble. We need to be part of the solution. Let’s move on, life is too hard.
Use our energies to get job done so that nothing sad like this happens again.
Jim Theodore related that he liked that (DK) told us everything that was
going on because I never know what was going on and I hold no grudges.
Close Public Input
6:15 P.M. – AHG
(LK) recused himself and was seated in audience.
(DS) related that a recent Planning Board meeting, they requested that AHG
come forward tonight regarding Thompson Road and its future in
relationship to AHG. He related that they had met two Sundays ago for a
Site Walk. Jennifer McCourt related that they were looking for two things,
namely to have DOT Driveway application signed and standard release.
AHG is looking to maintain the travel portion on Thompson Road, which is
mandated by Pittsfield Subdivision Regulations. The Town would not
maintain it. (DS) related the Louis Berger had reviewed original plans and
that Tony Puntin had some concerns, but I have nothing in writing right now
concerning this. Ms. McCourt demonstrated on maps, which she brought
with her that they would be upgrading 250 ft. on Thompson Road to
subdivision standards and into the development. Atty. Sullivan related that
Thompson Road would be upgraded to Class 5 standards but would remain a
Class 6 road. (DK) wanted to know who would be able to use road. Atty.
Sullivan related that anyone could use road.
Board further discussed what course was needed to follow, and it was
decided that application for DOT and release as well as comments from
Atty. Sullivan concerning these documents, would be forwarded to Laura
Specter for review.
(DK) Motion to authorized Art Morse, Chairman, Selectman Board to sign
application for driveway for DOT contingent upon review by town counsel.
(EV) seconded. A discussion followed as to how this would be
accomplished. Unanimous 3-0. Carried.
(AM) requested the Board’s input on the second portion, which is a standard
agreement and release for Thompson Road. (EV) related that we should
consult with town counsel and set up Public Hearing. Again, it was agreed
that this would be forwarded to Laura Specter along with Board’s questions
and Atty. Sullivan’s comments. (EV) wanted to know where the Planning
Board is at the present time regarding this subdivision. (DS) related that
they are also awaiting legal review from town counsel, Tony Puntin and
Department Heads as things have changed somewhat. I, personally, do not
anticipate any problems in regard to approval. (EV) wanted to know if this
process would be holding up Planning Board and was advised that it would
not by (DS). He suggested that Board should go with counsel’s
recommendations and perhaps, set up Public Hearing now. (DK) felt it was
premature to set date for Public Hearing and it probably could be done after
the March 1st meeting.
(LK) reseated at table.
(LS) related that there was a budget item that needed to be added to agenda.
(LK) information temporary office help, Tina Montville letter regarding
appointment to Department of Parks and Recreation, and Ralph Odell’s
(AM) questioned whether Ralph Odell’s letter could be done in public, and it
was agreed that it could. Building Inspector, Mike McLaughlin and Cara’s
letter would be dealt with in Non-Public. (EV) reminded that the Board
needed to schedule the school for the 17th and (AM) agreed that he would
take care of this.
Action Items:
1. Dave Simpson’s resignation letter:
(LK) suggested that, perhaps, he could stay until some cases have
been cleaned up and the position was filled. He suggested that the
present alternates be moved right up and that Ralph and Dave become
the alternates and maybe add an additional alternate. Presently Dan
Green and Peter Newell are the alternates.
Board discussed how and if this should be accomplished and whether
an additional alternate could be added to Board. (PS) related that he
saw no reason why a third alternate could not be added, as it is not
contrary to Statutes. He stated that this would not require a Public
Hearing just unilateral agreement by Board.
(LS) Motion to accept (DS) resignation as Chairman of Planning
Board. (EV) Second Unanimous 4-0. Carried
(LK) Motion to accept Ralph Odell’s request for leave of absence.
(DK) Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried
It was requested that (PS) write letter to Ralph Odell requesting he
consider being an alternate for the Planning Board now that his
leave of absence has been granted. His response should be in
(LK) Motion to accept Daniel Green as full member of Planning
Board. (DK) Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried
(LK) Motion to accept Dave Simpson as alternate to Planning
Board. (EV) Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried (DS) to be sworn
in again.
2. MRI – Agreement for Collective Bargaining Services
(PS) related that information on this had been forwarded to Board and
that No. 2 is the substance of the agreement. (AM) related that this
portion deals with continued approval for union contracts. Do we
want to enact before it passes. (PS) related that it does not commence
until April lst. (AM) related that if contract passes, committee would
be set up and MRI would be part of that committee. (DK) related
clause contingent on TM passing. (PS) related if both fail, it voids
No. 2 but that 1, 3, and 4 could still go forward. (LK) related that the
public should be informed and that a Public Hearing should be set up
for this. (DK) related if you have a public hearing on this item, then
you need to have a public hearing for everything. (EV) related that he
felt this was a management tool and that he was all for letting public
know. (DK) stated she is in favor of getting it signed and (LS) related
she thought it was crucial to get it done. (DK) related it is best to get
it done and ready to go so that MRI can begin working. (PS) related
that Patrick McQueen, another consultant for MRI, would be the
back-up person for the collective bargaining and explained a little of
his history in this regard. He would be the “alternate” for the Town of
Pittsfield in place of (PS) should something happen. Board voted and
carried 3-1. (LK) Nay.
3. Internal Controls Assessment
(PS) related that this assessment was done by MRI and that an
important aspect of this assessment is the managing and segregating
of financial activities. He related that the major part of the assessment
is centered around Cara and Liz. He related that the Board of
Selectman should look very closely at the responsibilities and tasks of
certain staff. He related that this contains detailed information
regarding internal controls in regard to their findings and
(EV) since this is a lengthy report, perhaps, we could set up a
workshop and discuss these and whether we want to change them.
It was agreed that a Work Session would be held on Tuesday,
February 27th at 4:30 P.M. It was also agreed that a copy of this
should be forwarded to the auditors for review.
4. Assessing Request for Proposals
(PS) related that he had forwarded to Board the contract sent out to
parties defined, fill in blanks, and then return it. He related that there
has been a great deal of discussion about the software (#13). He
related that the Board needs to consider cost, either this year on the
budget or the following one. Insurance requirements have been
included. (AM) “Are we going to change this service?” A discussion
ensued regarding this. (PS) related that person would be paid on an
hourly basis, be here about once a week, review abatement requests,
and do pick-ups. He would only be paid when he worked and would
be here 26 additional days throughout the year when service is
needed. (LS) Motion is not required for this and (AM) instructed (PS)
to send it out.
5. Planning Board, advertising for member.
(DK) to take care of this.
6. Pole License – Route 28
(PS) request has just been received by town and no comments from
Public Works has been received. This will be sent to George for his
7. Town Hall policy of copying tapes
(LK) related that Town has no policy of copying meeting tapes. I
called Local Government Center and was advised that Town could
charge the applicant the employee’s wage and cost of tapes ($l.00).
The LGC suggested that no one be allowed to handle tapes or
recording machine. My suggestion would be to charge $15.00 per
tape for copy and they would have to make arrangements for future
pick-up. If they just want to listen to tapes, they would be required to
make an appointment, employee would set-up Town recorder for them
and they would be able to listen to tapes, but not rewind, turn tapes
over, insert additional tapes.
(DK) related that she thought this was a little pricey but agreed that
individual should make an appointment to listen to tapes and not
handle them. Dee to evaluate and advise as to assessment of cost for
reproducing tapes.
8. Police Department employee request for Leave of Absence
Sgt. Jeffrey Cain asking for two weeks leave of absence and then
following return, work twenty (20) hours a week for two to four
weeks due to family medical issues. (LS) Motion to accept leave of
absence as requested. (DK) Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried
9. 2007 Feral cat petitioned Warrant Articles, add $3,000 to ACO
(LS) related that the Budget Committee had some questions in regard
to this Warrant Article. They did not recommend it and proposed
questions as to how funds, labor hours, as well as what would be
happening to the cats. (DK) related she looked at this as a resource
adding to ACO budget. (EV) related that the money was to go into
ACO but questioned who was to say how it was spent and if spent
specifically for cats. He related that he felt that $10,000 is a large
amount ($7,000 already budgeted and now $3,000 additional).
Denise Patterson related that she did not know what input Anne
Taylor, Animal Control Officer would have in the future. She did
speak to Anne in the past about funds to transport cats to Humane
(LK) Motion to accept Article 40 as written, (DK) Second. Vote:
(DK) and (LK) recommend it. (EV) and (LS) not to recommend it,
and (AM) recommend it. Carried (AM) related he would like to see
an ordinance someday licensing cats.
10. Taxi Ordinance
(PS) the Town Attorney has reviewed this latest version and had a
number of questions. These have been referred to Chief of Police and
I currently do not have revised Taxi Ordinance to present to Board.
(LS) a Public Hearing is scheduled but attorney advised not to rush
into this. I would not even suggest having a Public Hearing, as I am
not comfortable with this. We should not rush into another ordinance
with problems. We should do it right. (LK) had some serious
concerns regarding driver’s records and kids using these services.
(LS) posed the question, “If we have an Ordinance, are we more
liable?” It was agreed that this would be sent to Laura Specter for
review and to see if there was some other way to administer controls
for this service.
11. Any other forthcoming Warrant Articles.
12. Change in Budget (Added)
(LS) related that the Budget Committee had accepted and voted in the
Budget except for one thing. This was the Town Administrator
retirement and health insurance for a full year. It was recommended
that this figure be adjusted and be for a six month period. She
recommended that the Board support this and eliminate $14,770 from
the budget. (LS) Motion to accept Budget Committee figures and
accept amount of budget as $3, 604,446. (DK) Second. Unanimous
4-0 Carried.
13. Request of Tina Montville – Departments of Parks & Recreation
(DK) suggested we first find out if vacancy exists.
1. Website Committee
Pending. (DK) had expressed some interest in this. It was suggested
that committee members be accepted on Ad Hoc basis and (DK) will
consult Bill Provencal and advise.
2. Temporary Office Help (Add-On)
(LK) related that (PS) is here about 20 hours a week and that he does
not have sufficient time to address all issues. He related that at the
present time (PS) is able to “hold fort down”. He suggested that
temporary help, currently retired individuals, might be able to assist
(PS) with additional items. (LS) related when (PS) starts working on
future issues, he will have even less time. There are not enough manhours
to pull off all that needs to be accomplished. (PS) related that
his view is that there are not enough hours to actively participate in
the requirements within this building. Recognizing the Internal
Control Assessment, people are doing what they shouldn’t be
doing and perhaps retaining a support staff person who would be responsible
for a lot of things that are not currently being done on a timely basis. He
mentioned that this is a small community and that cross training would be a
suggestion and consider adding another person. (AM) suggested this is
something they could consider during upcoming Work Session. People do
more than real job requires. A brief discussion ensued regarding present
office staff (Anne Taylor) and if she would be returning to Town Hall or just
as Animal Control Officer.
1. Highway Garage – Exhaust issue
(PS) related that he had sent memo to Mike McLaughlin and George
and to date, has not heard back from them.
1. Veteran’s Exemption Application – Ripplinger
(PS) Mr. Ripplinger qualifies. (LK) Motion to accept application for
veteran’s exemption for Paul T. Ripplinger. (LS) Second.
Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
(DK) Motion to accept payroll for week ending February 12, 2007. (LS)
Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
(DK) Motion to accept check manifests. (LK) Second. Unanimous 4-0.
Minutes of Non-Public Session from January 16, 2007 to be prepared by
(PS). (PS) related that this had not yet been prepared.
(PS) noted that before the issue of manifests is completed, Cara gave every
Board member an explanation of the check to the Unemployment
Compensation. (LS) related that she had never seen it done this way and
related that at some point this premium should be in the Budget.
(LK) Motion to accept minutes of February 6, 2007, (DK) Second.
Unanimous 4-0. Carried. (AM) Abstain, not present for meeting.
(LK) noted that he had received a bill for attorney fees from Mitchell and
Bates in the amount of $504. I thought that was supposed to be free. (DK)
we should notify them that this was supposed be our free visit.
(LK) Also, what about letter for town meeting? (AM) Liz needs to put the
ballot together. (PS) We need to send info to State regarding ballot.
(LS) at one of the Board meetings, Chief of Police had mentioned
participating in FEMA program and that we had to respond by January 12,
2007. Was that ever done? (Unknown, check with Chief of Police.)
Fred Hast wanted to know if the Internal Control Assessment was available
to the public. (PS) A copy will be placed in lobby. He also questioned the
software discussed earlier and suggested talking to Cara about it. (LS) stated
we need updated software. Also, did I understand that you are
recommending the Feral Cat Petitioned Warrant Article? Advised yes. In
regard to the Taxi Ordinance, who is going to stop individuals from coming
into town with unmarked vehicles and stating that they are taxis? As far as
the highway garage exhaust, we spent $50,000 at the Fire Department for
their exhaust system and the garage needs same thing. (LS) Voters
approved $65,000 and we spent $47,000. Regarding the attorney fees,
“Walter used to come down every three months for free.” (LS) stated we
would have to check into that. In regard to the having additional personnel,
you have Cara as Assistant Town Administrator and she took over a lot of
the duties. (LS) stated that she is not the assistant town administrator, she is
an administrative assistant. Mr. Hast disagreed and suggested then it was
changed. (LS) There is a difference in the positions. I didn’t change it.
(LK) regarding the Town Administrator (PS) does not have time to do a lot
of things. Cara does an excellent job.
Denise Patterson asked for a short description as to the MRI collective
bargaining Services. (AM) explained it is to renegotiate with unions in
She also noted that she had spent some downstairs helping a friend. She
stated “Don’s area is freezing. Need some heat down there. Where Don is
working they are working with coats on.. Betsey recently hurt her leg and
cannot go up stairs and there is no restroom down there. I spoke to Betsey
about maybe sealing windows to keep warmer.”
As far as reproducing tapes, just have them fill out a form and let them know
they can come back for it.
She also explained briefly the feral cat issue and that with the increase of
fissure cats, that maybe the cat population will be decreasing. Fisher cats are
a danger to children and pets. The warrant article would fall on Police
Pam St. Laurent noted that Budget Committee noted $21,000 for union for
one year. What is it for other than increases? (AM) Longevity payments for
employees with extended period of time.
(LK) regarding the Town Administrator, (PS) does not have to do a lot of
things. Cara does an excellent job.
Denise Patterson wanted to know how many resumes have been received for
Town Administrator. (PS) about 4 or 5.
Denise Morin questioned that in regard to collective bargaining services by
Mr. McQueen, it would be $105.00 per hour. How much time is it going to
take? (PS) responded about l00 hours between two unions. She wanted to
know if Mr. McQueen’s rate was a backup to (PS) rate. (PS) Yes. She also
wanted to know who performed Internal Control Assessment. (PS) MRI
contracts to do all communities they insure and the staff and MRI will
review. She also wanted to know if any one member of the Board had
looked at the applications. (LS) Yes, I have, as have all Board members.
Close Public Input
(LK) Motion to go into non-public session according to NH RSA 9l-A:3, II
(a). (DK) Second. Board polled, Unanimous.
Public meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
After non-public meeting, Motion to move Josh Brehm to full-time EMT by
(EV), Second LS. Unanimous.
Motion to adjourn (LS), Second (EV).
APPROVED:_February 20, 2007