February 25, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
February 25, 2008

1. Meeting opened at 5:30.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB)
Linda Small (LS), Paul Skowron (PS) town administrator, Matt Monahan (MM), representing
representing CNHRPC, Clayton Wood and Scott Ward.

3. Minutes from February 11, 2009 approved with corrections. On 4A4 we will send a letter
in the future.

4. Clayton Wood regarding Wi-Fi
A. We need permission from Single Digits to use their server ro to pass through it
B. We can upload our page to their server
B. C. We can put something on the Town web site about how to get on Wi-Fi
D. We can ask questions on the first page
1. Many places are not asking questions any more
a. Answers may not be truthful
b. People annoyed by it
c.Suggested we ask Veronica about questions if they are useful, or what ones to ask
E. He will contact Single Digits about getting advertisers on our page
F. He thinks rotating 10-12 advertisers is a good idea
G. We may be able to advertise Wi-Fi on the Suncook Sun web site and should ask Globe

5. Park and Ride
A. MM provided a revised map showing Rts 11, 126, 106, 3, and 4/202/9.
B. It also shows information from Farmington, Wolfboro, New Durham and Epsom
C. Total number of people whose destination is Pittsfield is 811.
D. About 1,000 people using Rt 28 on their commute
E. PS will send another letter to the State regarding the available land
F. MM will draft a letter from CNHRPC to the State about putting a Park and Ride in Pittsfield
he will send us an e-mail.

6. There is a company that may be looking to relocate. EDC will send a letter asking them to check
out Pittsfield.

7. Next meeting Wednesday March 4, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

8. Meeting closed at 6:47 P.M.

Submitted by
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary