February 18, 2010 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board Meeting
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Pittsfield Elementary School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson (6:45)
Kathy Corliss
Leslie Vogt
Michael Wolfe
Elizabeth Adams

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois-Jean Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Leslie Bergevin, Director of Guidance, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES
Select Board Members (Linda Small and Larry Konopka)
Town Manager (Paul Skowron)
Member of the Public

Vice Chairperson Vogt called the meeting to order at 5:31p.m., in the absence of
Chairperson Paradise.


The following items were added to the agenda:
o Student matters in non-public session (Dr. Freeman)
o Personnel matter in non-public session (Dr. Freeman)


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.


A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded Ms. Corliss to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2010 meeting. Ms. Adams pointed out that on page 3, paragraph 2, the minutes should read “by Mr. Gremlitz,” rather than “for Mr. Gremlitz.” The Board approved the minutes as amended.


Linda Small, Chairperson of the Pittsfield Select Board, expressed the opinion of the Select Board relative to the location of future elections. She stated that the Town Hall does not have adequate space to efficiently facilitate the voting process. Parking was also stated as a problem. Town Hall operations are severely impacted due to the voting process. Ms. Small acknowledged the School Board’s desire to maintain a safe environment for the students. She stated that she thought parking would be an issue at PMHS.

Mr. Wolfe stated that parking at PES would be a more significant problem. The circle in the front of the elementary school would need to be off limits, due to the students being outside and using the roadway for recess. The election might need to be suspended during dismissal time due to bus traffic. Mr. Wolfe explained that if the elections were held at PMHS, students may have a genuine interest in the process. Ms. Vogt further explained the benefits of having the election at PMHS, including a separate entrance with rest room facilities, so that the public would not have to sign in as they came in to vote. She reiterated the parking issue would be easier at PMHS. Discussion ensued regarding the traffic patterns involved. Ms. Adams stated that the voter turn out in March would be lighter than in November. She also stated that she has received information from the supervisors of the checklist suggesting that the move of elections from Town Hall to one of the schools would be inconvenient, due to their need to move files.

Ms. Small reiterated the concern for over congestion at the Town Hall. Ms. Vogt stated that other schools who host elections establish separate facilities, such as in the gymnasium that can be segregated from the student population. Ms. Adams stated that the students who need to fulfill their community service requirement may be able to assist in the process. Ms. Paradise added that eighteen year old students may have easier access to voting if the election were held at PMHS. Ms. Small thanked the Board members for their explanation of the reasons why PMHS would be a better option than PES and stated that she has a deeper understanding of the issues. Safety issues are paramount in the School Board’s desire to use PMHS, rather than PES.

Ms. Small thanked the School Board for hearing their concerns. Ms. Paradise thanked Ms. Small and Mr. Konopka for their service to the town; noting that their terms were up and that they were not running for re-election. Ms. Small thanked Dr. Freeman and stated that he has been a pleasure to work with while executing
business common to both boards.

At 6:50 p.m., Ms. Vogt turned the chair of the meeting over to Ms. Paradise. A change in order of the agenda was requested to accommodate a member of the public and Ms. Bergevin.



Ms. Vogt reported on the results of the meeting of the Town Budget Committee on Saturday, February 13, 2010. She explained that the cuts proposed by the Budget Committee included reducing co-curricular ($4843), speech and language ($10,004), SAU phone ($1600), and special education transportation ($45,115). This totals $61,562.

The warrant article for the teacher’s contract was not recommended. The vote was four to three with two abstentions. She explained that although the Budget Committee members understood that our teachers’ salaries are low in the state, they philosophically were opposed to the idea of the contract, especially in the context of a public sector in which limited raises will be seen. All other warrant articles were recommended.

Ms. Paradise explained that the Board needs to balance the responsibility to the taxpayer with the task of running our schools efficiently. She explained that the Board will need to consider the budget that they have proposed against the cuts that have been proposed by the Budget Committee. Ms. Chassie stated that Dr. Freeman has asked for another review of the special education transportation and speech / language needs, which will occur this week. She explained that there have been changes in needs and costs since the budget was developed in the fall.

Ms. Adams suggested subtracting the $1600 for the phone system to reflect accuracy in the budget proposal, stating that transparency is critical to establish trust within the community.

Ms. Paradise suggested having the budget summary inserted in the Suncook Valley Sun as well as letters published in the Sun from Board members regarding the teacher contract. Ms. Corliss suggested adding the website address to any communication sent to the public to allow members of the public to review additional budget details.

Clayton Wood asked what would happen if the voters defeated the warrant article relative to the teachers’ contract. Ms. Paradise stated that if it were defeated, the district would need to live by that decision and that the current contract would remain in effect. Such action would complicate the situation in the next negotiation when the teachers may be looking for a larger increase to make up for a year with no increase. Mr. Wood stated that he doesn’t think the public understands the cuts that have already been made and that efforts should be made to help them understand. He also stated that he believes that the Board should take a stronger stance on the budget that they have developed. Mr. Wood thanked the Board for their work on the budget.

Ms. Paradise directed Dr. Freeman to prepare the insert for the Suncook Valley Sun and to post information on the website. She also asked Dr. Freeman to send the electronic version of the budget summary to an email to board members so that they can send it along to other people and organizations.



Ms. Bergevin stated that the district has a contract with Main Street Academix, a firm that works to develop student leadership. PMHS has trained twenty-two student leaders. The students have administered a survey to staff and students related to school climate. With staff from Main Street Academix, the students analyzed the student data from the survey and chose four issues that emerged as priorities. Staff repeated this activity and also chose four issues. Main Street Academix will now help the students to develop an action plan to address the priority issues. Next year, the survey will be re-administered to determine the level of improvement in the area of school climate.

Ms. Bergevin stated that another grant has been written, which will hopefully fund the second year of the project.

Ms. Corliss asked how the students were selected. Ms. Bergevin explained that the students who participated in the student leadership training last year were given first option to participate. These students were identified by staff. Additionally, several students with disabilities were identified, due to the funding source of the grant.


At 6:58 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss to enter into non-public session to discuss personnel pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a and c). The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session.

Dr. Freeman distributed a draft of a sample schedule for PMHS next year. Ms. Bergevin explained the details of the schedule. The sample schedule represents the decrease in staff due to budget cuts. Additionally, Dr. Freeman distributed a list of potential staffing reductions and changes.

Ms. Bergevin explained the timeline that will be followed to eventually notify staff of personnel changes, unveil the new schedule for staff, and execute the process for course selection. She explained that some changes would occur once she knows what courses are requested by students (i.e., calculus). Ms. Corliss asked how the needs of all students would be fulfilled with a broad base of students in the classrooms. Ms. Stevens, Ms. Bergevin, and Ms. Chassie explained the possibilities that include training teachers in differentiating instruction and co-teaching and the strategic allocation of educational assistants.

Ms. Corliss expressed her concern that the professional development that is needed actually be provided so that the most capable students do not academically suffer. Ms. Vogt questioned the need for equity in the time allotted to teachers for preparation and common planning time. Dr. Freeman explained the preliminary plans that have been made for professional development through the Center for Secondary School Redesign.

At 7:43 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt to return to a public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to re-enter into a public session.



Mr. Kilmister reported that the Concord Family YMCA presented its Community Service Award to the Pittsfield Elementary School. The award is given annually to a business or community organization that upholds the values of the YMCA – respect, responsibility, caring, and honesty – and partners with the Y to improve the community. After-School Programs and Camps Director Mike Taylor and Executive Director Jim Duremos presented the award to Mr. Kilmister.


Mr. Kilmister explained the use of the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) to record yearly growth of students. The MAP Task Force will be discussing how data will be shared with students and discuss ways they can use the data to set personal goals. During parent-teacher conferences next fall, the plan is to share reports with students.

Ms. Corliss asked if why this testing stops at grade six. Ms. Stevens explained that the testing is being done in grades 7 and 8 and with special education students in high school.



In the absence of Mr. Gremlitz, Ms. Paradise reviewed the list of colleges that have to date accepted students from the class of 2010.


Five students were recently recognized at a NHIAA-sponsored event as scholar-athletes. These awards were given to Mike Adams, Paige Corliss, Kara Gingras, Allison Laflamme, and Irene Vogt.



Ms. Stevens explained that a need for a one-on-one assistant to support a disabled student has arisen at PES. With the reallocation of current staff, the district was able to avoid adding another position at this time.


Ms. Corliss asked about Riverbend Community Mental Health, and Ms. Chassie explained that this is the community mental health agency that serves the greater Concord area, including Pittsfield. She explained that there is a long history of collaboration between Riverbend and the school district in an effort to provide mental health services to our students and families.



On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to adopt Policy ECAF: Audio & Video Surveillance on School Buses; Policy EEAE: School Bus Safety Program; and Policy EF: Food Service Management

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to approve, for the first reading, Policy EFC: Free and Reduced-Price Lunch; and Policy EGAD: Copyright Compliance.


Dr. Freeman thanked the administrative team for the work that has been done to adjust for the absence of an administrator. A matrix describing the separation of duties will be shared at a future meeting.


In the case of the parents of a soccer player from another school who was injured during the Class S championship game of 2006 suing the district, the school district has been dismissed as a defendant. However, the parents have now filed an appeal of this decision with the New Hampshire Supreme Court.


Ms. Vogt explained that personnel files were previously moved to the Town Hall due to the lack of space at Locke’s Location. She asked if the plan was to move them to the new SAU space. Dr. Freeman explained that the files are being reviewed, consolidated, and shredded, as appropriate. Once that process is completed, the files at the Town Hall will be moved to the SAU office.



Discussion ensued regarding the work that is being done locally to control spending, while providing an adequate education to our students.

b. Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Ms. Adams reported that there are people other than those listed in a public posting, such as students and School Board members, who are certified to operate the AED. She suggested that those people be asked to submit their certification and be added to the list.


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 4, 2010, at 5:15 p.m. at the Pittsfield Middle High School. The agenda will include School District Meeting planning, response to the Budget Committee’s proposed revisions, co-curricular activities, and potential hearings.

XV. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


At 8:21 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams to enter into non-public session to discuss student and personnel matters pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a and c). The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session.


Dr. Freeman briefly reviewed the matters of two students whose parents have made requests for reassignment due to manifest educational hardship.


Dr. Freeman briefly reviewed an anticipated personnel recommendation.

At 9:12 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms Corliss to exit the non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to exit the non-public session and to re-enter into open session.


Discussion regarding the use of PMHS for town elections continued.


On a motion made by Ms. Adams and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman, Ph.D.
Recording Secretary,
Second Non-Public Session and Subsequent
Public Session