February 27, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

FEBRUARY 27, 2007
Call to order at 6:00 P.M.
Art Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Donna Keeley (DK), Paul Skrowan, Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Fred Hast wanted to know when the Warrant Articles would be posted. (PS)
related that the end of last week he had discussed this with Cara, and she
was going to post them. Mr. Hast related that they had not been posted and
he discussed with Cara as to whether she had been asked to post them, and
she said, “No.” (PS) related that she had been given a signed copy. Mr.
Hast also discussed the communication issue or rather the lack of it, which
was mentioned during the Work Session. He related that the Department
Heads do not see (PS) or get to talk to him. (PS’s) schedule was E-mailed to
them and he requested Department Head schedules. They usually work
7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and though they may occasionally be out on road,
they all have cell phones and you can get a hold of them that way. (PS)
related that a recent Board of Selectman meeting, he was requested to share
his proposed schedule for the following week, and courteously requested
their schedules. Mr. Hast related that (PS’s) schedule changes but the
Department Head’s schedules are more or less fixed and they all have cell
phones. (DK) related that this was to open the chain of communication so
everyone could be reached when necessary. (PS) related that he is always
available by cell phone. Mr. Hast related that he thought communication
was slack and has been for a while. He also wanted to know if March 1st
was the deadline for receipt of resumes for Town Administrator? What
happens if you don’t get an acceptable one? (AM) related that Town would
re-advertise. Mr. Hast wanted to know what if a good one comes in a couple
days late? (AM) related that they would approach that issue, when it
happens. Mr. Hast related that he felt (PS) couldn’t handle Town in 20
hours. We have got to have someone here all the time and one cheaper than
(EV) noted that going back to communication and that no one from Board
visits locations to check on these things. When I was made aware of the
issue at Fire Department, I assisted them in some repairs. I have gone down
to the garage once I was made aware of the exhaust problem and I have been
to the sewer plant several times.
Mr. Hast related that perhaps he should had noted at the beginning, “If the
shoe fits, wear it.”
Dan Schroth began with the same adage as Mr. Hast, “If the shoe fits, wear
it.” I noticed on the cable channel that the school district information and
budget were not on there. We have trouble getting people to that meeting
any way. (DK) related that she does the updates, and will make sure that is
done right away. Mr. Schroth also related that he continuously hears
individuals adversely talking about Jeremy as Town Administrator. He
related that he liked Jeremy and that he always had time to see me, help me,
and give me any materials I needed. He was honest with me and that is a
quality we should be seeking in a new Town Administrator, though I guess it
is difficult to know that until after you hire someone.
Mr. Schroth also related that he felt that we should not be hiring anyone to
assist with union negotiations when we have someone like Larry Konopka
and Fred Hast available. “In the end, we are going to pay big time.”
Jim Theodore wanted to know how “out-of-date” is our software? Is it on
the level of surrounding towns?” (LS) related that she did not think so.
Mr. Hast wanted to know if anything had been done about the information of
having three bids for purchases over $2500. (AM) related that had not been
done yet. Mr. Hast related he was just checking.
(LK) related that he had several items to be added to Agenda such as
information regarding Welfare Department guidelines, meeting on March
13, 2007, an E-Mail he had received regarding Police Department auction,
and also Department Head communication. (PS) added raffle permit and
report of timber – Salt/Storage Shed. (AM) added Pittsfield Medical Center
usage. (EV) related that he had a couple of contact numbers in this regard
from Laconia Hospital. (AM) and (EV) agreed that they should still meet
with Concord Hospital.
7:00 P.M.: Housing Standards/Health Issues
Action Items
1. Letter, Sewer Abatement – Chen, 40 Main St.
(LK) wanted to know if Ron Vien had seen this. Since he had not reviewed
this, it was agreed that it would be forwarded to Ron Vien for validity and
discussed at a future meeting.
2. Board of Selectman Meeting – March 13, 20007.
All agreed that since this was election day, that it would not be productive to
have a Board of Selectman meeting on that night. All consented.
1. Safety Committee Composition
(PS) related that due to the recent issue with the exhaust at the Town garage,
he was requested to make inquiries as to who are the members of the Safety
Committee. He related that it was noted that there are several vacancies on
this committee. (LS) wanted to know if Fire Chief conveyed any
suggestions in this regard. (PS) related that Fire Chief should be on the
Safety Committee and that for additional members, recommendations could
be considered at future time. (LS) Motion to appoint Gary Johnson, Fire
Chief to Safety Committee. (DK) Second. Unanimous, carried 4-0.
2. Town Administrator Recruitment Update
(PS) stated, “Mr. Chairman, just to bring you up-to-date, we have received
16, maybe 17 resumes for Town Administrator. Question to Board is do you
want to extend recruitment deadline or adhere to present deadline of
March 1st?” A discussion ensued as to whether to extend the deadline and it
was decided that the March 1st deadline should remain intact, have MRI go
through them and then go from there. (LK) requested that copies of the
resumes be made and given to Board members so they could review them
and make notes. (EV) related that perhaps MRI could relate why certain
individuals were not qualified. (PS) stated that in most instances the general
answer would be “because they are not qualified.” He related that a group of
staff members of MRI would review applications as to job qualifications,
filter the subsequent resumes and end up with a core group for interview.
He agreed that copies would be made for Board members for their review.
(LK) wanted to know how long this process would take and (PS) related that
it was understood by Don Jutton that this was to be done as soon as possible.
3. Monthly Welfare Reports
(LK) related that for the month of February there was a substantial savings
for Welfare especially in rentals, as well as utilities and medical. He related
that there would be a monthly report in this regard.
4. Police Department Auction
Police Department would like to have auction for bikes and cars on March
28th. (PS) to check regarding what would be the difference between sending
cruisers to State auction in comparison to having local auction.
5. Department Heads Communication
(PS) related that he tried to have a Department Heads meeting each
Wednesday and that they are advised should no meeting be held. It was
agreed that (PS) would send E-Mail to Department Heads regarding weekly
meeting and include that as part of his weekly schedule.
6. Pittsfield Medical Building Usage
(AM) related that his thoughts were to pass this to Economic Development
Committee. He related that he felt it would be beneficial to have some type
of medical facility utilize this location. He requested that (EV) take this to
Economic Development Committee since he is a member.
1. Ethics Letter and Response (2/20/07)
(PS) noted that he had sent memo to Glen Ammott, Ethics Committee. Mr.
Ammott related per his recent E-Mail response, he would like to meet with
the Board. It was agreed that it would be beneficial for him to meet with
Board after election – March 20, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. (PS) to notify.
2. Tape Recording, Town Hall Policy (2/13/07)
Memo was sent to Board by Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary, that she has
had some difficulty locating the necessary equipment to reproduce tapes.
She contacted the company that supplied the Town’s present recording
equipment and noted he would respond by February 28th. After the
appropriate equipment can be located, cost will then be determined for
reproduction of tapes.
3. Bid Policy Review (2/20/07)
(PS) related that he had E-Mailed the Local Government Center regarding
model-purchasing policies and to date, they have not responded.
4. Highway Garage – Exhaust Issue Update (2/13/07)
(PS) related that a memo had been received from Mike McLaughlin and that
the current electrical work would cost about $6,000 and that $25,000 should
be budgeted for the additional work. (LK) related the cost of wiring the
exhaust fans would be anywhere from $500-800 and it should be done
ASAP. It was agreed that Mike be requested to get that done. It was
questioned if any additional bids had been acquired. (DK) suggested Mike
contact the Turner Group in Concord who deal with air quality for a bid.
(AM) requested (PS) get the “quick fixes” done and Mike to get additional
bids for long term fix.
5. HSA and Welfare Communication (2/20/07)
This was covered earlier in meeting.
6. Welfare Cap – Update on Guidelines (2/20/07)
(LK) related that the recent updated Guidelines had not yet been inserted
into Welfare’s files. (PS) related that he was having difficulty locating the
original Guidelines and questioned whether they had been put in word
document on computer and that perhaps, if it could not be found, that Cara
could retype document. It was questioned whether E-Mail was available to
her. (PS) to check if she has Internet connection.
1. Abatement, Pittsfield Youth Baseball
(PS) noted that the tax-exempt status was not picked up by assessors. (LK)
Motion to accept tax abatement, (EV) Second. Unanimous 4-0 carried.
2. Elderly Deferral, Watson
(DK) noted that she had not yet seen the paperwork, but believed that she
was friends with this individual but she would not be recusing herself. She
noted that she felt that she could make an unbiased opinion. (EV) Motion to
accept deferral, (LK) Second. Unanimous 4-0 carried.
3. Land Use Change Tax (Map R-3, Lot 7K)
It was noted that this property had been sold, and that .89 came out of
current use (accrued as 10% of sales price). (LS) Motion to accept, (DK)
Second. Unanimous 4-0 carried.
4. Application for Tax-Exempt Status, Pittsfield Players
(AM) recused himself and was seated in the audience.)
(LK) related that he believed last year they were given a 50% abatement and
were told at that time it would be the last year. He related that they are an
asset to Town but did not feel it should be 100% abatement. (DK) Motion to
discuss if they should be approved for tax exempt status. (EV) Second.
Unanimous. 3-0.
A discussion resulted as to whether they should be eligible for tax-exempt
status and the criteria that was applicable for this. (EV) questioned what
would happen if the players group dissolved and building was sold, what
would happen to the profits? (LS) related that she felt that they benefited the
community but “businesses should be supporting the Town, the Town
should not be supporting businesses.” It was agreed that more information
was needed. (PS) to write letter to them. (LS) Motion to table this
application for tax-exempt status. (DK) Second. Unanimous 3-0 carried.
(AM) resumed seat as Chairman.
5. Apple Permit – PTO
(DK) Motion to accept, (EV) Second. Unanimous 4-0 carried.
6. Timber Cut on Property Cleared – Salt/Storage Shed
(LK) Motion to accept, (LS) Second. Unanimous 4-0 carried.
(DK) related that there is a check included that is payable to Steven Keeley
and that she would not be recusing herself from vote.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable, (EV) Second. Carried 3-0, (LK)
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll for week ending March 1, 2007 (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0, (LK) abstains. .
Public Session February 20, 2007. (LK) Motion to accept Minutes, (LS)
Second. Unanimous 4-0. Carried.
Non-Public Session January 16, 2007. (LK) Motion to accept Minutes, (LS)
Second. Unanimous 3-0. (DK) abstain.
Dan Schroth noted that (DK) recused herself, but should ask other members
of Board if it was okay. He also noted that the Pittsfield Players are asking
too much to be tax-exempt. He related that “people like that should feel the
pain” just like everyone else. (EV) wanted to know what he meant by
“people like that?” Mr. Schroth related that he does not know the people
involved, but used the term in general. He is “not against actors.”
John Lenaerts questioned Warrant Article 2 (Planning Board) and Article 32
(Zoning Board). (AM) related that according to RSA’s, one is on the ballot
and one is not. (EV) posed the question, “Once Board is elected and
vacancy occurs, does Planning Board vote for own replacement?” (PS) to
check on answer.
(AM) related that Board should review Warrants and Petition Articles as to
their position and individual opinions. This should be on the Agenda.
(AM) related that he will not be here for the March 20th and 27th meeting.
(DK) related that this was to be her last meeting. She thanked the Board and
the people of Pittsfield relating that she had enjoyed being a part of the
Board of Selectman.
Laurel Collier related that she thought this Board had done an excellent job.
They were talkative, appropriately communicating with each other and
people, they tried harder, compromised and got along .
(DK) Motion to Adjourn, (LS) Second. Unanimous 4-0 carried.
Adjournment at 7:25 P.M.
APPROVED:_March 6, 2007