February 5, 2008 Minutes

Drug and Alcohol Community Coalition
Members present: Dan Ward, Denise Morin, John Webber, Jim Maestranzi, Matt Hanson
Called to order 1925
Next Meeting February 18,2008
School rep- Dr Freeman is supposed to contact us.
Bob to possibly write article for local publications on Coalition’s activities
D.A.R.E starting March 4th and 5th.
Review of previous meeting minutes
Minutes approved from previous meeting with two spelling /grammar errors
Denise- Future meetings may have more public input
Is PYW a good place to meet as opposed to changing places each meeting?
Dan- next meeting will start to become more structured
Ex 1st meeting will have may a training 2nd will be public input
New Business
This Wednesday will be the first young persons AA meeting
Dan- grant money is available for programs that focus on that age group
John- to contact TIPPS line to see how it works.
Discussion of how money that was appropriated for the Coalition can be used
It was the groups understanding that the money was set up under the police so it would be the police who would
approve how it was spent.
Dan- provided a flyer with information on underage drinking in NH. This was to support SPF funding
Dan -spoke of new stats that he had found out
Dan- proposed 1st task for Coalition
Recruiting a critical mass of participants
Gave overview of next four tasks
Dan- spoke of cough medicine abuse information that he had obtained at a conference.