February 20, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

FEBRUARY 20, 2007
Call to order at 6:00 P.M.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Donna Keeley (DK), Paul Skrowan (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Fred Hast: I did some research about administrative assistant. You told me
we did not have one. In 200l, lady came to work as Administrative Assistant
and report from 2005 indicated Cara Marston, Administrative Assistant, so
we must have one. (LS) I didn’t say we did not have one but administrative
assistant and assistant town administrator is not the same position. Fred
Hast related, “She has been in both positions.” Also, I noted the signed
contract with MRI, union negotiations, any bids for that? (AM) No. Mr.
Hast stated that he was under the impression that anything over $2,500
required three bids. (AM) No. Mr. Hast responded that we have someone
with an hourly rate of $70.00 and now another person for combined cost of
over $100. Once we hire a town administrator, he could negotiate contracts.
“Why spend all that money?” (AM) I think we will save money with MRI
doing it for us.” Mr. Hast inquired, “Why not have the town administrator
do it.” (AM) I can’t speak why the Board voted that way, but I think it is
good.” Mr. Hast also inquired into whether the Town would be paying
mileage and how much per week. (PS) related that mileage is paid for travel
over 15 miles. (First 15 miles is free.) (PS) computed the mileage and
figured that he would be paid an average of $30.00 per week. Mr. Hast
asked if all MRI people are paid at same rate. (PS) related that yes, they
were. Mr. Hast wanted to know if Board was going to ignore the policy they
signed last year or year before and not have three bids for that. (AM) stated
that he was not sure that it met that requirement and that he did not think of
that. It is up to Board how they want to do this. Mr. Hast related he felt that
the Town could still save money that way. (AM) related it would save Town
money in the future and it would not be as bad.
Denise Patterson distributed some printed information in regard to Fisher
cats and partially read some of the contents of this article. She made the
point that Fisher cats are really dangerous animals and do not distinguish
between feral cats, domestic cats, and small babies. They related they can
also kill deer since their habitat is being eliminated with all the building
going on. She related that since she presented the Warrant Article this has
gone from a humane issue to a safety issue.
Dan Schroth brought up the subject of union negotiations. “Why can’t we
put somebody like (LK) in there?” This Board hasn’t agreed on much. Just
keep hiring out this and hiring out that. Also, specifically to (DK): “Last
week you did not recuse yourself when discussing Dan Greene as Planning
Board member instead of alternate. Two months ago you did. You keep
hammering Bob Elliott about recusing himself.” (DK) related she was not
going to comment. Mr. Schroth related that he would like a copy of the
Minutes from last week and two months ago as well, and a complaint form
for the Ethics Committee. I’m not going to let this go. You won’t even
answer me.” (AM) explained that when the Board is in session, it would be
Close Public Input
6:15 P.M. Appointment: WWTP Septage Bond Issue.
Ron Vien gave an overview of the septage bond issue noting that the main
priority was that it would cost the taxpayers nothing. He related that he had
sat with the engineer recently and gave him the guidelines he felt was
applicable for the Town. He explained location, capacity, manpower,
upgrading possibilities for the future and the profit that will be incurred.
(AM) opened up the meeting to the public concerning this. Fred Hast
wanted to clarify what the current capacity would be for and also the
upgrade for the future, which was related that this would be a positive.
George Bachelder inquired as to where profit would go? Ron Vien related
that it would go back into the septage account for future upgrades and that
all monies would be tracked due to State involvement. George wanted to
know if taxpayers would receive any reimbursement for that since there is a
lot more to it. What about road stress, underground pipe replacement and
other problems that may result due to heavy trucking in town. Fred Hast
related that it is possible that only the edge of the Town could develop road
stress if they used State roads. He mentioned that taxpayers would be “hit
again” if they had to pay for the upgrade of pipes. Ron Vien related that in
this instance you are talking about millions of dollars.
Close hearing to public.
(PS) related that Board should vote whether to Recommend/Not
Recommend Warrant Article. (LS) Motion to Recommend. (DK) Second.
Unanimous 4-0. Carried. (AM) noted that there is a town meeting coming
up on this. Mr. Vien related that the engineer and he would be at that
Several items were added to the Agenda by (LS) and (LK) namely tape
recorder/duplication – Town policy; Town Administrator and Department
Heads; funding for contract union negotiations; warrant article, and bid
6:30 P.M.: Taxi Ordinance
The Taxi Ordinance was discussed by Board. (LS) and (DK) agreed with
legal counsel that this is not ready to go forward. (EV) agreed it is only half
done and that Board should not go forward with this yet. (LK) requested
information from Chief Wharem who related that he had just recently spoke
to Laura Specter and that she agreed that this could be done very easily. She
wanted to know exactly what we are looking for to license. It should
comply with other ordinances in place, making sure taxi/driver is properly
insured, licensed with a clean criminal check. She related it “would suffice”
but it needs work. (LS) I think we should work on it and come up with
something soon. She related that in the past the Board has rushed into things
and would not like to see this happen again. (DK) related that it may suffice
but did not feel in good judgment that this is ready. It needs work. (PS)
related that the Board needed to decide on this tonight. (AM) wanted to
know what is the Board’s pleasure. If Board feels it is important enough, we
could enact it this year. (LK) felt it is a workable issue but it needs a little
more work.
(EV) Motion to table until in better form and Board is comfortable with it.
(DK) Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
1. Pole License, Route 28
(PS) related that PSNH reviewed this as did Superintendent of Public
Works, George Bachelder and related that the two locations were fine.
(EV) Motion to accept, (LK) Second. Unanimous 3-0 (DK) Abstain.
2. Tina Montville, Parks and Recreation
(PS) related that there was a vacancy in Parks and Recreation.
(LK) Motion to approve Tina Montville, (DK) Second. Unanimous 4-0.
(PS) related that Tina Montville and member assigned last summer would
need to complete application forms.
3. Medical Leave of Absence
(PS) request from Jennifer Tedcastle for medical leave of absence.
(LS) Motion to approve medical leave of absence, (DK) Second.
Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
4. Raffle Permit, Friends of the Carpenter Library
(EV) Motion to approve, (DK) Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
5. Trigger Development Road Bond
(PS) related that road bond has been accepted by Planning Board and town
(LK) Motion to accept, (DK) Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
1. Highway Garage – Exhaust Issue Update
(PS) related that a Memo had been sent to George Bachelder, Mike
McLaughlin, and Chief Wharem and that all were present.
George related that they had been working on it and had contacted the State
and that a representative would be coming to evaluate in about two weeks.
(MM) related that he had contacted two companies for estimates. One has
already given an estimate and the other would be coming shortly. Chief
Wharem related that the Safety Committee had met on this and have come
up with some short term/long term solutions. (MM) has already
accomplished one thing that might help.
(LS) addressed George Bachelder noting that the Board had received two
memos from Mike McLaughlin and him that were contradictory concerning
a directive given to them by the Town Administrator. George related that
Mike and he had discussed this matter and were worried about being shut
down by State. He related that he had been given a directive to contact the
State, and he did. (LS) wanted to know if (MM) had responded directly to
Town Administrator and do what he asked you to do? George related that
they both had spoken to (PS) regarding this. (LK) related that he realized
George was busy with snow removal due to blizzard and that (MM) was not
in on Fridays. (EV) requested they “keep it rolling.”
2. February 27, 2007 Work Session/Internal Controls Assessment
(LK) Reminder to Board members regarding work session next week.
3. John Topouzoglou, Letter from Select Board
(AM) He is coming in to talk to (PS) and we will proceed from there.
4. Ethics Letter and Response
(LK) wanted to know if there had been a follow-up from the Ethics
Committee. (PS) related that he had written to the Board regarding the
Selectman Board comments. He related the contents of his letter and stated,
“They may not respond.” Their next meeting is scheduled for March 8th.
5. Welfare Cap
(LK) related that Betsey’s computer does not have capability to add welfare
cap. It was suggested that, perhaps, Cara could do this for her. Betsey
would like this included in the Welfare Guidelines before it is sent out.
(DK) related that this would be through Bill Provencal, and that update of
policy goes through Cara.
6. HSA and Welfare
(LK) questioned about updated list from HSA inspector. (DK) Send memo
requesting information by specific date.
7. Tape Recorder/Reproducing Tapes
(LK) Motion to approve $65. for purchase of recorder to reproduce tapes.
(To be purchased by Dee.) (DK) Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
8. Department Head Contacts
(LK) wanted to know if department heads had a means of contacting (PS) at
all times. (PS) related that he will exchange phone numbers with all
department heads. (LK) related that often communication is a problem.
9. Funding for Contract – Union Negotiations
(LK) wanted to know where funding would come from. (LS) related that
funding is included in the Town Administrator line, that it was not
specifically budgeted for and that it is all part of the MRI services.
10. Warrant Articles
(LK) Any other warrant articles? (AM) None. (PS) You can replace the
Taxi Ordinance Warrant Article with the one for the increase in alternates
for the Planning Board. (LS) Motion to add one alternate to Planning Board
in place of Warrant Article for Taxi Ordinance. (DK) Second. Mike
McLaughlin related “If you change the Warrant Article back to way it is
noted in the RSA’s, you can have one to five alternates. (DK) related if we
do it that way, then we would have flexibility. (LS) withdraw this motion
and (DK) second withdrawn.
(LS) Amend Motion to change Warrant Article back to way it is noted in the
RSA’s and replace it with the Taxi Ordinance Warrant Article. Second
(DK). Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
(AM) noted that the Warrant Articles should be designated as “Final Draft.”
11. Bid Policy
(LK) related that last week we signed the MRI contract and tonight another
one, that’s two contracts that we signed that should have gone out to bid.
The Board discussed this policy and most agreed that it related to the
purchase of large equipment type purchases not for Administrative Services
Contract. They agreed that a waiver for these services could be signed but
(AM) related that he would caution the Board in signing this, as it would
signify that we agree with the bid policy. (LK) requested it be reviewed and
clarified and put it back on the agenda for discussion. He related that we
should hold up the checks. (PS) to review and clarify.
1. Revised Property Tax
(PS) related that there was a small miscalculation on the Warrant Article
relating to the second half of the property tax.
Break 7:20 P.M. Resumed 7:25 P.M.
(LS) Motion to accept revised Warrant Article. (DK) Second. Unanimous
4-0. Carried.
Motion to accept Accounts Payable week ending February 23, 2007. (LS)
Second. Carried 3-1. (LK nay).
(EV) did question the bill from the garage for changing oil in ambulance as
to the amount of gallons of oil used, it was confirmed that it was correct.
Also a refund check was included that was incorrectly made out to Donna
Keeley and should have been made out to Steven Keeley. This will be
corrected. (LK) related that he would not vote for MRI check in amount of
Motion to accept payroll checks (DK), Second (LS). Unanimous 4-0.
Non-Public minutes of January 13th, to be done by (PS), not yet ready.
(LK) Motion to approve Minutes of February 13, 2007, (LS) Second.
Unanimous 4-0. Carried. (With several corrections as noted by Recording
(DK) wanted to know if Memo had gone out with paychecks. (PS) related
that after discussion with Cara that department heads would distribute it.
(LS) Motion to accept non-public Minutes of February 13, 2007. (EV)
Second. 3-1 (LK). Carried.
Denise Patterson questioned when Warrant Article list would be finalized.
(PS) related that Cara needed to make one small correction and list would be
available by Monday. She also again questioned t the fact that the Food
Pantry is so cold. She related that it was so cold that Don Chase had to
leave. She related that it was confirmed that there is an “old bathroom”
down there. (EV) related that there is an upcoming meeting and it would be
discussed then. She also related that she noticed that the old business on the
agenda is no longer being dated. She also reiterated her concerns regarding
the Fisher cat population. (DK) agreed that feral cats are a problem and she
agrees with what you are doing in that regard, but do not believe that wild
animals are the problem and they should not be eradicated. Denise Patterson
agreed and related that they are losing their habitat. Article 40 brings new
information and supporting the Police Department to do what they have to
Dan Schroth related that last week, “Art, you did something last week when
the Chairman of the Planning Board was discussing a road and driveway
issue. The Vice Chairman of the Planning Board wanted to make a
comment and you would not allow him to speak.” (AM) explained that he
was speaking to Chairman of the Planning Board which was well
represented and did not feel Mr. Miskoe should be able to speak at that time.
This discussion was not opened up to entire audience. Dan Schroth
commented that he thought this was a lousy way of doing things.
Fred Hast questioned the revised Warrant Article as to the difference of
$13,000. (AM) related that the Board signed the Warrant Article for less
than what we actually billed.
Fred Hast continued regarding “needing more help across the hall.” Town
pays $62.50 an hour for someone to send out a memo a part-time secretary
could be doing. Here he is looking around for lost papers during Board
meeting. Spending $15 an hour is better than spending $62.50 an hour. We
should cut down on some expenses. He is not getting everything done in the
time allotted. You need a part-timer working 10-15 hours a week. I know,
I’ve been around. Art, no comment? (AM) “ I heard you.” Fred Hast
related that he felt nothing has been done. He related that the people in the
office had been around for a lot of years and had their own checks and
balances and that this Internal Control Assessment was so generic that he
was glad that we did not have to pay for it. (LK) related that there is a work
session next Tuesday and this would be discussed at that time. Fred Hast
related that changes should be made if changes are needed. How many
times has money gone missing in this Town, almost never?
John Lenaerts related that he had an Ordinance question – where are we on
the land use board members recusing themselves as an abutter. Should
member stand down? This question has been asked by me before, but not
answered or addressed. This is my business and town business and I am
asking this Board to address it cause nobody else is. It is not right that the
Board does not respond. (DK) stated “I do agree. If a Board member is an
abutter, it is a wise decision to recuse themselves. Planning Board has not
discussed this issue. Boards self-manage. Board members should talk to
each other and get opinions.”
(EV) related that as a member of the Zoning Board, there is an upcoming
Work Session addressing this issue that he will be discussing. He stated, “If
you are an abutter, get out of the picture. I have had contact with town
attorney and there is a problem implementing this policy. I agree with you.”
(AM) related that as far as the Ethics Committee letter was concerned, he
did not recommend forwarding a letter which included a letter of findings
and letter of recommendation in same letter.
John Lenaerts related that the town attorney gave his opinion, but I sense
there is a reluctance to pass it on the land/use Boards. (DK) related that if
Board wanted to discuss it, she would be willing to do that. (LS) related that
because of timing – Budget and Warrant Articles – that there really has been
no time. (DK) related that it is up to the individual Boards. Mr. Lenaerts
related that he thought he had done all he could do.
James Theodore wanted to know what it takes to get retail on Route 28.
(AM) related that it had to be brought before Town to vote on it. You need a
special exception from Zoning Board. Anybody can get a special exception.
(DK) explained that there are more issues than just the Zoning Board since
this is a State Highway. John Lenaerts disagreed that anyone could be
allowed a special exception. Special exception is allowed with a variance
and is an invitation. (LS) suggested that Mr. Theodore would like to attend
the Economic Development Committee meeting every Wednesday night.
Mr. Theodore related that he really likes Pittsfield but if taxes continue to
rise he is not going to be able to stay in the Town.
Mike McLaughlin asked Board if anyone is not happy with the way I am
performing my job, that they should advise him and not air it at Board
meeting. (LS) related that she was not airing anything, that she was merely
asking a question. (LK) related he thought Mike was doing a great job.
Close Public Input
Nothing scheduled for non-public session.
(DK) Motion to Adjourn. (EV) Second. Unanimous.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
APPROVED:_February 27, 2007