February 7, 2007 Minutes

Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes – 02/07/07
1) Meeting called to order at 5:35 pm by Lester Firstenberger. In attendance: Robert
Pollock, Jr. (RP) a Landscape Architect representing the Central NH Regional Planning
Commission, Deb Jordan (DJ), Wayne Gallup (WG), Lester Firstenberger (LF), Merrill
Vaughan (MV), Ed Vien (EV), Karen Vanderpool (KV), Matt Monahan (MM)
representing the CNHRPC.
2) The minutes of 01/17/07 and 01/24/07 were reviewed and approved as written without
3) Sign
a. DJ stated that the Pittsfield Chamber of Commerce is not opposed to changing the
signs. They would like to see it at the corner of Concord Hill Road where it is
most needed. The Chamber has requested other design submissions and
breakdowns of the associated costs and they require final approval. It was noted
that Gene Specialoski should be contacted for approval as the sign is on his
property and that all contacts should be made through and on behalf of the
b. LF asked if the Chamber would be responsible for getting other designs, DJ
replied that they would have to come from other sources.
c. LF wanted to know about the time frame for the sign project. DJ stated that there
are no time constraints as far as the Chamber is concerned and it should be done
as soon as possible.
d. LF requested a commitment from a committee member to get other designs. WG
suggested putting an ad in the community paper. Several committee members
expressed interest in a contest for the design. WG will draft a submission to the
4) Louden Races
a. EV is waiting for Ron Meade to call back. EV will follow up with a phone call
and/or e-mail.
b. Several committee members stressed the advantages of tying in community events
with new programs at the races.
5) Canadian Bike Races
a. DJ could not find any new information.
b. WG stated that the track appears to be set on the West side of I-93 and will not be
near Pittsfield.
c. The committee agreed that this will not benefit Pittsfield in any way therefore the
matter no longer needs to be pursued.
6) Main Street Program
a. WG said we are waiting for applications and examples of successful applications
to be forwarded to us. MM added that we are also waiting for information on
funding options to be forwarded to us.
7) Agenda for 02/14/07
a. MM will review a draft of the Maps
b. WG will have parking information
c. MM will re-cap this evening’s Trail discussion
d. Review of Pending Items
Economic Development Committee
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8) Bond Issue
a. LF suggested tabling the issue for the moment for various reasons and met with
no opposition.
9) Brown Field
a. MM will try to set up an appointment for a representative to appear before the
committee in a few weeks with information regarding Federal Grants.
10) Trails Presentation
a. Robert (Bob) Pollock, Jr., Landscape Architect for the Central NH Regional
Planning Commission, presented hypothetical examples of some possibilities for
the process of setting up trials in our town.
b. See attached packet for detailed notes as provided by RP.
c. Liability issues are covered.
d. Trail Heads need to be developed and maintained.
e. It becomes very difficult to find volunteers to maintain trails.
f. DJ inquired about marketing the trails. RP suggested getting a book published to
sell, newspaper inserts and posting information on the web.
11) Meeting was adjourned at 6:43 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________ on: ________________
Karen Vanderpool Date