February 16, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Linda Small, Chairman.


Linda Small (LS), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




(DM) Safety Committee Update, Library Grant; (LK) Update on Out-of-Town Police Log, Update Disrespect Policy; (LS) Police Schedule; (FH) Town Hall Windows.


Maurice Wells: I went to the Salt Shed with Paul Richardson and George and visited the Treatment plant. There is stuff all over the place. “It ain’t right.” What about the fuel tanks that the Highway and Police Department have? (PS) There are no diesel or gas tanks at the Police Station and the only thing at the garage is the diesel tank. (LS) It has been there a long time. Maurice: They are fueling up at Bell Brothers; do we get State and Federal Tax relief? (PS) Yes.

Maurice Wells also had some concerns regarding hook-up fees as noted in past Town Reports. There is a BOS report from 2008 that states the Town Administrator has forty years experience but when you first came here you had to go back to MRI before you could get an answer on some things. My question is do you have forty years of experience? (PS) assured him that he has been in municipal government for forty years and gave him a brief overview of his past experiences.

Maurice: The Town Report also says that the Highway Department Supervisor was appointed in 1981, but he was appointed in 1987. Also, the Highway vehicles are still not marked. “Let’s get with it. I want them lettered.” Another thing, about George’s truck allowance…. He gets paid $300 a month because he uses his truck for Town business. (FH) explained that was done prior to his being on the Board, but that the Town could not purchase a truck and run it for that price. Maurice: There is a blue truck down there that could be used. George just rides around in that truck and we should have continued to pay George by the mile.

Mr. Wells also noted that regarding driveway permits, Town did not give homeowner a driveway permit up by Rolling Green. He did a good job fixing up his house and Board would not give him a driveway permit. He owns the land. (LK) In order to give him that driveway permit, the Town would lose three parking spots which is what State law requires.

Mr. Wells noted that Faith Whittier’s lawn was dug up by a plow truck. This should be fixed. She lives alone. (DM) Has she requested that this be done? Have her make a formal request. Maurice: They did it and they should fix it. I will have her write a letter.

Ted Mitchell noted that he would like to present to Board some landscaping ideas regarding the Town Hall at the next BOS meeting. Board agreed.

Clayton Wood explained that Website Committee would like to make available online the tax maps for public review. He explained that this could be accomplished by Cartographics Associates, Inc. as a PDF file for a one-time fee and then maintained under the annual updated contract maintenance for no additional fee. Cartographic will maintain the PDF file and do the necessary updates on an annual basis. We are trying to get your approval soon as they usually update around March/April.

More and more towns are doing this and the maintenance is part of what you are already paying. Once these have been converted, there is no additional charge. (See No. 9, Action Items.)


1. Bid Opening for Boermeester Property

(LS) There is one bid that has come in after the closing date and it is up to the Board’s discretion if they wish to accept it as part of the other bids. (LK) noted that he had a phone call concerning this over the weekend and I directed him to the Town Administrator; I explained to them that it was up to the Board. Board agreed that since all the bids remain sealed, they would consider all the bids including the one that was submitted after the closing date.

(EV) Motion to review all three bids since they are all sealed and will be reviewed for the first time tonight. (LK) Second. Carried 3-2 (DM) and (FH).

(LS) opened the sealed envelopes:

Three Bears, LLC Bid: $30,000 and check enclosed for $2,500.
Charles Elliott Bid: $25,000 and check enclosed for $2,500.
Richard Boddie Bid: $31,000 and check enclosed for $2,500.

(LS) I do know Richard Boddie. Board will review and decide. (PS) noted that Richard Boddie has E-mailed him questioning whether he would be responsible for taxes and I advised him that he would not. (See below for continuation of Action Item.)

2. Selectmen Letter Re: Appointed Planning Board

Board agreed that letter should be sent to Sun for publication and noted that it should be in the March 3rd release. (FH) requested that his name be removed from the letter, which (PS) will do prior to release.

3. Updated Contract – Cross Country Appraisal

(PS) The first thing I asked when I received this is “Why do I have this?” I did not understand why Board had to sign the contract, but DRA requires it to be done. (LS) Is this regarding the performance bond piece which I brought up previously? (PS) State law now requires surety.

(FH) Motion to approve updated contract of Cross Country Appraisal Group for 2010. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Petition and Pole License

(PS) I have asked George to look at it and he is satisfied with the location.

(DM) Motion to approve Public Service of New Hampshire Pole License 41-0277. (LK) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) Is the pole set yet? (PS) No. (LS) Public Service has to get pole permission; does telephone company have to do the same thing? (PS) Yes. Some of the poles are jointly owned. (LS) I am pretty sure there is a new pole on Berry Avenue.

5. Fire/Ambulance Payroll

(PS) I have written a Memo to the Board outlining the events of the past along with copies of the Pay Sheet, which Cara made up, and Attendance/Time Record. My recommendation to the Board is these payroll sheets and a copy of each application incident report be submitted on a weekly basis.

(EV) Motion to approve the Memo noting the payroll submission process for the Fire/Ambulance Call Personnel. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) They agreed upon this and then they recanted. (LS) This is a good way to track this and keep on top of things.

6. Application for Junk Dealers License

(PS) The package consists of the application for Junk Dealers License completed by James Snedeker and a check for $25.

(EV) recused himself and was seated in the audience. (6:35 P.M.)

(LK) I would like to have CNHRPC review all documents and decisions to date and to see a written review of all actions to date and to give this Board direction and guidance to move forward with our options. Also, I would like to send a copy of this application for Junk Dealers License to Conservation Committee for a FYI.

(DM) I also question the grandfather status running off this permit. (PS) He originally submitted application for Junk Yard License, Board discussed it and it eventually ended up with the ZBA and they acted on his request for the exception on the property. The Notice of Decision is enclosed. The ZBA granted a conditional decision. (DM) How do we know he is in compliance? (LS) The ZBA approved the storage of junk metal. I was concerned about the bonding piece of it. How do we do this, Paul? (PS) Larry’s recommendation to send to CNHRPC is a reasonable one. There is a good workbook that is put out by LGC that might be helpful. (LK) As I mentioned, also like to have the Conservation Commission’s input on this. (FH) Didn’t this go to Court? (PS) Yes. (LS) We need to be sure what we are permitting them to do.

(LK) Motion to send documents and decisions of ZBA to CNHRPC so they can offer this Board direction and guidance to move forward with Town options. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (EV) – Speaking from the audience: I can give you a little history of this. He first asked for an exception and then said he was grandfathered and that is what ZBA looked at –- every day scrap metal. ZBA determined that he was grandfathered for scrap metal only. We had several hearings and after ZBA decision it then went to Court, was appealed to Superior Court and then dropped. Every available legal avenue has been taken. The ZBA only dealt with the scrap metal part of it. Please note that this is only input as Zoning Board Chairman for clarification purposes only.

(LK) I think it would be a good idea to have the Vice-Chairman of the ZBA present and handle this matter when it comes before this Board.

Board took a short break at 6:44 P.M. Board resumed meeting at 6:48 p.m.

(EV) returned and was seated on the Board.

7. Information from Chief Wharem Re: Lobby Renovations

(LK) The Chief should be provided with a copy of the Town Bid Policy. Either he would have to have multiple bids or request a Waiver of the Bid Policy. (EV) I would also like a breakdown of materials. (DM) I would also like a timeframe put on this. (PS) It should go out to bid and we should get a number of bids.
(LS) There should be a through breakdown of materials and a timeframe should be noted. Paul, what do you suggest? (PS) Probably the end of March 2010.
(FH) Once the bid is accepted they would have thirty days to start, and thirty days to finish.

(LK) I would also like an explanation as to why Bid Policy was not followed.

8. Draft Emergency Transportation Policy

(PS) The Board has asked for a “taxi policy” and I have reconfigured it here as an Emergency Transportation Policy (Draft Form). I anticipate that you would like to put it on as an Action item for the next meeting. (LK) Before it gets to this Board, it should be approved by the Police Department. (PS) I can write that into it. (FH) I believe that Department of Motor Vehicles inspects taxis. (LK) I would like to see that in there. (LS) It should be controlled and monitored by Board of Selectmen. Board discussed who would provide list and who could be responsible for it. (DM) Someone needs to be responsible for the list and that those on the list meet all requirements.

9. Tax Mapping Online

(FH) Motion to approve $139 for Tax Mapping for Website. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Library Grants

(DM) The Library has requested the BOS support in requesting Library Grants, which I have researched and am in the process of assisting them with. Board of Selectmen noted that they would be supportive of the grant writing relating that the building should be maintained. (LS) noted that she is not a “grant fan” but would support this. (DM) noted she would meet with (PS) regarding this.

11. Town Hall Windows

(FH) We need desperately to get this building up to date. (DM) Is there money left over from when the roof was done? We could do the most urgent ones first. (FH) We could apply for a grant. (DM) A loan development grant.

12. Out of Town Vehicle Log

(LK) Paul, do you have an update on this yet? (PS) I have nothing to report right now.

13. Disrespect Policy

(LK) noted that he would like to discuss this in Non-Public Session.

14. Draft Ambulance Bill Waivers

(PS) This was presented by Diane for BOS review. This will be on the next BOS Agenda. (DM) She has presented a good start with this.

15. Draft BOS Letter Re: Appointed Planning Board

It was agreed that the draft letter was acceptable for publication. (FH) I still think that if the right people run, then let them run. He noted that he did not vote for this and would like to have his name removed from letter.

16. Safety Committee Update

(DM) The Safety Committee is together and active. Wynette DeGroat, LGC, was at our last meeting. We have scheduled a safety walk with her on April 7th at
9:00 A.M. at the WWTP to note if we can improve safety conditions.

17. Police Schedules

(LS) I have been noting Police Department schedules since December. When Chief was in to review budget we asked the Chief if he could maintain security with the decrease in patrol hours. According to schedules from December to present there has been a drop in hours of 38 hrs, 77 hrs., 75 hrs., and 47 hrs. in various weeks. I am asking this Board how we can maintain the same level of security in Pittsfield with the drop in patrol hours. I know that quite of bit of this relates to various errands, but I am appalled and nervous about this and do not understand the logic behind this. Where is the schedule analysis for work schedule of 8 hours as opposed to 10 hours?

(PS) About ten days ago, (EV), Chief Wharem and I discussed this. The Board wanted information for clarity purposes with no actual conclusions in mind. Chief said he would sit with me and review the 8 hour shift arrangement which I am still anticipating he will do. (LS) We should put a deadline on that, too. We need to look at this with due diligence and do our job. (DM) What has changed as far as the status of officers? (PS) He has an officer that has resigned and one that may have military duty extended.

(LS) Where are the part-timers? There is a significant decrease in patrol hours. We were assured that part-timers would pick up more hours. (DM) I believe that the field training is pretty much done. (LS) We were assured that this was not going to be a problem and it is a problem. We need to push for the schedule analysis. (DM) We need to reassess staffing. How many part-timers are there? (PS) Seven. (DM) Off. Coolidge is not coming back. (LK) We need to have the Chief come in for next meeting. (LS) There are 38 part-time hours this week. I am curious why someone would come in for two hours. Why did Sgt. Walter come into to work two hours? Isn’t he on leave? Some kind of analysis has to be done for this department. What is the answer? (LK) Let’s ask Chief to come in and get things in place. (LS) I know I have been harping on this for two years but schedule if not going to cut it. (LK) He told us he could maintain department coverage.
(LS) This is putting officers at risk. (PS) I had anticipated I would get some information. (LS) We need coverage on streets.

18. Warrant Articles – 2010

(PS) I have passed out the latest draft dated February 16th which I think are straightforward and correct. If agreeable, I have copies of this for the Board to sign. They would need to be posted by Monday, February 22nd.

19. Resignation of Police Officer

(LK) Motion to accept resignation of Jesus Ostolaza as of February 1, 2010. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (DM) Are we still doing exit interviews? (LS) We are supposed to be doing them. (LS) Also, how much has Town spent on field hours training for this individual?




1. Town Hall Improvement – Life Safety Codes Pending
2. Sidewalk Improvement Plan

This is currently in progress through school and will be removed from the future agendas.

3. Capital Improvement Program Pending
4. Health Officer

(LK) No one volunteered for this and my main concern was in relation to the H1N1 flu but at this point, it is pretty well taken care of so we can probably take this off the future agendas.

Emergency Management Director & Deputy Emergency Management Director:

(LK) We have no response for any volunteers for this position. (LS) If we need to appoint someone from the inside then we do. (LK) Someone with a health background. (LS) Maybe it is time to just appoint someone. (FH) Will they accept it? (LS) They have to; it would be part of their job. They would be hard pressed to say no. This Board should not accept “No, I will not be accepting.” They are in public safety. (LK) This should be on the Agenda for next meeting. (LS) I think I know someone who would do be capable of doing it – Jeremy Yetton.

7. Firefighter/EMS Cross Training

(LS) Why is this on the Agenda? (PS) Denise had requested that this be put on the Agenda to be addressed once the Budget has been completed. The intent was to have the Fire Chief in and Board discuss. (FH) As I understand, he wants firefighters and EMT’s cross trained and that will cost about $60,000 or more. (LS) The savings in cross training would offset the higher costs. (FH) It will cost over $60,000. (LS) We will save on the other end and it will be good for the community. We will need to discuss it. (FH) Some are cross trained now.

5. LGC Job Descriptions

(FH) The Town spent money on this. (LS) About $1,100. (FH) We have not done anything with this since it has been done. (LS) It is one of the things that will be addressed when things quiet down.

(FH) What about the people behind on taxes. DRA could come in here on this. Also, I happened to be in the office when interest was paid on back taxes by individual other than property owner…… (LS) Please drop this conversation, it is out of line. You are out of order.




(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes February 2, 2010

(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of February 2, 2010.
(EV) Second.


(LK) Page 1 – Agenda Review: Should be Transportation not Communication
(LK) Page 2 – Last Paragraph: change after Main Street Taxi – “they would not be willing to transport at all. After …interested “but not in bad weather.”
(LK) Page 4, Paragraph 1, Line 4: add after 14 days and this has been done in the past for other individuals.
(LK) Page 6, Paragraph 1: after “Town at 7:30 A.M.” add (LK) And I have, too.
(EV) Page 9, Paragraph 7: change to… “BOS should be advised if anyone has a Workers Compensation claim.”

2. Non-Public Session Minutes February 2, 2010

(FH) I would like to address them in Non-Public.

Break 7:45 P.M. Resume at 7:48 P.M.


Maurice Wells: Has anyone contacted the Building Inspector on this Junk Yard License? (LS) I do not know. (PS) elaborated that all staff conversations do not always include me. Is this about his putting cars outside of the fence and not about the car crusher? Maurice: He has put them at his mother’s property and then removed them in a couple of days.

Maurice: This money that is in the fund, you paid Suncook Regional Development $6,500. (LS) The Spradling Group was paid out of the EDC budget.
Maurice: The skid steer that the Police Department confiscated is at the WWTP, do we charge storage? (PS) to follow-up on this.

He noted that he would like to be on the Agenda for the next meeting and would like to have the Highway Department Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor be here. Board agreed. This Board is too late in “crocodiling in on departments.”
(LS) Not all. Some Board members work really hard to hold them accountable.

Maurice Wells left meeting at 7:52 P.M.


(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a) and (d).
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:55 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of February 16, 2010.
(LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of February 2, 2010.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Boermeester Property

(LK) Motion to accept bid on Boermeester property, 25 River Street for Richard Boddie, $31,000 contingent upon purchaser meeting all conditions of sale. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

Approved: March 2, 2010

___________________________ _________________________
Linda Small, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on February 16, 2010 and publicly posted on
February 18, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes