January 10, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 5:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Dan Schroth noted he wanted to clarify that (AM) had said something at the
Ethics Committee Hearing to the effect, “If you don’t agree with Dan
Schroth, this is what will happen. I have a question for you and you can
answer me or not. Back in November, you recused yourself from a matter
regarding the Pittsfield Players but not during the session when there was a
discussion on taxpayers paying for security for the Rotary-sponsored
Balloon Rally and you are a Rotary member. Why didn’t you recuse
yourself then?” (AM) noted that he would not answer. Mr. Schroth noted
he would ask him again and again at every meeting.
(LS) Three different Non-Public issues, Budget Items. (LK) Letter
regarding Abandoned Cats, Two Non-Public issues. (EV) Pittsfield Players.
(LKe) Holiday Calendar, Memo Relative to Budget Changes, School Board
Letter, Workshop Announcement, Arrest Log, Draft of Warrant Articles,
Larry Berube Letter, End of Year Budget Report.
1. Welfare Lien, Map U-01, Lot 57
(LK) Motion to accept Welfare Lien, Map U-01, Lot 57. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
2. BCEP Solid Waste District FY2008 – Budget Revised
(LS) Motion to accept BCEP Budget FY2008. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. NHDOT Highway Block Grant Aid CY2008 – Revised.
(LS) Motion to accept NHDOT Highway Block Grant Aid CY2008.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. 2007 Encumbrances & Non-Lapsing Obligations – Revised.
(LS) Motion to accept 2007 Encumbrances and Non-Lapsing Obligations in
the amount of $269,553.05 (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
5. Tax Abatement – Jason Paquette
(LK) Motion to approve Tax Abatement for Jason Paquette. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
6. Central NH Regional Planning Commission – 2008 Dues
(LS) Motion to approve payment of CNHRPC dues in the amount of $4,589
for 2008. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
7. Budget Items
(LS) In regard to the Ambulance Fund overtime, a Warrant Article should
be proposed as to why we are taking it out of the Special Revenue Fund to
fund eight hours of the 48 hour workweek and any over expended amount of
the ambulance overtime or on-call personnel budgeted line items, and
paramedic intercepts. Board discussed what funds are utilized for, agreed
that this should not be discontinued and that it is interpreted differently by
different inviduals. Therefore, a Warrant Article will be drawn up to cover
(LK) also noted along these same lines in regard to the on-call pay for
firefighters. He posed the scenario that if a full-time employee who has
worked a full week and then is on-call as a firefighter, what would be the
Union thoughts in regard to this situation? (EV) noted that they would work
as full-time ambulance employee and then come in as a different capacity as
an on-call firefighter. However, when position becomes EMT/Firefighter,
then it may be a problem.
8. Holiday Calendar
(LKe) noted that Cara has presented a new Holiday Calendar for 2008 and
for information purposes, it would be helpful if Board approved it. (EV)
noted that it was discussed previously that on those Mondays which are
holidays and there are no late hours that, perhaps, it would be a good idea to
work the late hours on Tuesdays. (LKe) noted that this should be posted two
to three weeks in advance. Board discussed whether the Friday after
Christmas 2008 the Town Hall would be closed and whether employees
would be charged leave time for this day. No decision was made on these
matters until they could be discussed with employees.
(LS) Motion to approve Holiday Calendar as presented for 2008.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
9. Budget Changes
(LKe) noted that there were two items to review, namely the Police
Department digital recording device from the operating budget of 2008 and
the additional standards now required of the audit, which is going to cost
about $20,000 for 2007 due to the fact that it will take double the time.
(LK) noted that we should put it out to bid. (LKe) noted that there is a
contract in place for one more year. He noted that presently there is
$11,000, which has been budgeted, and therefore, another $9,000 will be
(LK) Motion to approve an additional $9,000 for the audit. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LKe) regarding the Police Department digital recording device –
(LK) Motion to approve $10,500 for Police Department digital recording
device. (LS) Second. Carried 3-1 (LS).
10. Pittsfield Players
(EV) The Pittsfield Players should be advised that it will be necessary that
they develop any Warrant Article, whether the Board decides to support it or
not. (LKe) to contact them to advise them accordingly.
11. Cats Letter
(LK) suggested that Chief of Police and (LKe) meet with her regarding the
abandoned cats situation. Some time should be spent with her to address her
concerns. (LKe) to do.
12. Planning Board Proposal
(LK) related that he was confused regarding the Planning Board’s Warrant
Article. About two to three months ago, the Planning Board spent about
$500 on copies of a proposed Zoning Ordinance revisions. Now that is
something that is not being considered, but we have an attorney bill in the
amount of $250 for review of Zoning Ordinances as submitted by Planning
Board. However, the Planning Board has now another set of ordinances,
which they are reviewing. (LKe) noted that he has supplied each Selectman
with a copy of the proposed Ordinance changes, which they will be
changed/adopted/finalized at their next meeting. (LK) questioned why the
Planning Board spent all this money and yet it is not a final draft? (JL)
noted that it will not be final until Planning Board holds their next meeting,
which is on January 21st. (LK) noted that when something like this is done,
the last thing should be the legal advice. (JL) noted that the procedure is not
well formed. It is late in the game, but this is what the Planning Board is
looking at. (LK) The last one is 67 pages long, double sided, and will be
quite a considerable cost to put in as a Warrant Article. (JL) noted that,
perhaps, there would be some other way to do it, like display at the Town
Hall. (LK) It is kind of short notice to hold a Public Hearing now for 67
pages Warrant Article. (JL) noted that he did agree but all members of the
Planning Board and Zoning Board are entitled to a copy. We could post the
copy for the public somewhere. (AM) noted that the legal aspect of
something like this should be filtered through (LKe) and it should not be
done without his approval or Board of Selectman approval.
13. School Board Letter
(LKe) noted that this letter came in on January 9th addressing the issue
concerning the School Board Budget. (LS) noted that this letter does not
address the letter that we sent regarding what could have been a budget
catastrophe. (AM) noted that the letter that he sent went to their Chairman
and was received in a timely fashion. “They do not meet on a regular basis
and Leslie was not aware the letter had been received. I am not sure that the
letter requested a response nor were we expecting a response.” (LS) noted
that the rest of the School Board was not privy to that letter and Leslie
should have been aware of it so she could address it. Board discussed
further why the letter was sent, whether this affected the tax rate, how error
was found, that communication should remain open and how this could have
14. Workshops
(LKe) noted that there is an upcoming workshop that might be of interest to
Board members.
15. Arrest Logs
(LKe) These are noted in your packets of information.
16. Warrant Articles
(LKe) related he had begun the process of developing the proposed Warrant
Articles and has done several and the ones completed should be considered
as drafts. He noted that there are several that he is working on such as funds
raised by the Economic Development Committee, raising the expendable
reserve fund, CIP equipment purposes purchases, and removing the old
alarm system.
(AM) noted that the Warrant Article should indicate that any funds raised by
the Economic Development Committee should go in a fund. (LS) noted that
the monies should not be limited just to property purchases but for other
purchases/things that might help the Town. We should all review these and
then we would be able to offer some feedback.
17. Tax Impact
(LS) noted that she now has a spreadsheet from Cara and as it stands now,
there will be a 12 cents increase which does not include the Warrant Articles
and what we approved tonight.
18. Larry Berube Letter
(LKe) noted that this letter was hand-delivered to him today requesting any
information regarding the investigation to be provided to him. I advised him
that the investigation was in progress. (LK) noted that he would like to be
updated as to what is happening. “This was a serious issue last summer”
19. Draft of Year End Information of Budget
(Lke) noted that on Page 15, it is noted a balance of .09% ($3,900.26).
(LS) noted that this is way too low.
1. HSA Meeting Minutes (9/17, 11/19, and 12/17/07)
(LKe) noted that at previous meeting, Board members had not seen the HSA
Committee Minutes and two of those three are now posted on the Website
and the third will be after they have been approved.
(LK) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (JL) Second. Carried 3-1 Abstain (LS).
Payroll was initially done previously at Town Meeting.
1. Minutes of Public Session of December 27, 2007.
(LK) Motion to approve Minutes of Public Session of December 27, 2007.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Minutes of Non-Public Session of December 27, 2007.
(LK) Motion to approve Minutes of Non-Public Session of
December 27, 2007. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Minutes of Non-Public Session #2 of December 27, 2007
(LK) Motion to approve Minutes of Non-Public Session #2 of
December 27, 2007 Continued. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Minutes of Website Committee
(LKe) At a previous meeting, Board mentioned they would be interested in
reviewing the Minutes of the Website Committee and yo u have all been so
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91A:3 II (a). (JL)
Second. Carried 4-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and
all agreed.
Public Session was adjourned t 6:10 P.M.
Approved:January 22, 2008
____________________________ ____________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date