February 19, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Scott Brown
Leslie Vogt
Gary Colby
Michael Wolfe

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES
Members of the public

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.



A motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Wolfe. The Board voted to approve the minutes of February 5, 2009. Ms. Paradise, Mr. Brown, Ms. Vogt, and Mr. Wolfe voted affirmatively, while Mr. Colby abstained from the vote.



A. School of Excellence

A group including Mr. Kilmister, Ms. Chassie, Ms. Teague and Team Leaders presented to the School of Excellence panel. Although the presentation

Pittsfield School Board 1 February 19, 2009

was successful, notification was received the next day that PES would not receive a visit, nor move on to the finalist stage.

B. SMART Boards

Four SMART Boards have been installed at PES. Three are in the upper grades classrooms and one is in the library. Training will take place on February 25, 2009 and teachers may start using the boards the week they return from vacation. Consultation will occur with the Everyday Mathematics consultant, Nancy Dorsky, to help integrate the use of the SMART Boards.


A. Student Showcase

Mr. DeLois distributed the PMHS Student Showcase Program, scheduled for March 4, 2009 from 4:00 to 7:00. Mr. DeLois welcomed the School Board to be included if they would like to utilize the opportunity to educate the public on SB2, as was done last year. Members of the Board volunteered to cover specific hours.


A. Lakes Region Special Education Administrators

Ms. Chassie and Ms. Stevens hosted a meeting of special education administrators from the greater lakes region. The meeting was well attended and important information was shared.

B. Everyday Mathematics Consultation

The opportunity was taken to use our Everyday Mathematics consultant to concentrate on struggling students. Overall, the process was successful and special education teachers left with new ideas and strategies to assist the students that may be having difficulty with the curriculum.

C. Bullying

Ms. Chassie explained that an ad hoc committee has been created to discuss the issue of bullying. The team will determine a working definition, review consequences, determine protocol, and ensure that procedures are consistent with law and current policy.

D. Teen Court

Mr. Brown asked for clarification of the Merrimack County Court Diversion Teen

Pittsfield School Board 2 February 19, 2009

Court Program. Ms. Chassie explained that the program provides an opportunity for students to participate in the legal process, from the perspective of a defense attorney, prosecutor, and juror, as well as from the perspective of a defendant.


A. Budget / Warrant Articles

Dr. Freeman confirmed that the budget was recommended by the Pittsfield Budget Committee. Mr. Brown made a motion, which was seconded by Ms. Vogt, to accept the warrant articles as presented. Ms. Vogt explained the process that the Budget Committee went through to make their final decision. Discussion ensued regarding the approach the Board will take at the annual school district meeting.

Ms. Vogt explained that consideration will need to be taken in the budget for the unanticipated expenses that will be incurred in the area of special education. Members of the Board were in consensus that a plan will need to be devised to prepare for the potential continuation of the unanticipated special education costs. Ms. Paradise requested the Superintendent to prepare a list of additional cuts that will need to be made relative to the unanticipated special education costs.

Discussion ensued regarding the Capital Improvement Plan, the Town of Pittsfield’s budget considerations, and the federal government’s economic stimulus program. Further discussion ensued regarding the logic behind supporting Warrant Article IV, which if approved, would appropriate the sum of $35,000 to be added to the Pittsfield School District Buildings and Maintenance Reserve fund. Ms. Vogt pointed out that there is not enough money in reserve for the new gymnasium roof, including insulation. If the roof continues to leak, as it did last year, there would not be adequate money to do more than apply a new roof without the insulation.

The motion to accept the warrant articles as presented was passed unanimously.

B. S.B. 2

Dr. Freeman distributed a draft of the revised cover letter for the S.B. 2 handouts, which will be available to the public. The Board gained consensus to make the proposed changes to the second paragraph of the cover letter.

C. Community Forum

Due to a low turnout for the Community Forum, it has been rescheduled to Saturday, March 7, 2009 in the PMHS Media Center.

Pittsfield School Board 3 February 19, 2009

D. Facility Energy Audit and Plan

According to Dr. Freeman, the Jordan Institute expects to provide us with an estimate for their energy audit and plan for both buildings, but to date has not been received.

The Board requested the Superintendent write letters to our political representatives asking for their support in the district receiving money from the federal government’s economic stimulus

It was the consensus of the Board to move forward with the plan to have the Jordan Institute do a facility energy audit.


A. Selectmen Liaison

Mr. Brown asked if there was an explanation for the comments made by a member of the Budget Committee regarding the tax impact of the school district’s budget. Dr. Freeman stated that the Business Manager and he spent time with the person, explaining the accurate process for determining the tax impact. The Budget Committee member stated her appreciation for their time in explaining her error.

B. Drake Field

Mr. Brown asked Mr. Colby for an update of the condition of the park. Mr. Colby stated that the condition of the park is deteriorating due to lack of money for major improvements, such as grass seed, loam, and fertilizer. He stated that Jim Dawson has a list of potential improvements that should be made.

Mr. Brown suggested that a volunteer effort be organized to do some of the work. Dr. Freeman stated that issues created by vandalism should be addressed. He stated that Dan Ward has suggested that some work could be done by the Merrimack County Correctional Facility.

Discussion ensued regarding providing an opportunity for community members to participate in a cleanup effort at Drake Field.

Mr. Ray Ramsey stated that he would be willing to provide welding services at Drake Field. He also thought that other community members would be willing to help. He suggested that if a community effort was initiated, many members of the community would be willing to help.

Pittsfield School Board 4 February 19, 2009

On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to suspend the meeting at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of the public
hearing on S.B. 2.


On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to reconvene the School Board meeting.

XII. Senate Bill 2

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to not support S.B. 2. Mr. Colby was not present for the vote.

On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to publish the shorter version of the cover letter, as well as the handout of the information explaining the S.B. 2 issue in the Suncook Valley Sun.
Letters that intend to be submitted to the Suncook Valley Sun, should be available by February 27, 2009 and March 6, 2009.

Mrs. Paradise volunteered to write a letter encouraging people to come out and vote. Ms. Vogt volunteered to attend the PTO meeting at PES to answer further questions and to encourage people to come to the annual school budget meeting.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle School. The agenda will include assignment of budget discussion (Ms. Paradise will explain the warrant relative to accepting grants), facility usage protocol, and the 2009-2010 calendar.

XIV. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)

Mr. Ross Morse stated that even though it is not required by law to publish the vote of the Budget Committee on each Warrant Article, it would be an honest approach to supply that information. He stated his concern for Warrant Article V, encouraging the Board to consider supporting the warrant, given the vote of the Budget Committee was 6 to 5 in favor of defeating the warrant. According to Ms. Vogt, she perceived the Budget Committee to have requested that the votes on each of the Warrant Articles be published.


On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 p.m.

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Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary