January 9, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 01/09/2008
1) Meeting called to order at 5:06 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Deb Jordan (DJ), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), Also attending: Linda Small (LS), Susan
Muenzinger (SM), Leon Kenison (LK), and Gene Marcotte (GM).
2) Minutes from 1/2/08 reviewed and accepted. Corrections needed to be made: on 5B Zoning
Board, and 10 next meeting will be January 9, 2008.
3) YMCA survey follow-up
a. 91 surveys returned so far.
b. Some will be going to Globe, and JH will bring some to PMHS.
c. There was a very favorable response to it.
4) Website
a. Clayton Woods (the chair person of the website committee) will come to our meeting
January 23 to discuss how to improve our website.
b. Are there too many links?
c. Do we need to list all the members or just list a contact person?
d. Should we insert a picture of a new business and one that has been here a while?
e. What is the purpose of the web page? If it is to attract new business we should put in
things they would look for
f. Can go to www.Freeaddesigner.com to see how to set one up
5) Kentek – still looking for a site that would be suitable for them
6) Discussion about designating a TIF district (Tax Increment Financing)
a. Better to have a small area rather than entire downtown area.
a. It lowers the taxes for a new business so they can make improvements to a structure.
c. The difference in value is used to pay down a bond so the remaining taxpayers do not have to
float the bond.
d. Need to prepare a warrant article for the town meeting in March.
7) LDC update
a. LK sent by-laws to LS. She will have it ready for us soon.
8) Waste water treatment – our letter was e-mailed to Ron
9) Our next meeting is January 16, 2008. The following week we will attend the Select Board’s
meeting on January 22, then have our meeting as usual on January 23, 29008.
10) Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso