February 6, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 02/06/2008
1) Meeting called to order at 5:35 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Deb Jordan (DJ), Helen Schiff (HS), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), Matt Monahan
(MM) representing (CNHRPC). Also attending: Susan Muenzinger (SM), Linda Small (LS),
Leon Kenison (LK) and Gene Marcott.
2) Minutes from 1/23/08 were reviewed and accepted.
3) WI-FI contract review
a. Veronica Francis from Wicked WiFi met with Leon Kenison last week to make a
recommendation where the wifi equipment would go
b. She prepared a contract for our review
c. There was some discussion about different items in the contract, including whether there
would be a warranty or maintenance agreement
d. Tech support-will there be a local person or is it part of what the vendor would do
e. A motion was made and seconded, to see if we could vote to send the contract to the Select
Board for their approval or denial. Majority approved, 1 nay.
4) LDC Document review
a. It was voted unanimously to establish an LDC with the name of Pittsfield Economic
Development Corp.
b. In the Articles of Agreement draft , Articl 2, p 1 – delete the phrase “of low income
residents”. This was a unanimous decision
c. PEDC incorporators: Helen Schiff, James Hetu, Linda Samll, Ed Vien, Gene Marcotte.
d. Everyone was asked to read the Articles of Agreement and By-laws and be prepared to vote
on the formation of the PEDC and it’s Executive Board at the next meeting.(i.e. President,
VP, Secretary and Treasurer)
e. When this is done, the PEDC can proceed with applying for tax exempt status and record the
articles of incorporation and by-laws with the State of NH.
5). Jane Pauley wrote to Leon Kenison with the following:
“ I am writing to you on behalf of Congressman Hodes. The Congressman would like to convene a
roundtable bringing together Federal and State officials to discuss ways in which resources might be
made available to the town of Pittsfield. I am looking at two dates in February, the 18th or 21st in the
afternoon. Would either of those dates work for you and for those on your end you feel that it would
be appropriate to include?”
Thursday, February 21st from 2:30-4:30pm approx. was chosen as the best date.
6). Our next meeting is Wednesday February 13, at 5:30 pm.
7). Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso
Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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