February 4, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting
ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Bill Miskoe, Vice -Chairman.
Meeting was convened at the Pittsfield Middle High School Lecture Hall,
Pittsfield, NH.
ITEM 2. Roll Call
Members Present: Bill Miskoe (BM), Vice-Chairman, Paul Metcalf, Jr.
(PM), Fred Hast (FH), Rich Hunsberger (RH), Daniel Greene (DG), John
Lenaerts (JL), Selectman Ex Officio Alternate, Chris Conlon (CC), Dan
Schroth (DS), Alternate, Gerard LeDuc (GL), Alternate and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
OTHERS PRESENT: Leon Kenison, Town Administrator, Larry Konopka,
Denise Paterson, Mr. Paterson, Jim Pritchard, Pam St. Laurent, Laura
Specter, Esq., James Theodore, and Ed Vien.
ITEM 3. Public Hearing
(BM) noted that the original purpose for this Public Hearing was for the
purpose of reviewing the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments.
(BM) Due to a procedural error with the notice for tonight’s public hearing,
counsel has recommended that the public hearing not be held and that none
of the four zoning amendments appear on the ballot at the regular Town
Meeting. Instead, it is anticipated that the Selectmen will schedule a special
Town Meeting for April 8th, which will give this Board adequate time to
hold two public hearings on the amendments, if necessary. Because one of
the proposed zoning amendments was submitted by petition, and petitioned
Warrant Articles cannot be submitted at special town meetings, it is
anticipated that the Selectmen will put forth the petitioned zoning
amendment for the special town meeting so that it can be considered. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we believe this to be in
the best interest of the Town.
Therefore, I move that we cancel tonight’s Public Hearing and instead
schedule a Public Hearing on all four zoning amendments for February 21st
at 7:00 P.M. with a second one, if necessary, to be held on March 6 th
at 7:00 P.M.
I, as Acting Chairman, apologize for any inconvenience this may have
caused in this regard.
Do I hear a Motion to cancel tonight’s Public Hearing and schedule a Public
Hearing on February 21st at 7:00 P.M. and a second one on March 6 th at
7:00 P.M., if necessary.
(PM) Motion to cancel tonight’s Public Hearing and schedule a Public
Hearing on February 21st at 7:00 P.M. and a second one on March 6 th at 7:00
P.M., if necessary. (CC) Second.
(FH) noted that he still believed it is too little time to accomplish this and
propose we allow it to be carried over to the new Board. They would have
time to go through all these proposals and have a Public Hearing if it
requires change again. (RH) related that he, too, was thinking more along
the lines of Fred’s thoughts and would like to rescind our Motion and allow
the elected Planning Board handle it. Leon Kenison noted that the Board
should make a good faith effort to proceed and get it resolved.
Laura Specter noted it is important to go forward as Board suggested in
fairness to the petitioner and go forward with the time schedules. If new
Board wanted to consider amendments, it would require a special Town
Meeting. (FH) related, “I pray the author of the petition takes it in mind that
we haven’t got everything dissected yet as it takes times.” Ms. Specter
noted that she went through what was going on the petition regarding the
Zoning Amendments and had made a few comments only. The Board noted
they would be discussing the Petition Zoning Ordinances, Planning Board
proposal as noted on January 21st, Flood Plain Redesignator, and some
housekeeping changes to the Zoning Ordinances as noted by the NHCRPC.
(RH) noted Board should eliminate the Planning Board proposal of January
(PM) Withdraw Motion. (CC) Withdraw Second.
(RH) Motion to replace only three articles as new Warrant Article: Citizen
Petition Zoning Changes, Flood Plain Redesignator, and the changes to the
Zoning Ordinance as proposed by NHCRPC. (JL) Second.
(FH) “Are we still talking about the one with 133 pages?” (BM) No, we are
talking about the Citizen Petition for Zoning Ordinance Changes.
(RH) related this one we have no say over. (BM) This cannot be altered.
Ms. Specter noted if this is what the Board would like to do, then no
Vote: Carried 5-2 (CC) and (DG). Motion carries.
(CC) noted he would like to:
Motion to hear any comments on the Zoning Ordinances from the citizens of
Pittsfield that are here tonight. (DG) Second.
(BM) noted that is not what is on tonight. (FH) noted that the public should
be able to get a copy of the proposal. (BM) Unfortunately, that information
is not with us tonight but it will be ready for February 21st public hearing. “I
would like to open this discussion to the public.
(CC) questioned whether Ms. Specter’s presence was still necessary. Mr.
Kenison requested that first he would like to hear what the questions are.
(CC) noted his intent was to allow public to comment that were not present
previously. “If they have input, I am willing to listen.” (BM) noted that this
is not the right time.
Vote: 1 (CC) – 6. Motion fails.
(FH) “We are going to have Public Hearing on the 25th; are we going to sit
down and rework it?” (BM) The only thing presently on for the 21st are two
housekeeping matters and the Citizen Petition. We will have a meeting on
Thursday night. (GL) noted that the alternates had not seen it. “I cannot
recommend something that I have not seen.” (CC) “What is the procedure
for facilitating any public comment?” (BM) This will be noted at the Public
Hearing. The Board will decide if it has enough information at the 21st
meeting. These amendments are not something that we can change and
there is a possibility that we will not need a second hearin g.
Dan Schroth noted that he never saw the notice in the Sun. (BM) explained
that because of time constraints, it was posted in the Concord Monitor.
(DS) noted that maybe we can improve this situation by making sure it gets
in the Sun where more people look for it and it can be noted.
(RH) Motion to Adjourn. (PM) Second. Carried 7-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 P.M.
Approved: March 6, 2008
___________________________ _________________________
Bill Miskoe, Vice-Chairman Date