January 10, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

Town of Pittsfield
Budget Committee
January 10, 2007
Members present: E. Bahr, W. Case, C. Dustin, C. Keuenhoff, L. Okrent,
M. Paradise (School Board rep), J. Prue, H. Schoppmeyer, L. Small (Select
Board rep), M. Vaughan.
Members absent: L. Deane, G. Gilman
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.
Minutes of the January 3, 2007 meeting were approved as corrected.
School officials present were Toby Eaton, School Administrator; Dr. Bill Compton,
Superintendent; and Tobi Chasse, Special Education Administrator. Also present was
Scott Brown, Chairman of the School Board.
Members were given handouts of the revised proposed school budget. The elementary
budget remains unchanged, but there are changes in the middle/high school budgets.
The proposed 2007-2008 budget represents a 1.85% increase. This represents a $0.53
impact on the tax rate. The district assessment is considerably higher than the last
year’s assessment. The budget increase and the higher district assessment combined with
an increase in the State Education Tax Rate yields an overall tax impact increase of
Many cuts are apparent in the proposed budget, as the School Board was trying to
achieve a goal of holding the budget to under a 2% growth. Another factor is that
there will be a decrease in outside revenues.
This budget does not include new teacher contract items. This contract amount will
be in a warrant article. Needed maintenance items will also be included in
a warrant article.
Committee members studied the Elementary School budget.
Health insurance increase is at 10.9%. 6 positions have been cut at the Elementary
level. One of these positions is the media support staff (librarian). The Special Education
tuition private school will increase by $122,390 due to out of district placement for 2
students. Rates for retirement have also increased significantly. Transportation for
Special Ed will increase by $90.000 due to out of district placement. There are no field
trips planned for elementary students, and the position of transportation monitor has
been eliminated.
A brief discussion was held concerning Barnstead withdrawing from the SAU
District. The town will vote in March. If they vote to withdraw, this will take
effect the following year, 2008. The increased cost of this action to the town
of Pittsfield will be in the area of $80,000-$100,000.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 17, 2007. Under discussion
will be the Middle School budget and , if time, the High School budget.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM
Joan M. Prue, clerk