February 19, 2013 Minutes

February 19, 2013, 7:30 pm

Present: Dana Sansom, Chair, Roza Benoit, Director, Nancy Fogg, Alternate Trustee, Mary Schelble, Secretary.

The meeting was delayed for a farewell celebration and thank you to Sylvia Wallace for her 6 years of service to the library as a trustee. Sylvia did not stay for the meeting.

Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Dana/Nancy) to accept minutes as corrected of January 15, 2013 meeting.

Public Hearing:
? In accordance with RSA 202-A:4-ciii to put before the public the action to be taken on all unanticipated money from the state, federal or other governmental unit or any private source that has become available during the 2012 calendar year.
? Motion made in accordance with RSA 202-A:4-ciii to accept all unanticipated money from the state, federal or other governmental unit or any private source that has become available during the 2012 calendar year in the total amount of $3618.05. (Mary/Dana)

Old Business:
? Banking Fees Updated: The director spoke to the Citizen Bank representative who stated that the fees could not be removed for the monthly printed checking account so we now have email statements.
? Window Restoration update: Before the meeting Sylvia stated that she would continue to follow up on all matters having to do with Mr. Roeper and the windows. There are 8 windows that need to be reinstalled so that Sylvia can write up the report on completion of the second grant. Sylvia had also noted that Mr. Roeper had removed the round antique window which will await repair work until funds are available. Sylvia also gave us hints on how to submit another Moose Plate Grant for that window.
? Building Maintenance update: The director noted that the furnace needed repair work done and she notified the oil company and they did the repairs and she sent the bill to the town.
? Sanderson Funds 2013: Harry Pike plans to work on a computer a month and update them. The director said she would not consider looking at desks (funded also by the Fund) until the stairway project is done when she will knows the space available.
? United Community Account followup: Plans have to be made to have an evening get together with patrons to introduce the United Community program formally. The director will work on how to go about inviting patrons and when.
? Future Fund raising Activities: Discussion was held regarding a fund raising project that would be ticketed and plans were made to engage the Friends for ideas on entertainment. Nancy said that she would consider who to have also.
? Library Goals: A time line was reviewed for putting notification in the paper regarding encouraging the public to support the library on the warrant article for the library stairway and wall issues at the Town Meeting and also notifying patrons of Ruth Strickhart’s birthday and retirement parties.
? Town Meeting: Since the Town Meeting is being held at library hours, the decision was made that the library would be open if an employee from another town (Millie) and a paid volunteer could come in. If that is not feasible, the library will be closed since all employees and the director plan to attend the meeting.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted after discussion.

New Business:
? Treasurer’s Position: Mary said that she would be glad to cover for Sylvia (since she moved to Maine) until a new slate of officers is elected at the next meeting.

Adjournment: Moved and seconded (Nancy/Dana) to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 pm.
Next Meeting: March 19, 2013 7 pm
Submitted by: Mary Schelble, Secretary