February 17, 2011 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustee Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2011 6:30 pm

Present: Sylvia Wallace, Chairman, Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary

Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Dana/Sylvia) to accept with a correction the minutes of the January 20, 2010 meeting.

Old Business:
• Sanderson Fund update: Monies totaling $1836.88 were received from the Fund to pay for the projector and other items for its use. The projector will be used for the Family Movie night tomorrow.
• Public Service Hours: The hours of the library have been changed, effective March 1, with advertisement and media blitz to inform the public. The hours will now be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 2-7 pm, Friday and Saturday 10 am – 1 pm. This change has no impact on the budget.
• Due to the change of hours, the state library van driver will be given a key to the library, allowing him to deposit the bins of books he brings every week in the vestibule of the building. If he went further, the security alarm would go off and also he has been a trusted driver for many years, known to the director.
• Mellon Shares of stock: Since we are not able to locate the certificates, we are allocating $100 (from Trustee funds) to pay for the cost of replacement of them and this also will allow us to monitor the stocks and change the tax id number so it corresponds to the library’s number.
• Dave Provencal will attempt to build shelves in time for the Art Show beginning March 10 so we can easily display the students’ work. But since he has many commitments, it may not be completed by then and we understand that factor.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted after discussion explaining line items by the director.

New Business:
• Judith MacClellan gave notice of her resignation because she is moving. She will still be a volunteer and work with the Friends of the Josiah Carpenter Library. The director and trustees are very saddened to lose her as a valued employee who brought energy, knowledge and spirit to her work.
A lengthy discussion was held regarding coverage of her position and hours with no definitive
decision being made as yet. The director will cover the hours during this interim period.
• A decision was made to put the monthly trustee meeting on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm instead of 6:30 pm.. The previous reason it was changed to Thursday is no longer a factor so we are going back to Tuesdays with publication of this fact since the public can attend. The 7 pm time was because the library is now open until 7 pm and it makes it easier to have the meeting after hours.

Adjournment: It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 8:55 pm. (Mary, Sylvia)

Next Meeting: March 15, 2011 7 pm (At 6:30 pm the trustees will meet to prepare the director’s annual evaluation.)

Submitted by: Mary Schelble, Secretary