February 26, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

MEETING MINUTES OF February 26, 2008
Call to order at 6:03 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
John Lenaerts (JL)
Maurice Wells noted, “I still cannot understand the storm drain system on
Fayette Street.” I know Depot Street goes into Carroll Street. The storm
drain catch basin is by the main door and that’s on Gilbert’s property.
“Maybe when the snow leaves, I can see better.” On Cram Avenue, I still
think the wastewater in John’s drain is going in there because given the fact
that there is very little water in the driveway. Also, on Sonnell’s lot, they
are putting ground water into sewer system. “That’s a no-no according to
RSA’s.” The pumping on Joy Street includes the chemicals, which has to be
stopped. On Cram Avenue, they should put a catch basin in there and put
the cellar drains into the catch basin. There is a lot of water in that land. I
helped John build his house and there was a lot of water around the
foundation. In the future, if you have to have a storm drain going in on
Carroll Street, it cannot go to Broadway because it is too small a plate.
Heavy rain brings water right up to the doors within three feet of Ralph’s
Garage. It was a band-aid fix system, so it was a waste of money.”
(EV) Info – BCEP Update. (AM) Assign Motion/Second for Warrant
Articles at Town Meeting so a booklet can be prepared for Cedric .
(LKe) Website Committee and Welfare Director Health Insurance.
7:00 P.M. – AFT-NH, Grievance (Appeal of Decision-Possible Non-Public)
(AM) Due to the weather, this has been cancelled and will be on the Agenda
for next week.
Action Items
1. Domain Name Transfer to New Registrar – Website Committee
Clayton Wood related Website Committee requesting transfer of domain
name to be under Website Committee control for various reasons. The most
important reason would be in case of some type of emergency. This would
involve no additional cost other than the regular maintenance fees. He noted
that any code names or passwords would be on record with the Committee.
He further noted that the Website Committee is reconstructing many things
from the contract by bits and pieces and getting everything organized noting
that everything will be documented with complete records. He noted that
there is a lot of precedent out there and Website Committee is trying to
mimic the good practices including offering availability of information but
still maintaining privacy. He noted he is attempting to keep updated on all
issues before the Legislature whether they pass or not.
(LK) Motion to have Town Administrator write letter as requested in the
Website Committee letter regarding Domain Name Transfer to New
Registrar. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. NPR Proposal for Interactive Map – Town Meeting Information
(LKe) related that as of today, at least fifty towns have contributed
information for this. Later this week, a link will available with NPR. They
are currently working in conjunction with LGC. I propose we put our
information together for sharing. (LKe) will “do the numbers” and
distribute accordingly.
(EV) Motion Town participates in NPR proposal. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0.
3. Website Committee
(LKe) noted that he had discussed with Clayton Wood, the interests of an
individual joining the Website Committee to do research and clerical work.
Clayton advised that this individual would be an Alternate. The BOS has
authorized the committee and can change it and put in an alternate.
(EV) Motion to create three Alternate positions for the Website Committee.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
Clayton Wood explained to Board that he foresees this becoming a larger
Committee with “hands on” activists. Board members noted that his current
update of Channel 24 is excellent and it is appreciated that events and
additions now have expiration dates so they do not run inappropriately.
(EV) Motion to appoint Jennifer Elliott as Alternate to Website Committee.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
4. Welfare Director Health Insurance
(LKe) related that Betsey Booth, Welfare Director, is interested in obtaining
health insurance through the Town at her own expense. Her current
insurance is due to expire and she would like to enroll at her own expense as
soon as possible. (LS) noted “If we do this, it has to be offered to all part –
time employees at their own expense. Did we check into that? Is this
something we offer or are we setting a precedent?” (LKe) “I believe it is a
Town Policy, but I have not yet checked it.” (LS) noted that she wanted to
be sure this is correct. (LKe) noted that currently it is costing her $1,750 a
month. (LK) related that he saw no problem with this. (AM) questioned if
there is something else that would be needed to be done? (LKe) Not to my
(LK) Motion to approve Betsey Booth, Welfare Director, to obtain health
insurance through Town at her own expense. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LKe) to advise BOS if policy for this is not available. (LK) She will be
getting the same insurance as what we offer other Town employees.
1. Final Version – 2008 Town Meeting Warrants
(LKe) noted that he was able to gather the necessary signatures and it was
posted as of yesterday. He felt that it should have been “wrapped up” two or
three weeks ago. (AM) noted a copy of the Warrants with names of BOS
motioning and seconding Warrants for Town Meeting, which will be
available for Cedric. (See Attached.)
2. & 3. Staff Meeting Notes February 12 & 19, 2008
(LKe) For Board’s perusal.
(EV) noted that there were several requests from Barnstead residents to
include evening hours for the BCEP. Barnstead has requested to set -up a
table on voting day for this purpose and BCEP will discuss with Cedric.
Currently the hours are 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Thursdays and the hours
of 11:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. have been suggested.
(EV) related that as noted in the staff meeting notes that the Police
Department has starting testing applicants and that there were approximately
35+ applicants. Are we testing all of them? (LKe) related that the written
test is on March 8th, which will probably be eliminating about 50% of those
actually appearing.
(LKe) noted that the Town Attorney, after reviewing the recent suggestion
of the NHRPC concerning the amendment of “Site Plan Review Requested”
feel that the Planning Board should vote to withdraw the amendment from
the ballot. The Town Attorney relates that they feel the amendment needs
more work, but cannot change it now so it would be beneficial to take it
right off the ballot.
(LKe) noted that in regard to the Citizen Petition of Proposed Zoning
Ordinance Amendments, it is now brought forward by Board of Selectmen.
Mr. Pritchard continues to seek ways to get it on the ballot of March 11 th, but
the ballots have already been printed and are ready for distribution.
(LS) noted that we engage CNHRPC and not too long ago had the Chairman
in to address the Board. We now have a huge document that went through
without their input. What recourse do we have to get the CNHRPC
involved? I believe it is important that they be involved. The Master Plan
and the Zoning Board are what citizens want in Town. The Planning Board
is most important to the Town. (LK) related that he felt that there was not
good communication of Board. (A letter was drafted by (LK) which was
read into the Minutes indicating the importance of working as a team.)
(AM) agreed with the contents of the letter but not the processing of the
letter. The main concern is how Chairman of the Planning Board conducts
(EV) related that he felt that making training available to the newly elected
members, possibly by having a workshop housed here at the Town Hall to
give them the procedural basics. He related that the ZBA had put together
some suggested changes earlier in the year indicating some small changes,
which were never brought forward by Planning Board. “I think they need
leadership help.” He questioned whether Town should have Town Attorney
come to Town Meeting. (LKe) did not feel this was necessary.
(AM) noted that it is troublesome that CNHRPC should be our guide and is
not very good. We pay them for advice. They should have their “advice”
screened. (EV) noted that their amendment to the Zoning Ordinances is “not
legal,” according to Town Attorney. (LKe) to contact CNHRPC for
response to this allegation. (AM) also related that at this time of the year,
time is of the essence and that it would not be issue if these were done
earlier in the year when enough time for planned public hearings would be
1. Capital Improvement Plan Status
2. Space Needs Study
3. WWTP Plan Status
(LKe) These will be addressed at future Board of Selectmen meeting.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (LK) Second. Carried 3 -0.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (LK) Second.
(LS) There are two pay sheets involved. One indicates a 10-hour shift for
Police Officer for the holiday, which does not qualify, and the other one is
for a sick day for 12 hours for Ambulance personnel.
(LS) Withdraw Motion. (LK) Withdraw Second.
(LS) Motion to accept payroll except for 10-hour holiday pay and 12-hour
sick day pay with corrections duly noted. (LK) Second. Carried 3 -0.
(LS) requested (LKe) double check Teamsters contract on this.
1. Public Session Minutes of February 19, 2008
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of February 19, 2008.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of February 19, 2008
(LK) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of February 19, 2008.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of February 19, 2008.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
Maurice Wells noted that Chief Wharem was present at the Non -Public
Session last week and stated that I made two false statements. Have you
found out what they were?” Members of the Board indicated that they had
not yet had the opportunity to read the Chief’s written response. Mr. Wells
requested that he would like some info on this after they have read it.
(AM) related “Board will get back to you.”
Close Public Input
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II (d) and (e).
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0. Members of the Board were polled individually
and all agreed.
Public Session was adjourned at 7:38 P.M.
Approved: March 4, 2008
____________________________ ____________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date