FEBRUARY 24, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Ed Vien (EV)


6:00 P.M. Acceptance of Grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

Chief Wharem offered a brief description of the grant, which is specifically directed to Pittsfield and the Police Department to conduct drug education programs within the community. Currently, the Police Department is formulating a program, which will include guest speakers, and any other programs that the Drug Coalition deems beneficial in conjunction with this grant. If accepted, approval for dispersing the monies will have to go through the Board of Selectman, and will have to be spent within a one-year period.

(LK) Are there any questions from the public or Board?

(FH) If the grant monies are not all used within year, then what? Chief Wharem noted that it is possible to file an extension.

(LS) Motion to accept grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LK) Appointment scheduled for 6:05 P.M. will be held a little later in the meeting as we are awaiting the arrival of Matt Monahan.


Don Chase: I notice under Old Business you have reference to “Cost of Broadcasting Selectmen, Planning, and Zoning Board Meetings.” Will you be discussing this later in the meeting? (LK) I do not know if we have any new information. (PS) We do not.

Mr. Chase noted that when Town contracted with Metrocast, it was noted that they would provide $5,000 toward equipment for the Town to use and/or any other help Town would need to implement. Tapes would be sent to them and they would broadcast meetings. It shouldn’t be much of a cost to the Town. Under the contract with Metrocast, they provide the $5,000 worth of equipment. I think Fred was involved with that several years ago. I just wanted to bring this to Board’s attention.

(FH) noted that it was discussed at the time and Metrocast would do it. There were some additional costs, which they would absorb, but people using cable would have to pay an additional fee. (LK) Who is researching this, is it the Website Committee? (PS) Yes. (FH) At that time, the Board did not want to do it. You can contact Metrocast and get a copy of the contract. (PS) will do.


(FH) Electrical training, (How many people were at training session? Chief Johnson related that mostly fire personnel), Electrical Outlets in Food Pantry, Fuel for Firehouse; (LS) Will Smith Road; (PS) Employee of the Month, Selectman Action on the Warrant Articles – Town Meeting, Election Day Coverage, Highway Safety Grant Acceptance, Police Department – Conditional Offers of Employment, Elderly and Disabled Tax Deferral Application and possibly Discussion regarding the Letter sent to Mr. Lincoln by Building Inspector – I do not know if Mr. Pritchard wishes to address this.


George Bachelder is Employee of the Month for December. (DM) read into the Minutes the attributes of Mr. Bachelder as Superintendent of Public Works for the past 26 years. Pictures were taken and congratulations offered by all.


6:05 P.M. CNHRPC/Matt Monahan – Safe Routes to School

6:15 P.M.: Mr. John W. Corrigan, N.H. Department of Transportation as coordinator of the New Hampshire Safe Routes to School offered a slide presentation as an overlook of the program and the grant requirements.

The program is a “nationwide effort encouraging children in kindergarten through eighth grade to walk or ride bikes to school.” This is a joint effort in association with NHDOT and the Federal Highway Administration. He noted that Safe Routes to School would encourage physical fitness, reduce traffic congestion, assist with maintaining clean air and would be a fun way for youngsters to get to school. This would be a collaboration with local schools, municipal and regional officials, parents, students and community groups to identify the best ways to encourage walking and biking.

“The program uses a planning concept known as the Five E’s: Evaluation, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Engineering. Team members would tailor a local program based on the community needs and interests including assessing, surveying and collecting data, mapping, developing a travel plan, teaching children safe practices, sponsoring various events, identifying and constructing needed physical improvement of sidewalk and bike routes, coordination with police and conducting follow-up surveys.”

Matt Monahan indicated at the end of presentation that the CNHRPC is available to assist Town in writing grant.

Break 6:57 P.M. Resume at 7:04 P.M.

(LK) requested that (PS) send a letter to School noting presentation tonight quoting Matt Monahan as a contact as well as Mr. Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan noted that he would be happy to make this presentation to School upon request.


1. Purchasing Protocol Extension

(PS) This is back on the Agenda because as you know, the protocol policy was extended to the end of March, which would be after the Town Meeting. While reviewing the Agenda with Department Heads, it was noted that in some instances this position encumbered them when purchasing “small or weekly/monthly items.” The Department Heads are present tonight and they can share with the Board their concerns in relation to the purchase protocol.

Chief Wharem: I would like to make a request to see if the Board would possibly entertain the idea of establishing a dollar amount that Department Heads could authorize instead of having each purchase approved by Paul. This can be very cumbersome when purchasing small items. It seems with a little bit of work we could bypass his approval for the purchase of “little things.” He noted that he recently had to make a purchase of about $8.00 but first had to get approval, which took an additional amount of time. I am looking to see if there is a mechanism whereby we could maybe have a cap, which we could utilize without approval for either small or regular purchases. I understand the Town’s economic status but this would make it easier and save time and money.

Chief Johnson: I agree with Chief Wharem. I think the Board hired us and has faith in us as to the dispersement of monies. I am cognizant what is going on economically. Everything I have asked for, Paul has responded to in a timely manner. I think it is not efficient to tie up his and our time for approval of small purchases. For instance, I was on my way back from Concord and could have picked up some needed items as I was going by Maxfield’s, but because I had to first get approval, it involved an additional trip to then make the purchase.

Chief Wharem: Paul gets a ton of E-Mails and I have tried calling and both lines to the Town Hall have been busy.

George Bachelder: I ran into this same problem a long time ago what with equipment breaking down. It takes time to get permission to purchase and then get the parts. Paul made it very clear that the equipment has to keep running in order to promote road safety.

(PS): After the Department Head meeting, I tried to arrive at a conclusion as to how we could manage this. Perhaps an option would be for the Board to allow an allocation per line item to the Department Heads to cover them until a certain date with the proviso that everything over $100 still requires prior approval. I think certain expenditures deserve to be part of an allocation while some things would be a bit more discretionary say such as training. This would give Department Heads a lot more ability to act independently. (LS) “I would still like to track costs.”
(PS) noted that he does not mind responding to their E-Mails, but this would give them more flexibility in making small or regular purchases. (LS) You are right. My intention is to monitor the budget. Governor Lynch’s budget cutbacks are going to affect us. (PS) offered to go through the line items of the budget and will get back to the Board as to which line items could have allocations associated with them. (LS) Paul can go through the budget and find the line items that warrant allocations. (DM) This would allow Department Heads to work independently. Anything over $100 would still have to go through Paul. (FH) Past Boards’ policy was anything under $200, but Board did away with that when the budget was sufficient. They did what they had to do.

(LS) noted that there is a gap as to where I think they should spend the $100 and yours, which is very different. I think overtime should be approved by Paul. I would like to see it all go through Paul starting now. Some things they may purchase with the $100 may not be necessary. (PS) The Board ends up reviewing all payments to vendors. You will be able to pick up on these things as they occur and you can determine how things are being managed. (LS) Paul can come up with these line items within the week. We can decide at our next meeting what we are going to do. I do not think another couple weeks will hurt. (LK) “It has to do with the economy as things are tight out there.”

George Bachelder: I have an issue in regard to the bids for the road projects, which are put out after the Town Meeting. Contractors are requesting to submit bids earlier because of the stimulus program and probably the cost of our projects are going to be higher. Many of them will be bidding on the “big contracts” which would mean that our projects would be done later in the year. Board agreed that he should proceed with writing the bids up and submit to (PS).

2. Fire Department Per Diem Personnel

Chief Johnson noted that he had discussed with the Board in the past, per diem personnel. Some of the shifts cannot be filled by full-time or part-time personnel namely, the one paramedic slot. Occasionally, someone will call in sick and this slot has to be filled by a per diem. This particular individual is much more available than some of the full-time and part-time staff. The only cost would be the four-hour orientation. (FH) What is the cost for the per diem, is it the basic entry level first step as noted in the contract? (LS) Didn’t we do something different with the per diem rates? Chief Johnson, “Yes.” He will be coming in at entry level, which I believe is $11.40 per hour. (LS) Will this alleviate the need for overtime? Chief Johnson, “Yes and no.” The overtime is created by those on vacation, sick time or family leave. The contract requires that we offer the “slot” to full-time and then part-time people first and then to the per diem, but it can help to reduce overtime. (LS) and Chief Johnson discussed the current schedule and the “empty slots.” (LS) What is sufficient coverage? Chief Johnson, “Two licensed people working 24/7.” (LS) So, two people sleeping overnight for ambulance? Chief Johnson, “Yes.”

(FH) Looking at schedule for March 9th, you have five empty spaces. Does one person cover four of them? You have overtime for whole week. Chief Johnson explained that there are instances, where he would be required to fill one of the slots. (FH) indicated that he has concerns about their 24-hour shifts.

(FH) Also, last week you spent $300 to have the roof cleared of snow. Did you contract this out? Chief Johnson, “Yes, as I wanted them to examine the roof to determine where and why it was leaking.”

(FH) Concerning fuel oil, we are paying $1.50 more for kerosene. Are you going to have the building insulated or perhaps insulation around tank, which would save a considerable amount of money? It would cost pennies to fix it up and would save money. There is an additive that they put in that saves condensation. What with the Town, school and there, we could save a considerable amount of monies. Chief Johnson noted that he had looked into it previously and talked to a couple of contractors. To have a building constructed, it would run about $6,000. I do not have the people that we could utilize to do it ourselves. (FH) “There are people out there that are looking for work.” George Bachelder noted that he uses diesel for the trucks and the heat and they automatically correct it before they deliver it. Chief Johnson noted that he would check with Mike to see his recommendations.

(DM) Motion to approve hiring Nick Stabile as per diem paramedic for Fire Department. (FH) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. ICS Class for Elected Officials

Chief Johnson noted that this training is geared to provide an overview of ICS, will be two hours long, an evening session and at no cost to Town. Board agreed will occur on a date in April as a work session.

4. License for Coin-Operated Amusement Device

(PS) This is for a business that already has coin-operated devices and they are requesting a renewal.

(DM) Motion to approve renewal of two coin-operated devices for Village Pizza. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Selectman Action on Warrant Articles – Town Meeting

Board agreed that (LS) would Motion on Warrant Articles 10 through 29 and
(DM) to Second. Warrant Articles No. 8 and 9 will be motioned by (LK) and seconded by (FH). Any questions pertaining to the petitioned articles will be referred to petitioner. (DM) suggested that someone from Septic Disposal Solutions be requested to be present for any questions concerning Article 9.

6. Election Day Coverage

(LK) and (FH) noted that they would not be participating in Board of Selectman coverage on Election Day because they are both candidates. (LK) noted that he would be present as a private citizen only.

(DM) noted that she would be here the entire day with (LS) appearing when available.

7. Highway Safety Grant Acceptance

Chief Wharem noted that this is one of four grants applied for concerning DWI sobriety checkpoints during course of year. All costs are covered under the grant with no expense to the Town.

(FH) Motion to authorize Larry Konopka to sign this Grant. (DM) Second.
Carried 4-0.

Chief Wharem noted that Police Department will be holding a Bicycle Rodeo and giving away about 25 bike helmets which is part of another grant. It will teach kids bicycle safety.

8. Police Department Conditional Offers of Employment

Chief Wharem: Since Board will not be meeting again until March 17th, I would like BOS’s approval for conditional offers of employment to three certified individuals rather than wait until then so that we can start the process of background checks. All individuals are full-time certified and can work flexible hours. (LK) As part of the background checks, can you also check on past performance? Chief Wharem noted that conditional offers of employment allows him to check their files regarding medical, academy training, etc.

(FH) Motion to approve conditional offers of employment for three part-time police officers. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

9. Will Smith Road

Chief Wharem related that the complaint stems from conversation on scanner between two highway department individuals and has been taken care of.

10. March Police Department Schedule

Chief Wharem related he has submitted this to (PS).

11. Elderly and Disabled Tax Deferral Application

(FH) Motion to approve elderly and disabled tax deferral application for Tax Map R28, Lot 2. (LS) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Board discussed the mechanics of how this tax deferral worked. Board agreed that they would have appraiser take another look at the property.

12. Electrical Outlets – Food Pantry

(FH) The Food Pantry is running out of freezer spaces and we would like to have several additional outlets installed on separate circuits. Food Pantry would sustain all costs. Board agreed.

13. Employee of the Month – January

(DM) Motion to approve Richard Wiltshire as Employee of the Month for January 2009. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

He will be invited to attend Board of Selectman meeting on March 17th.

(DM) Motion to approve Tanya Emerson as Employee of the Month for February 2009. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

She will be invited to attend Board of Selectman meeting on March 31st.

Board of Selectman also wanted to offer a thank you to Liz Hast, Town Clerk for her assistance in working with an attorney who had never dealt with Pittsfield previously and was seeking information. He appreciated her pleasant, knowledgeable and helpful assistance. Thank you.


Town Hall Improvements, Life Safety Codes, Capital Improvement Program, Space Needs Study, Sidewalk Improvement Plan, Library Attic Insulation, Cost of Broadcasting, and Cross country Appraisal Contract – Pending.


1. Abatement Applications

(LS) Motion to approve Abatement Applications for Tax Maps R04, Lot 2-16, R12, Lot 3, R17, Lot 2-2, R37, Lot 14, R37, Lot 14-4, R41, Lot 6-3, U01, Lot 53, U01, Lot 69, U05, Lot 33, and U06, Lot 5. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to deny Abatement Application for Tax Map U05, Lot 36.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) noted that this is Phase I of two phases and that another group will be before Board soon.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) noted that she wanted to have noted what she already commented on earlier in the meeting.


1. Public Session Minutes of February 10, 2009

(DM) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of February 10, 2009.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.




(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a). (LS) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:50 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:05 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of February 24, 2009. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.


2. Non-Public Session Minutes of February 10, 2009

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of February 10, 2009.
(FH) Second. Carried 4-0.


(DM) Motion to Adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

APPROVED: March 17, 2009

______________________________ _______________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date