February 29, 2012 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
February 29, 2012

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TV), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS), Susan Muenzinger (SM)
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Matt Monahan (MM) from CNHRPC, Bob Legg, and Eric Bahr.

3. Minutes from February 15, 2012 accepted and approved as written.

4. Guest speaker Bob Legg
A. Pittsfield YouTube project
1. Clayton Wood helping Bob with the video
2. Needs direction on what we want on the video
3. A few ideas were presented
a. Show available properties, businesses, people, landscape
b. 3 signs held up “Welcome” “To” “Pittsfield”
c. The seal of Pittsfield by the dam
B. MM found a PMHS student who put information together for another project who could do this

5. Guest speaker Eric Bahr
A. Balloon Rally will still be in Pittsfield for 2012
B. Rotary may do something else for their fund raiser
C. Leadership team not available today, still wants to meet with EDC
D. They are still trying to come up with an idea for Friday night to get people to come here
E. Need help setting up and cleaning up after the balloon rally
1. MM knows someone at the Tech who may be able to get students to help
F. Possibility that the Charrette area could be used for something like an old car or motorcycle show
G. Next board meeting is Wednesday March 14.
H. Looked at alternative properties (on the river) for fireworks display

6. Next meeting March 21, 2012

7. Meeting closed at 6:35 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary