February 5, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School

Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson (arrived 5:39)
Scott Brown
Michael Wolfe
Leslie Vogt
Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Richard Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES
Member of Faculty Carin Plante
Member of Student Body Jake Ramsey
Members of the Community Kathy Corliss
Ross Morse

Vice-Chairperson Brown called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.
Dr. Freeman added parent request, 403B plan, oil, student matter, legal matter (non-public session).
On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of January 22, 2009, as submitted.
PMHS Senior Jake Ramsey presented the Board with a proposal to hold a fundraiser for the United Cerebral Foundation called “Music in the Park”. The proposed date for this event is May 30, 2009, (May 31, 2009 as a rain date). He proposed that the event be held either at Drake’s Park or on the Hill at the High School.
There was a discussion on the logistics of this event, including electronic hook-up, types of music and the ability to charge admission. The Board unanimously approved the concept of this event and will support the proposal if all of the necessary criteria are met.
Kathy Corliss questioned if the Board had a policy regarding the use of the gym. This question arose due to a conflict where the 5th/6th grade basketball teams were unable to practice because the PMHS gym was being used by older students and the PES gym was being used by a group from another town.
Mr. Brown stated that there is a policy in place and it appears that the issue in this case is a scheduling conflict. He agreed that Pittsfield youth should have the first opportunity to use Pittsfield facilities.
Dr. Freeman stated that the administrative leadership team is reviewing this policy and will likely bring it forward at the next meeting.
Ms. Corliss stated that PMHS did a good job on the second issue of Panther Pause and that she was glad to see that Shakespeare has been added to the 8th grade curriculum. Ms. Corliss questioned if teachers have a say in the texts that are used in their classes. Dr. Freeman stated that teachers generally several texts for their classes and recommend which text is selected. Once selected, texts are generally used for 5+ years. There are also opportunities through the annual budget development process to request new texts.
Ross Morris informed the Board that he had contacted the Local Government Center regarding SB2. They discouraged him in trying to construct a Warrant Article around this issue.
A. Everyday Math Professional Development
Mr. Kilmister informed the Board that the second round of consultation with Mathematics Consultant Nancy Dorsky has focused on ensuring that the needs of all learners, especially struggling learners, are addressed during lessons. During the fifth grade math lesson observation, there was evidence that students participating in early morning math interventions are more prepared for and more engaged in lessons on the days they attended.
B. Mid-Year Discipline Data
Mr. Kilmister shared data that shows referrals to the Student Support Center continue to indicate a positive trend.
C. Report Card Reading
Mr. Kilmister informed the Board that he continues to proofread all teacher comments on report cards. This has allowed him to learn a lot about individual students and how they are doing, as well as teachers.
D. Visiting Artist
Mr. Kilmister stated that this year’s visual artist in residence is Segun Olorunfemi, a classically trained artist from Ibdan, Nigeria. He will be working with the art teacher, Ms. Stevens, and PES third graders on creating batik on rice paper. Parent volunteers are needed because batik involves hot wax…
E. Calendar
Mr. Kilmister provided a calendar of events scheduled at PES through the month of March. He noted that the PTO encouraged a “math night.” As a result, PES is holding a “math game night” on Thursday, February 12, 2009 with 5th and 6th graders taking the lead.
F. New Hampshire Excellence in Education Award Program
Mr. Kilmister informed the Board that PES will be presenting for Elementary School of Excellence on Monday February 9, 2009. This will be our 2nd year to apply.
A. Final Exams / Second Semester
Mr. Gremlitz informed the Board that first semester exams were completed last week and the second semester has started on a positive note.
B. Student Recognition
Mr. Gremlitz informed the Board that Senior Mercy Valdez has been selected by the NHIAA as a scholar-athlete from PMHS. She will be recognized next week at a ceremony in Concord.
C. Commissioner Visit
Mr. Gremlitz stated that it was a pleasure to welcome New Hampshire Department of Education Commissioner Dr. Lyonel Tracy to PMHS on January 26th. Dr. Tracy visited a number of classrooms, ate lunch with high school students, and addressed the faculty. Dr. Tracy noted the high level of engagement on the part of PMHS students. Articles on the visit can be seen on the school district website and the front page of the current issue of the Suncook Valley Sun.
D. PBIS Assembly
Mr. Gremlitz informed the Board that an assembly was recent held to report the results of the student survey, developed by the PBIS Universal Team, on the subject of behavioral expectations. The expectations will become part of a matrix that will define school-wide behavior and attitudinal norms for PMHS students. Faculty will reflect on the student produced data and add their input towards developing the school-wide behavior norms.
E. Second Quarter Grades
Mr. Gremlitz informed the Board that second quarter grades are being mailed to parents students this week.
F. Panther Pause
Mr. Gremlitz informed the Board that the latest edition of the school newsletter, Panther Pause, will be mailed with report cards. Copies of the newsletter were provided to the board members.
G. Calendar of Events
Mr. Gremlitz provided a calendar of events scheduled at PMHS through the month of February.
A. Student Matters
Ms. Stevens informed the Board that they received a call from another school district reporting that it the district currently has a student in placement whose parent now resides in Pittsfield; therefore, as of 1/1/09 they will no longer be paying for this placement. The cost of this placement is $630/day, or $230,000 per year. Because the parent resides in Pittsfield, the school district is fiscally responsible for these expenses. Proof of residence will be required prior to taking on any fiscal responsibility.
A. Residency Request
Dr. Freeman distributed a letter written by a parent requesting that her child be allowed to complete the school year at PES as the family had recently purchased a home in Barnstead. There was a discussion regarding when it would be appropriate to approve a request such as this. In the past, there have been approvals in the last quarter, but typically not this early in the year, close to the mid-year point. There was concern expressed that approval this early in the year would set a precedent that maybe harmful in the future.
On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to deny the request for this child to remain at Pittsfield Elementary School as a non-resident.

B. 403(b) Plan
Dr. Freeman informed the Board that the Federal Government now requires that a formal plan for the implementation of 403(b) Plans be established. He explained that the district has contracted with a service provider for management of 403(b) Plans; the cost to the district is a one-time fee of $1,000; further fees are born either by the Plan provider or the Plan contributor, the employee.
On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Brown the Board voted unanimously to adopt the 403(b) Plan Agreement as presented and that CPI Common Remitter and Compliance Services is authorized and instructed to execute the said Plan Agreement for and on behalf of the school district.
C. FY 10 Budget Process
Dr. Freeman informed the Board that the Budget Committee will vote on the proposed budget on February 13. He passed out last year’s budget handout to ensure that the format is acceptable. Ms. Vogt indicated that it may be clearer if there were more information on the warrant articles. Board members approved the format for this year’s budget budget handout. Dr. Freeman reported that he would complete the handout and forward to board members prior to the Budget Committee public hearing on February 11.
Dr. Freeman distributed a draft of the handout describing the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and a draft of the PMHS Gym roof Replacement originated by Ms. Vogt. Board members stated that the drafts look good for distribution.
There was a discussion regarding the Stimulus Bill and our need to be ready if funds become available. Dr. Freeman advised that he did not yet have updated information from the Jordan Institute or the structural engineer who inspected the gym roof. Ms. Vogt questioned whether announcements of the district’s intent should be made to officials. Dr. Freeman stated that he would put this question to the Jordan Institute.
Dr. Freeman distributed the draft of a letter written to the Pittsfield Community by Mr. Brown, representing the school Board, regarding SB 2 as a cover to an informational packet to be included in an upcoming issue of the Suncook Valley Sun. There was a discussion regarding whether information regarding SB2 should be disseminated and paid for by the school board or if this kind of information should be coming out of the SAU.
D. Warrant Articles
Dr. Freeman passed out the most recent draft of the Warrant Articles. There was discussion regarding how to best present Articles III and IV, the articles relative to food service and federal entitlement grants, in the most favorable format to educate voters. There was a concern expressed that the Budget Committee was confronted with this at the eleventh hour. It was decided that Warrant Article III would be retained as it has been presented in this format in the past and that Warrant Article IV would be removed. The Board directed Dr. Freeman to meet with representatives of the New Hampshire Division of Revenue Administration following the annual school district meeting to determine the proper course for addressing food service and federal grant revenues and expenditures.
E. Facility Energy Audit and Plan
Dr. Freeman informed the Board that the Jordan Institute has been provided with information requested to develop a proposal and cost estimate.
F. Oil
Dr. Freeman stated that by accepting the revised contract with Fuller Oil, the district has saved $9,500 to date on oil expenses.
G. Visit to District by Commissioner
Dr. Lyonel Tracy, New Hampshire Commissioner of Education, visited our Pittsfield schools on Monday, January 26. He toured both buildings, visited classrooms. and ate lunch with high school students; he also spoke to the district staff at the conclusion of his visit. He had nothing but positive remarks and observed that “no one personalizes education better than Pittsfield.” The SAU prepared an article for the district website and the Suncook Valley Sun.
Dr. Freeman stated that work with NECAP continues at both schools.

Mr. Kilmister stated that he has been analyzing the trends over the past four years and determined that the gap between Pittsfield students and the state average is wide at the lower end and narrows as the students gets older. This shows that the longer the students are with us, the closer they get to the state average. He noted that younger students are achieving better scores, but the scores of older students are flat or going down. The plan is to continue working with consultants and teachers to determine what needs to be done for improvement.

Mr. Gremlitz stated that there is a need to reduce the number of students who score below proficient and increase the number of students who score proficient and above. They are working with their math consultant to determine what to do with the information they get from the data. The “testing culture” at the Middle High School is an issue in that students do not see the test as meaningful for them, thus do not make their best effort. Many students have expressed “it isn’t graded, so it doesn’t matter.” PMHS is looking at the scheduling of testing and the possibility of providing breakfast and counseling to students prior to the tests.
Dr. Freeman stated that these tests do not always reflect true achievement levels because the format is not what elementary school students are used to and because of lack of motivation to perform well in the middle school and high school grades. Teachers have observed that some students who tested as “not proficient” are actually the among brightest and most proficient in that subject area.. Dr. Freeman also noted that reading may be an issue in that some math mistakes are a result of reading errors.
I. Termination
Dr. Freeman informed the Board that a custodian has been terminated.
Drake Field & Facilities – None (still snow covered)

Selectmen Liaison
Mr. Brown gave an update of citizens running for office.

Budget Representative
Ms. Vogt reminded board members that the Budget Committee’s public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 11, at the elementary school.

SAU Planning – None

Negotiating Team – None

Finance – None

Drug Awareness – None

X. NEXT MEETING – The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 19, 2009, at 5:30. at the Pittsfield Middle High School. The agenda will include:
Response to recommendations of Budget Committee
Warrant articles
SB 2 Public Hearing (7:00 p.m., Thursday, February 19)

Mr. Morse informed the Board that all letters to the editor for the Suncook Valley Sun must follow the 300 word limit. He stated that an information item, which the letter to the citizens of Pittsfield from the Board would be, is not subject to the 300 word limit.
At 7:29 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to enter into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Mr. Brown, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A: 3 II (c) (e).
The board discussed a special education student’s program.
The board discussed a matter currently under litigation.
No action was taken in non-public session.
At 7:50 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt to conclude the non-public session and to re-enter open session. The board was polled and voted unanimously (Mr. Brown, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to re-enter into open session.
On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Rose
Alternate Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman
Non-Public Session and Subsequent Open Session Recording Secretary