February 21, 2007 Minutes

Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes – 2/21/07
1) Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm. In attendance: Wayne Gallup (WG), Eric Bahr (EB), Merrill Vaughan
(MV), Ed Vien (EV), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Linda Small (LS), James Hetu (JH), Daren Nielsen (DN),
Pat Heffernan (PH), Karen Vanderpool (KV), Matt Monahan (MM) representing the CNHRPC.
2) Minutes of 02/07/07 reviewed and approved with several changes. There were no objections and one
3) Maps and Parking
a. MM presented a series of maps which were reviewed by the committee
b. MM stated that on the Business Location Map businesses would be numbered and color coded by
type of location.
c. WG has provided parking survey information that will be included on the map(s). WG further
stated that he does not know of any public lots other than the small lot by Drake’s Field.
d. MV noted that the Master Plan Committee will be discussing parking this week and requested use
of MM’s maps until the next meeting. The committee agreed.
e. WG noted additional parking by the Town Pool and that there is no over night parking permitted
in the Town Hall lot.
f. EB submitted one copy of the maps to the minutes for permanent record.
g. EB and WG both noted that parking is an essential component of a vibrant downtown area.
h. MM suggested the possibility of locating parking behind business establishments and suggested
the use of signs to indicate available parking.
i. MV mentioned that Greeley, CO. utilizes mid-street parking and that it increases foot traffic to the
local businesses.
j. WG replied that there are only two streets wide enough in Pittsfield for mid-street parking.
k. MV suggested creating a pedestrian only shopping area.
l. WG replied that Pittsfield would need an extremely vibrant downtown to support such an area. EB
noted that we don’t have that problem yet.
m. EB requested that the final copies of all maps be provided to the EDC in PDF format.
n. Copies of WG’s parking survey were distributed at the end of the meeting.
4) Trails
a. MM stated that the brownfield list is still pending but everything else is progressing. He noted
that the committee must be sensitive about the listings.
b. EB suggested focusing on commercial sites in the downtown area only.
c. EV wondered who creates the list. MM stated it is the responsibility of the DES only if there is an
d. SM asked if we need to apply some pressure in order to get the list completed as we need the list
for the Economic Profile. SM also wondered if the list could be distributed ahead of time as it
contains information pertinent to the town meeting.
e. MM requested direction on the Trail issue
f. WG suggested snow mobile trails could be used.
g. EB reminded the committee that the trails are a lot of work and suggested getting some other clubs
h. WG suggested Scouts and students
i. MM suggested coming up with a list of interested parties and expanding form there.
j. EB requested that the issue be pushed off until the first meeting in April to make time for more
pressing issues.
5) RSA 79
a. All set
b. LS requested EB get information out to the community in time for voting. EB replied
6) Main Street
a. We are still waiting on Applications, examples and funding options
b. WG suggested prompting Debbie with a letter.
c. EB agreed to send a letter.
7) Sign
Economic Development Committee
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a. WG said that the Chamber of Commerce would like to see other designs and reminded the
committee of the contest idea.
b. EB stated that the Chamber is opposed to the contest idea. They do not want to lose their veto
power and be forced to accept an idea that they don’t approve of.
c. EV stated that the Chamber does not want to guarantee the sign to a winner as the Chamber does
not want anything done half way.
d. WG noted that no one on the Chamber is tied to the Downtown area for their livelihood nor have
they been for some time. He cautioned that the EDC must find a way to continue the sign project
with or without the Chamber.
e. EB noted that the EDC set out to work with the Chamber on the project and suggested it may be in
the Committee’s best interest to continue on with that goal in mind.
f. DN suggested a location at Southwicks.
g. WG noted that Scott Brown owns some property. He also suggested that there may be a personal
conflict with a Chamber member who wants to promote a technically advanced image for the
h. SM agreed that the Chamber is not interested in the downtown area but did acknowledge that is
may still be in the EDC’s best interest to work with them.
i. PH stated that the Chamber is more interested in guarding the sign than in getting anything done.
He also wondered if the EDC could put up its own sign on Scott Ward’s property. PH suggested
not getting involved in an argument with one member of the Chamber.
j. LM suggested trying to work together with the Chamber as it will pull the town together and unify
the community.
k. EB asked if the Chamber was willing to design the sign if the EDC paid to have it done.
l. EV reminded the committee that he sits on the Chamber as well and feels that the two committees
should try to work the issue out together.
m. DN inquired if Scott Ward owns the Southwick property. And as they do could the EDC use the
Southwick sign. A committee member explained that the Ward’s are already using it to promote
their own business.
n. EB reminded the committee that it would be nice to go to Town Meeting with a solid plan for the
sign so we need to get past this issue.
o. (Discussion about the status of the Chamber.)
p. EV offered to talk to the Chamber about setting up a time for the two committees to discuss the
issue together.
q. LS suggested that Denise Robinson of Granite Image might be able to come up with a design.
r. EB requested that EV set a date for the Chamber to meet at the EDC and the meeting would be
moved up to 5:30. He noted that the EDC is spending too much time and effort on the process and
the issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible. The funds for the sign survived the Budget
8) Louden Races
a. EV stated that Ron Meade will be back in town on the 23rd.
b. BE suggested sending someone to meet with him after more follow up.
9) Architectural Institute of America
a. MM suggested the EDC pursue a listing with the AIA.
b. SM suggested that there is architectural interest here in town and it would be good marketing.
c. EB suggested coordinating that effort with the Historical Society.
10) Meeting was adjourned at 7:07 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Karen Vanderpool