February 5, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Dan Schroth noted that he had distributed copies of Tom and Dan Pandemic
Plan Update dated January 31, 2008. The articles basically indicate it is an
ongoing problem. In January, about 2 ½ M birds were destroyed in
60 countries and the one-hundredth person has died and it is still happening.
There was an article in Sunday’s paper noting “Tragedy U.S. Not Doing
More Preparation.” It is really so simple and does not involve any money
and would require only a little help. The question should be “What is the
plan for you and your family should an event like this occur?” All medical
facilities are overwhelmed and I had to learn this for myself. I would support
any plan. An idea would be to send some information to Police Chief a nd/or
Fire Chief so they could offer input to provisions during this occurrence.
Leon should have the telephone numbers of all the churches and local
businesses as a resource. There is something you can do. One thing would
be to minimize human contact. The BOS should try to make everyone
aware. If it does hit, it stays with us. The last one lasted 8 -12 months. Let
people know that people can be quarantined in their own home. Let people
know they should have masks and gloves as well as food supply. G et a plan
and add to it. It costs nothing. We haven’t done it. It is the responsibility of
your guys.
I have researched it and we have to start from somewhere. The Fire Chief
could be involved in the isolation support and then everyone would know
everyone’s responsibility. You have the beginning information. Give it
some serious thought.
Mark Wallace offered a brief explanation regarding how to activate the
Forest Management Plan for Town and deciding what to do with the
properties. He presented two suggested Warrant Articles on behalf of the
Conservation Committee.
Article A: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for the purpose of creating a Forest
Management Plan and authorize the withdrawal from the Forest
Management Capital Reserve previously established. (Fund balance is
$11,660.54 on 12-31-07)(….by the Budget Committee)(….by the Board of
Article B: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
Nineteen Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($19,500.) the net revenue
resulting from the most recent harvest of the Town owned Dustin Barker
Forest, to be added to the Forest Management Capital reserve, said sum to
come from the Town’s unreserved fund balance. (…by the Budget
Committee)(…by the Board of Selectman.)
The Board discussed various ways that this could be accomplished.
(AM) advised Mr. Wallace that the Board was just accepting his
presentation tonight and we will contact you in this regard.
Lee Adams related that there is an 8 x 3 ft. banner welcoming home those
troops who served in Iraq and is seeking a place to hang it. The banner will
indicate, Welcome Home, Thank You and the name of the individual either
coming home on leave or on a permanent basis. She indicated that this is a
small town and she has about 14-16 names currently. She noted that she is
seeking a temporary place to hang the sign at the present time, and at the
appropriate time, this sign can be donated to either the American Legion o r
the Historical Society. Several locations were suggested and it was agreed
that it could at least temporarily hang from the third floor windows of the
Town Hall. (EV) noted that it can at least start here and then maybe some
offers will come in for a permanent home when Spring comes. All Board
members were agreeable that the Town Hall would be an excellent starting
point to display banner.
Close Public Input
(EV) Youth Baseball and Candidates Night. (JL) Merrimack Valley Water
District. (LK) Generator, Conservation. (LKe) Three Handouts, Contracts,
and latest version of the Town Meeting Warrant Articles. (AM) suggested
that they discuss Contracts in Non-Public Session.
6:05 P.M.: County Attorney Dan St. Hillaire, Sheriff Scott Hilliard –
Criminal Justice Issues Including Illegal Drug Prevention and Violation
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91A:3 II (i). (EV)
Second. Carried 4-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and
all agreed.
Board went into Non-Public Session at 6:24 P.M. Board returned to Public
Session at 7:40 P.M.
Break at 7:41 P.M. Resume at 7:46 P.M.
1. Resignation of Cedric Dustin, III, from Trustees of Trust Funds.
(LK) Motion to accept resignation of Cedric Dustin, III, from Trustees of
Trust Funds. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (LKe) to write Thank You letter
for services rendered to Town of Pittsfield. He also noted that Bill
Provencal had applied for this position. If appointed, he would serve until
March election.
(AM) recused himself and was seated in the audience.
(LK) Motion to appoint Bill Provencal to the Trustees of Trust Funds
Committee. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) returned and was seated on the Board.
2. Final Budget Review
Board discussed the Contract figures as recently approved and configured by
Paul Skowran and Linda Small. Board reviewed the various projections for
2008, 2009, and 2010 for the Teamsters and AFT-NH. (LS) noted that there
are several part-time positions that are non-union employees and they would
also have to discuss those positions.
1. Fire Department – Incident Command System Training
(LKe) noted that this is a weekend training session pertaining to homeland
security requirements. Gary is an instructor for some of this and in order to
participate in anything pertaining to homeland security it requires that
individual have at least basic training.
2. Youth Baseball
(EV) related that several people approached him regarding the possibility of
posting some information in Town Hall on voting day regarding the
renovation/reconstruction of the Youth Baseball Field. This would contain
information relating that no tax monies are being spent on this project.
(AM) suggested sending request to Town Moderator. (EV) I will advise
him that BOS has no problem with this.
3. Candidates Night
(EV) related that the Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Candidates
Night on February 25, 2008 from 7-9 P.M. at the Pittsfield Middle High
School Lecture Hall. Each candidate is encouraged to include a one-page
commentary to be distributed in a packet to observers attending. No
materials will be distributed during/before meeting by attendees or others.
The Chamber of Commerce does not support or endorse any candidate.
4. Welcome Home Banner
(EV) Motion to allow Lee Adams to place Welcome Home Banner on Town
Property (notably Town Hall for now). (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
5. Merrimack Valley Water District
(JL) related that he had attended a meeting of the Merrimack Valley Water
District last Thursday night (January 31st). They are currently awaiting the
decision of the PUC. When that decision will be forthcoming is unknown,
due to the PUC’s current involvement in the Verizon sale. The attorney
involved noted that he thought it would be favorable to Nashua. I will keep
you advised as to what is happening.
(AM) noted that, perhaps, it would be best for the Town if it would seek a
conservation easement around Berry Pond so that no development can occur
and to keep the land protected. He related that the land is probably in
current use and it would cost Town the taxes and the legal fees. I feel Town
is saving money but not doing anything until we hear what has transpired
with Nashua and Pennachuck. The final ruling is important.
6. Generator
(LKe) related that this would be on the Agenda for next week.
7. “Tom and Dan” Pandemic Plan
(LK) I suggest we send the printed materials Dan Schroth distributed to
Police Chief and Fire Chief and maybe discuss at a Department Head
meeting. (LKe) indicated that this process has already been started. (AM)
This is a regional issue and I believe there is a regional organization that we
should reconnect with on this issue. There has to be a regional approach to
an issue like this. To be scheduled for next week.
8. Conservation
(LK) questioned whether BOS would be taking any action on the Warrant
Articles as proposed by the Conservation Committee. BOS discussed
several ways the warrant articles could be presented and agreed that it would
be condensed into the following Warrant Article:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000.) for the purpose of creating a Forest
Management Plan, said sum to come from the Town’s unreserved fund
balance. (…by the Budget Committee) (Recommended by the Board of
Selectman) (There is no impact on the tax rate.)
(LS) Motion to have Conservation Warrant Article read as indicated above.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LKe) to notify Mark Wallace regarding Warrant Article.
9. Handouts
(LKe) All have now been covered.
10. Update Town Meeting Warrant Articles
Several minor corrections were noted concerning the proposed Warrant
Articles. (LKe) noted that Articles 31, 32, 33 are Petition Articles. The only
outstanding Warrant Article is the recycling of revenue back into
Development Initiation Fund, which should be done soon.
1. Abatement of Sewer Charge – 65 and 175 Leavitt Road
(LKe) Board had discussed this last week and after further investigation it is
noted that these people were not only delinquent but the bill was sent to two
different addresses. Board suggested the date the mobile home was moved
be determined, whether abatement could be just for current year, why wasn’t
action sought sooner, can costs be split with Pennachuck, is someone going
to have to be refunded in part, and what exactly is the current bill? (LK)
noted that more information is required and legal advice should be sought in
this matter. It was agreed that Board would seek Ron’s opinion on the
consumption figures prior to the Board seeking legal advice on this matter.
2. CIP Status Update, 3. Space Needs Report, 4. Sewer Plan and
Abatement will be on the Agenda next week.
5. Comp Time Update
(LS) It was noted that there were some concerns about accumulation of time
and that the contract goes back to January 1, 2008. I have researched this,
and the 10 hours holiday pay and 10 hours sick pay are not indicated in this
policy. A memo should go out indicating that holiday pay will be in
accordance with the contract. People should not be paid for sick time on a
holiday. How can it be a scheduling issue if individual is out on sick leave?
I do not agree with this. Sick pay is not to be paid on holidays. A c opy of
the policy should be attached to the employee’s check. We should start
enforcing the contracts now and look at the payroll sheets every single week.
This should not be allowed to keep happening. We should keep on this and
enforce this and make it very clear. A memo should be done and kept in the
Personnel Index of Policy Book. BOS makes the policies and Town
Administrator enforces it.
6. Planning Board Town Meeting
(LK) Motion to approve Special Town Meeting to be held on April 8th
regarding proposed Zoning Ordinances revisions as prepared by Planning
Board and a Citizen Petition in reference to Zoning Ordinances changes.
(JL) Second. After discussion: Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to put forth the Citizen Petition Zoning Ordinance
amendments. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
It was noted that it will not indicate recommendation/non-recommendation
of BOS.
(LK) related that this should be properly noticed. He questioned what the
cost factor would be for this? (LS) noted approximately $1,500. (LK)
Maybe the Planning Board could take this out of the general fund to cover
the costs? (JL) will discuss with Bill Miskoe regarding this and advise.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to approve Payroll. (EV) Second.
(LS) Besides what we mentioned previously in regard to sick time and
holiday pay, the Building Inspector is not supposed to be paid overtime.
According to our discussions previously, he is not supposed to be paid
overtime. These are two part-time positions. I think we should agree there
will be no more comp time and overtime will be paid only when working
over 40 hours and vacation accrued on anniversary date. It was agreed t hat
(LKe) and (LS) would review pay sheets together.
(LK) Withdraw Motion to approve Payroll. (EV) Withdraw second.
(LS) Motion to not approve overtime for Building Inspector. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Public Session Minutes of January 29, 2008
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of January 29, 2008.
(LS) Second.
Several minor corrections were noted.
Vote: Carried 4-0.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of January 29, 2008.
These will be discussed in Non-Public Session.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c). (EV)
Second. Carried 4-0. Members of Board were polled individually and all
Board in Non-Public Session at 9:10 P.M.
Board returned to Public Session at 9:20 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 9:22 P.M.
Approved: February 14, 2008
__________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date