January 1, 2008 Minutes

Drug and Alcohol Community Coalition
Members present: Dan Ward, Denise Morin, John Webber, Larry Konopka, Jim Maestranzi, Robert Wharem
Called to order 1902
Input- Diversion- Clean up cemeteries starting in April. One Saturday a month
Coalition still working on development
Larry Konopka- motion to make Dan Ward Chairman. Second made by Denise Morin
Vote to accept Dan Ward as Chairman- yes
Discussion on school rep being present for these meetings
Linda Small would like an update for the Pittsfield Press
Dan to provide Linda the information as well as to other local publications
Update on Crime watch. 1 person called with interest. That person would not be an appropriate person to head
up the group.
John to give Larry K a format for the watch program. Larry K to bring to selectmen
Matt Hanson- looking to be on the Committee (Coalition)
Will be starting a young person’s AA in town
May be looking at another group that would be faith based
Report from the Police
DARE is starting soon
Will be meeting with landlords about problem tenants
Letters going home from PPD to parents of students in trouble.
School is notified when a student is caught with Drugs/Alcohol for other school sanctions
Wheels are in motion for programs that will help reduce the crime.
JPPO Brazier to be contacted by John to invite her to a meeting.
K-9 Program would take $15,000 for start up
Warrant article due February 5, 2008
Internet Safety Class
No one had gotten back to Bob
It is the groups understanding that the $10,000.00 appropriated for Coalition programs rolls over to next year.
Decided to hold off on printing the town brochure, discussion of places to put them
Dan spoke about getting all of the key stakeholders in town together
Gave a recent example of a young person who may have died of a drug overdose as a reason we are all together
doing this.
Denise put together a large list of businesses and programs in town.
Group added more
List to be divided up and a strategdy put together on how to approach each
Discussion of getting programs into schools and the roadblocks that are being faced.
Next meeting February 4th and then February 18th.